Title: P1247676904eMrXc
1Johns Hopkins Asthma Allergy Center
Healthcare SCORM Showcase Asthma Education,
Adherence and Health Beliefs Tao Le, MDResearch
Fellow, Division of Clinical Allergy and
ImmunologyJohns Hopkins University School of
MedicineCo-founder, Medsn, Inc. May 10, 2004
2Disclosures and Funding
- Co-founder and consultant to Medsn
- Minority equity stake in Medsn managed by Johns
Hopkins University Office of Policy Coordination - Some research presented funded by
- NHLBI 5R01HL073494-02
- NHLBI 5R01HL064200-03
- NHLBI 5R01HL064199-03
- Johns Hopkins
- Cynthia Rand, PhD
- Susan Bartlett, PhD
- Robert Wise, MD
- Andrew Bilderback
- Jerry Krishnan, MD
- Peter Creticos, MD
- Ed Horowitz
- American Lung Association-Asthma Clinical
Research Centers
- Medsn
- Tarun Mathur
- Richard Currier, PhD
- Prashant Rao
- Ian Williams
- Allen Levinson
- Dennis Bonilla
4The Asthma Burden in America
- 2001National Health Interview Survey
- 31.3 MM Americans dx with asthma during lifetime
- 20.3 MM currently have asthma
- 12 MM had at least one asthma exacerbation
- 2002 direct and indirect costs 14B
American Lung Association, 2003
5Education as An Intervention
- A key component of most asthma guidelines
- NAEPP Expert Panel Report 2002 Update
- International Consensus Report on Diagnosis and
Treatment of Asthma 1992
JACI 2002110(5)S183-S195
6Asthma Education for Self-Management
- Cochrane meta-analysis of 36 trials involving
6090 participants - Education about asthma and self-management with
regular health provider review led to - ? emergency department visits
- ? hospitalizations
- ? lost days of work
- ? QOL
Gibson, Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2003
7Barriers to Education
- Survey of pulmonary training programs
- 64 had formal patient education programs
- 72 were at university programs
- Reasons for not having a program
- Too expensive
- Too time consuming
- Lack of reimbursement
Peterson, J Asthma. 200138261-267
8Potential Advantages of Interactive Multimedia
- Free up personnel resources
- Low incremental costs
- Delivers standardized, yet tailored education
- Can be updated via a network
- Can be integrated into clinic visits
- Equivalent or superior re knowledge transfer vs.
other formats
9IMM Patient Education
- One 20 minute module
- Social-cognitive learning theory
- Self-efficacy, symbolic learning, vicarious
learning, goal setting, value setting, time to
results, motivation, role modeling, symbolic
associations, personalization and social
persuasion, feedback - Activity-based learning
- Problem solving and discovery learning
10IMM Patient Education
11An Education Paradigm
Health Outcomes
12SCORM Issues
- Compliant with SCORM 1.2
- Follow content aggregation book
- Content packaging metadata
- SCOs
- Course
- Modules
- Frames
- Quizzes and interactivities at the end of a
13Impact of Expectations and Beliefs on Adherence
- 31 adults with asthma on daily inhaled steroids
therapy enrolled in the AIRS adherence trial - Collected baseline data on inhaled steroids
expectations and beliefs - Adherence x 1 mo prospectively measured with
Le et al., unpublished data
14Impact of Expectations and Beliefs on Adherence
with ICS treatment
Le et al., unpublished data
15Study Design
- Health Literacy
- Asthma Control
- Asthma QOL
- Asthma Knowledge
- Asthma Beliefs
- Outcomes Expectancy
50 Asthma Patients
- 4 pg, color illus.
- Equiv. content
16Tao Le, MD tao_at_jhmi.edu tao.le_at_medsn.com