Title: November 6th MWCOG GIS Committee Meeting
1Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative
- November 6th MWCOG GIS Committee Meeting
- Automatic Synchronization of Maryland Address
Ashley Lesh Buzzeo Melanie Ruff Towson
University Center for GIS (CGIS)
2Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative Complete
- Created the first Maryland statewide coordinated
dataset - All of Marylands counties participated in the
3Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative Key
- Involved several key partners
- ESRI supplied licensing for ArcGIS Server to each
jurisdiction, and technical support as needed. - MSGIC led a grassroots campaign to enlist
jurisdiction cooperation by emphasizing the
benefits and critical importance of coordinated
distribution of road centerline address data. - The Maryland Highway Safety Office (MHSO) helped
fund the Initiative as a component of the Virtual
Data Warehouse (VDW) being developed at Towson
University. VDW will improve crash reporting and
traffic safety by making addressing and other
critical data easily accessible to police
officers at crash scenes and to traffic safety
decision-makers. - The dataset is also being utilized by MD iMap,
Marylands statewide coordinated base map.
4Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative
Project Status Map
5Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative
Project Information
6Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative
Production Architecture (one-way)
Geocoding Service
Map Service
Map service and associated Geodata service
Geodata Service
Map Service
County 1 sends a one-time copy of their
centerline to Towson
County 1 connects and extracts data, views the
map service, or uses the geocoding service
Geodata Service
County 1
County 1 connects and established the replica
based on existing data, and synchronizes changes
7Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative
Project Information
8Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative How
did we get here?
- Obtained each jurisdictions centerline data and
related information - Input the centerlines into an ETL for consistent
schema mappings - Merged each centerline into one statewide
centerline - Attributed ZIP codes where empty
- Created the map service with an associated
Geodata service - Created the geocode service
9Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative Data
Interoperability Extract, Transform, Load
Attribute Creator
Attribute Renamer
County Centerlines
Maryland Statewide Dataset
10Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative Data
Interoperability Extract, Transform, Load
11Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative
ModelBuilder Attribute ZIP Codes
12Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative What
can you do with this data?
13Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative Geocode
- Geocode Service
- Geocode a table of information
- Find a single address
14Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative
Extract Data
- Extract Data
- The extract data wizard enables you to extract
data from one geodatabase and transfer it to
another geodatabase - Any selections or definition queries applied to
that data will be honored when the data is
extracted - Any related objects associated with this data
will also be included (annotation, etc.)
15Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative View
- View
- Can view the dataset(s) in several clients
- ArcMap
- ArcGIS Explorer
- Online Viewers
16Maryland Statewide Addressing Initiative Live
Ashley Lesh, GIS Specialist Center for GIS,
Towson University (410) 704-2081 alesh_at_towson.edu
Melanie Ruff, GIS Specialist Center for GIS,
Towson University (410) 704-5889 mruff_at_towson.edu
18Maryland Spatial Data InfrastructureConceptual
Hierarchy of Components
Draft 4-10-2008
MMRG Contacts, Events, Activities, Initiatives,
NSDI Clearinghouse (public)
MEGIN Clearinghouse (secure)
MD iMap BayStat
ArcGIS Explorer
ArcGIS Desktop
Map Views
Federated Centerline
Federated Parcels
Statewide Imagery
Federated Structures