Title: Our First Years Journey
1Azusa Unified School District
- Our First Years Journey
- As a
- DAIT Pilot District
2Azusa USD Panel MembersContact 626 967-6211
- Cynthia Cervantes McGuire, Superintendent
- Alexis Ruiz- Alessi, Asst. Supt., Educational
Services - Ena Pastora, Director ELL Services/Instructional
Services - Sharron Lindsay, Director, Curriculum,
Instruction, Assessment - Susan Mummert, Director of Categorical Programs
and Instructional Support - Sara Shankin, Director MS/Technology
- Lydia Estep, Senior Director, Pupil Services
- Gayle Odell, Ed.D. DAIT Lead, LACOE
3The DAIT TeamActing with Intentionality
- Building Trust
- The Speed of Trust
- Hedgehog Concept
- Good to Great
- Natural Planning Model
- Getting Things Done
- Six Circle Model
- Leadership and the New
- Science
4Six Circle Model
5Hedgehog Concept
- Blueprint for Adult and Student Learning
- The Fundamental Belief
- The greatest impact on student achievement is
quality instruction, a process over which
educators have control. Therefore, the most
direct way to increase student learning is for
teachers to continually improve instructional
practice, and for educational leaders to
continually improve the courageous and
influential leadership practices necessary for
continuous improvement to thrive. -
6Blueprint for Adult and Student Learning
- Overarching Theme Continuous Improvement
- ?A steady, ceaseless increase in value
- ?A commitment embraced by proficient
professionals - The Areas of Focus
- 1. Strengthen the instructional core
- 2. Increase the effectiveness of the program for
English Language Learners - 3.Implement an accountability system for adults
and students - The Context for Implementation
- ? Essential Elements of Effective Instruction
(E3I ) -
7Strengthening the Instructional Core
- By increasing
- Teacher knowledge and skill
- Student Engagement
- Challenging standards-based curriculum
8The Essential Skill Sets for Teachers
- Use the components of lesson design, a
decision-making model, effectively - Use the variables of motivation appropriately to
motivate students - Ask questions and prepare learning activities at
various levels of Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy to
promote higher level thinking
9The Essential Skill Sets for Teachers
- Organize and implement a standards-based
curriculum to support student understanding of
the subject matter -
- Collect and use multiple sources of
information/data to assess student learning and
make instructional decisions -
- Plan and implement classroom procedures and
routines that support appropriate student
behavior and learning -
10DAIT Action Plan
11Increase the Effectiveness of the Program for
English Language Learners
- Summary Report of Findings Regarding Program for
English Language Learners - Strengths
- Core materials and ELD instructional materials
are available in all classrooms. - An extremely high percentage of your teachers
have met credential requirements to teach ELL. - Those instructing in Spanish speak the language
very well. - Azusa has hired personnel that match the student
population, who are culturally sensitive, and who
speak Spanish. - Middle school newcomers were clustered at Center
Middle School to ensure appropriate instruction
and support. - The District has met all CPM requirements for
12Program for English Learners
- Concerns
- There is not a clear, articulated program for
English Language Learners - English Language Development is not a part of
many English Learners instructional program. - There is a need for a District protocol for
placing ELL students in appropriate programs that
is adhered to by each person making those
13DAIT Action Steps to Alleviate Concerns
- Incorporated an English Language Development
Handbook in the ELL Master Plan that describes
placement procedures, instructional time
allocations, and instructional program components - Principals/Curriculum APs/Counselors were
trained to implement the procedures outlined in
the ELL Handbook - Provided district training to schools ensure the
implementation of quality English Language
Development lessons
14DAIT Action Steps to Alleviate Concerns
- Educational Services Personnel and Principals
co-facilitated training for school staff and
parents on the ELL Master Plan - Developed AUSD criteria aligned to CDE guidelines
to ensure consistency of identification and
interventions for strategic and intensive
students - Provided training in how to teach Academic
Vocabulary within the context of E3I, Edge, and
SB472 and follow-up trainings - Hired elementary ELD support teachers
15Implement an Accountability System for Adults and
- The Essential Skill Sets for Administrators
- Coaching-Embedded Leadership
- Incorporate coaching into daily individual and
group conversations centered on professional
practice and its impact on student learning - Maintain a respect-expect balance
- Provide data-based affirmative and corrective
feedback on implementation of essential skill
sets - Apply differentiated coaching approaches
- Coach for insights, commitment, and action
16Change of Principal Workshop
- Helps to promote continuous improvement and a
collaborative culture and lessens the resistance
to change. - All staff are surveyed
- Leadership Team analyzes the survey results and
presents the Strengths of the school and the
Situations in Need of Attention (SITNAs) to the
new principal - Plans are made to develop an action
plan to address the SITNAs.
17Accountability SystemThe Essential Skill Sets
for Administrators
- 2. Courageous Conversations
- Set clear expectations
- Implement a solution-focused approach to
leadership - Initiate conversations around essential skill
sets for teachers and administrators -
- Lead, model, and set expectations for consistent,
substantive collaboration regarding quality
instruction, common assessments, student work,
interpretation of multiple data sources, and
re-teaching - Confront low performance
18 Accountability System Azusa DAIT Plan E3I
Implementation Commitment Rubric
- Commitment defined as
- an act of committing to a charge or trust
- Commit defined as
- to carry into action deliberately to obligate
or pledge oneself - Principal developed
19Accountability SystemDAIT Plan/School Plans
- Each DAIT Plan Action Step is in each School Plan
for Student Achievement - We established our priorities through the DAIT
process and then aligned our budget to these
priorities - High Priority and QEIA plans match the priorities
in the DAIT Plan - DAIT Action Steps are integrated in WASC Plans
20Accountability SystemStudent Assessment
- Data Road Shows
- Data used to provide rationale and purpose for
DAIT Action Steps - Dennis Fox administrator training regarding
analysis and presentation of data to staff and
parents - Grade level/subject area scheduled reflection
time around benchmark results
21Year 2 of Our Journey
- Deeply implement the action steps we began last
by monitoring and providing quality follow-up - Develop a plan to implement Response to
Instruction and Intervention (RtI2) in 2008-09 - Provide a quality K-12 Mathematics Program by
purchasing State Board of Education adopted (K-8)
or Standards aligned instructional materials
(9-12) including intervention materials, and by
training teachers in research based instructional
strategies to use teaching the core program, with
an emphasis on grades 6-12 mathematics.
22 AUSD RtI2 Beliefs
- We believe in the practice of
- providing each student high quality instruction
and interventions matched to student need - monitoring student progress frequently to make
decisions about changes in instruction or goals
and - applying student response data to important
educational decisions for all students including
those with special needs, leads to increased
student achievement.
23Wildly Successful OutcomePhilosophy of RtI2
- The Azusa Unified School District will implement
a system of Response to Instruction and
Intervention (RtI2) practices in order to
establish differentiated structures within the
general education setting that curtail the cycle
of failure and promote early intervening student
24Wildly Successful OutcomeMathematics
- Improved mathematics instruction through the
training and follow-up of E3I and SB472 enhanced
by DAIT mathematics coaches - Development and implementation of Districtwide
mathematics pacing guides and benchmark
assessments. - Enhancement of student supports through the
collaborative design and implementation of a
system of interventions (RtI2)
25At the Rest Stop on Our Journey
- We asked ourselves
- What are the things we are most proud of as part
of the DAIT process that we would want to share
with our colleagues across the State?
26The Rewards of the Journey
- Even though the journey was hard and was
difficult at times, and generated lots of work
and unknowns, there was much change and lots of
learning. - We now have an agreed upon focus and are making
efforts to follow through. - Initiatives are limited to the DAIT Plan so
full implementation will take place and the focus
will not be lost. - Having outside eyes and critical friends
helped us look at things in a new way. - Communication between and among the District
and schools has increased. - We have accomplished so much!
27Our Best Advice
- Determine your Hedgehog Concept
- Determine your Wildly Successful Outcomes
- Dont end a meeting without determining your next
action steps and assigning responsibilities - Pay attention to the Below the Green Line
aspects of your culture - Establish a culture of trust and
continuous improvement.
- Comments
- THANK YOU for your dedication to the education of
our future generation!
- Allen, David (2001) Getting Things Done. Penguin
Group, New York www.davidco.com - Collins, Jim (2002) Good to Great. Harper
Business - Covey, Stephen M.R. (2006) The Speed of Trust.
Simon Schuster, Inc, New York - Kubinec, Jannelle, School Services of California,
916 -446-7517 - Tabor, Marilyn, Organizational Dynamics
Associates, Inc. 949-452-4011 - Response to Intervention Blueprint for
Implementation District Level National
Association www.nasdse.org/Portals/O/District.pdf
of State Directors of Special Education, Inc - Wheatley, Margaret (1992) Leadership and the New
Science. Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco - Zuieback, Steve, www.stevezuieback.com