2Historical Development ofLaw and Poverty
3English Poor Laws
4Map of England
6From Murraystate poor law show
7Edward III 1327-1377
81349-1350 Statutes of LaborersEdward III
- prohibition of begging
- prohibition of almsgiving
- compulsory work for all under 60
- maximum wages
- people restricted to own town
9Categorization of poor on ability to work
10(No Transcript)
111531 - 1536 Poor Relief Statutes
- positive obligations and negative sanctions
121531 - 1536 Negative Sanctions
- punishment of beggars and vagabonds
- worries about the wandering poor
- only licensed poor were allowed to bet only
aged and disabled were given licenses - begging without a license was a crime
- crime to give to non-licensed beggars
- poor begging children (5 to 14) could be taken
from families as apprentices
131531 - 1536 Positive Obligations
- local responsibility for disabled or aged poor
- local financing and administration
- punishment for those who refused to work
- assistance limited to three year residents
141563 Statute of Artificers
- compulsory work for poor
- could not leave community without written
permission - poor children as young as 1 were apprenticed
15Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601
- Local Responsibility (parish)
- Primary Family Responsibility
- Settlement and Removal
16(No Transcript)
17Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601divided poor people
into four groups
- needy neighbors who could not work
- needy neighbors who could work
- needy strangers who could not work
- needy strangers who could work
Only help was for first group
18Settlement and Removal
- only helped worthy residents who were settled
in jurisdiction (parish) - outsiders, even worthy, were removed
191822 English poor rate summons from
201747 English poor rate settlement document from
21English poor rate removal notice 1836 from
22Colonial Poor Laws
23Colonial Poor Laws
- came from English Poor Laws
- built on Puritan Ideology
- use Public-Private Partnership
24Key Elements of Colonial Poor Laws
- Local Responsibility (parish)
- Inter-generational Family Responsibility
- Settlement Laws
- Forced Imprisonment for the Idle
25Colonial Settlement
- Followed English Law
- Especially poor arrivals by ship
26Ship from Sailing Ships and Their Stories by E.
Keble Chatterton
27Who Were the Poor in Colonies?
- Apprenticed children (Including those working
off parents debt) - Indentured servants
- Slaves
- Widows, orphans, abandoned women and children
- Mentally and physically disabled
28United States of American until Civil War
- followed mostly colonial poor laws
- local responsibility (county or town)
- settlement and removal
- family responsibility
- anti-immigrant poor
297 year indenture of John Broad to George
Washington, December 21, 1773
30April 19, 1809 contract between Thomas Jefferson
and James Madison for sale of remainder of the
terms of service for indentured servant, John
Freeman, likely a indentured free black man, for
term of 76 1/2 monts for 400. (Carter Woodson
31Slave pen in Alexandria, VA 1862
32Slave auction poster
33Slave pen in Alexandria, VA
34Native Americans homestead in Sandhills
35Debtors prison in Accomoac, VA made from a
picture postcard by Mayrose Co., Linden, NJ
36Movement Towards Institutional Relief
- Outdoor relief assistance in own homes
- Indoor relief assistance in governmental
371834 Poor Law Reforms in England(and others in
- helping poor people was hurting them
- poor people were lazy and immoral
- was going to drink and wild lives So
- Less Eligibility (make lowest paid worker
better off than best poor person) - Stigmatize poor relief
- Consolidate and centralize poor relief
38Institutional Poor Relief
- Houses of Correction
- Almshouses
- County Poor Houses
- Poor Farms
- Workhouses
- Asylums
39Civil War to New Deal
- Who were the poor?
- Victims of war, widows, orphans
- Disabled
- Freed Slaves
- What were the changes?
- More institutions
- Increase in private philanthropy
- States starting to accept responsibility
- State laws on minimum wage, preventing child
labor, etc.
40American Memory/Library of Congress-Historic
American Buildings Survey/Historic American
Engineering Record Catalog No.
41American Memory/Library of Congress-Historic
American Buildings Survey/Historic American
Engineering Record Catalog No.
42American Memory/Library of Congress-Historic
American Buildings Survey/Historic American
Engineering Record Catalog No.
43State lunatic asylum, Buffalo, NY, built
1871 Catalog No. HABS No. NY 0 5606
44Southern Ohio lunatic asylum, Dayton, Ohio.
Erected 1855 Catalog No. HABS No. OH-2222-3
45New Orleans female orphan asylum and Margaret
Monument, pic taken 1890
46Orphan asylum, Charleston, SC
47Rendering of St. Elizaeths Orphanage, 1314
Napoleon Ave.
48(No Transcript)
49Cook Co. Poor Farm, Oak Forest, IL, east
view Library of Congress Call No Illinois, no.
21 Collection Panoramic photographs
50Door to poorhouse
51Old poorhouse, Germantown, c 1807 brynmawr.edu
52Workhouse rules, 1831 Aylesburg, England
53Poorhouse by Charles Hoffman, c 1865, National
Gallery of Art
54Men in workhouse
55Mealtime at St. Pancras from www.workhouses.org.uk
56Lewis Hine, photographer
57Lewis Hine, photographer
58Child workers, factory, Baltimore 6/7/09, Lewis
Hine, photographer
59W. A. Rogers cartoon (look for British flag
and small boat coming out from NYC
dynamite) from virginia.edu/eas5e/sadlier
60Causes of New Deal
- 25 of workforce unemployed
- Many displaced, urban and rural
- State and locals unable to shoulder burden of
poor - People could see the poor
61Migrant family in auto camp in California,
1936 The Library of Congress/American
Memory Archival TIFF versuib
62Dispossessed Arkansas farmers in Bakersfield, CA
63Squatters Camp, 1936
641937, Mississippi sharecroppers in Cleveland, MS
65Www.nara.gov depression social security poster
children getting working papers, 1908, Lewis Hine
, photographer 900 p.m. in glass factory,
Indianapolic, 1908, 1 Hine photo slave dealer,
Alexandria, VA, c 1860
66Breadline on Times Square, December 8, 1930 from
AP photo file
67Soup kitchen sponsored by Al Capone, ssa.gov
68Responses of New Deal
- Federal effort to address some poverty
- Social security for aged
- Child labor laws
- Unemployment compensation
- Aid to Families Dependent children
70Franklin Roosevelt
71(No Transcript)
72Unemployed workers signing up for unemployment
73(No Transcript)
74Iowa family, federal relief 1936
75War on Poverty
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Food Stamps
76First medicare card, 9/1/65 - ssa.gov
- Cutbacks in mothers and children in welfare
- Cutbacks on immigrants
79George Washington
80Lyndon Johnson