Title: Employee Laptop Data At Risk
1Employee Laptop Data At Risk
Two companies in five (40) rely on an extensive
network of laptop computers used by employees who
work remotely. Less than half (49) have formal
procedures in place for backing up
mission-critical data hosted on laptop computers.
Do you have formal procedures in place for
backing up mission-critical data hosted on laptop
Does your company rely on an extensive network
of laptop computers used by employees who work
Dont know 1
Yes 40
No 60
Yes 49
No 50
Yes 98
Yes 86
Yes 78
2Majority of Companies Rely on Employees to
Protect Data
- While companies have numerous practices for data
backup hosted on laptop computers, they most
often leave it up to the end-user to make
critical decisions when it comes to data backup. - In the majority of companies in this group (57),
each end-user is individually responsible for
downloading laptop data onto the company server. - Two companies in five (42) let the end-user
determine individually what data files are backed
up. - Only one company in five (21) uses software for
continuous backup of open application files in
the laptop connected to the company network - Only 21 percent of companies provide end-users
with flash/thumb drives as data backup devices
for their laptop computers.
3E-mail Viruses are the Number One Driver of
Change to Data Backup Procedures
E-mail viruses have had the most profound effect
on data backup procedures. More than half of
companies (59) reviewed and/or changed their
data backup procedures in response to this
Companies with 100-499 Employees
Which of the following events led your company
to review or change its data backup procedures?
Companies with 500-1,000 Employees
4Majority of Companies are Testing DR Plans but
There is Still Room for Improvement
Testing disaster recovery plans after updates is
still not a universal practice, leaving companies
exposed to risk on unrecoverable loss of data.
Almost half (40) dont test their DR plan each
time they update it.
Do you test your disaster recovery plan each
time you update it?
Do not update our DR plan 7
Yes 54
No 40
Yes 68
Yes 47
Yes 86