Title: The Real Truth About Full Cost Allocation
1The Real Truth About Full Cost Allocation
- Transit Coordination Best Practices Forum
- February 21, 2006
- St. Paul, Minnesota
Linda Elfstrand, Director, TRI-CAP Transit
Connection Sarah Brodt Lenz, Program
Administrator, Mn/DOT Office of Transit
2Why Do I Need To Know This?
- Good business practice
- Negotiate contracts
- NTD reporting
- Stands up to audit scrutiny
3What if I Operate More Than One Kind of
Transportation Service?
- With a clear formula, you can be sure that
- everyone is paying a fair share
- bill out passengers are paying the appropriate
percent of the total costs - public funding is not unduly burdened
4How Do I Figure It Out?
- Determine what part of your budget is
- General public bus
- General public volunteer
- Non-public volunteer
- Agency-only
- Other transportation service
5Sample Program Budget
6Determining the overall average is not enough!
7Fixed and Variable Costs
- Fixed costs do not vary with the number of hours
or miles of operation - e.g. administrative salaries, building expenses
- Variable costs are linked to number of hours or
number of miles - e.g. fuel, maintenance, sometimes driver wages
8- How much does it really cost to deliver service
to a specific agency to or to a specific
9Sample Bus Operations Costs
10Bus Unit Costs
- Hourly Rate
- 138,000 / 6,000 23.00 per hour
- Mileage Rate is based in variable costs
- 24,000 / 50,000 .48 per mile
- Overhead Factor
- 308,000 / 115,000 1.37
11Annual Cost of Operations Overhead Factor X
(Hourly Rate x Annual Hours of Operation)
(Mileage Rate X Annual Miles of Operation)
12Annual Total Cost 1.37 X (23.00 X Annual
Hours of Operation) ( .48 X Annual Miles of
Operation)Cost of Operating the Agency Bus
Service (31.51 X 2,000) ( .66 X 10,000)
13Are Volunteer Drivers Really Cheaper?
14Volunteer Unit Costs
- Passenger Trip Rate is based on hour costs
- 4,000 / 2,400 1.67 per trip
- Mileage Rate is based in variable costs
- 27,000 / 60,000 .45 per mile
- Overhead Factor
- 308,000 / 115,000 1.37
15Annual Total Cost 1.37 X ( 1.67 X Annual
Passenger Trips) ( .45 X Annual Miles of
Operation)Contract Cost ( 2.30 X 1,800)
( .62 X 45,000) 32,040
16Costs vs. Funding
- If a service segment costs more than the revenues
generated, you have a problem. You can - Ignore the problem
- Borrow from other funding streams
- Reduce the amount of service provided, or
- Negotiate a more appropriate rate
17Other Considerations
- Including depreciation
- Disallowed costs
- Excess revenues over expenses
- Local share
- Contributions to the transit account
18Its Your Decision
- How you deal with cost recovery is a local
decision - Work through your budget in light of this
information on cost allocation and do whats
right for you - Remember, THERE IS NO FREE RIDE!
19You can reach us at
- Linda Elfstrand, Tri-CAP Transit Connection
- (320)202-7824 ext. 217
- linda.elfstrand_at_tricap.org
- Sarah Brodt Lenz, Minnesota Department of
Transportation - (651)296-3441
- sb.lenz_at_dot.state.mn