2Which category would you like?
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9Answer 1 The PlanetPluto
10Answer 2 The PlanetsThe Earth
11Answer 3 The PlanetsMars
12Answer 4 The PlanetsJupiter
13Answer 5 The PlanetsVenus
14Answer 6 The PlanetsSaturn
15Answer 1 The Solar SystemComets
16Answer 2 The Solar SystemAsteroid Belt
17Answer 3 The Solar System9
18Answer 4 The Solar SystemOrbit
19Answer 5 The Solar SystemSun
20Answer 6 The Solar SystemVenus
21Answer 1 Blast Off!Neil Armstrong
22Answer 2 Blast Off!Space Shuttle
23Answer 3 Blast Off!Moon
24Answer 4 Blast Off!Having to do with the sun
25Answer 5 Blast Off!Having to do with the moon
26Answer 6 Blast Off!Diapers
27Answer 1 Space TriviaGas
28Answer 2 Space TriviaInner Planets
29Answer 3 Space TriviaOuter Planets
30Answer 4 Space TriviaGravity
31Answer 5 Space TriviaAtmosphere
32Answer 6 Space TriviaEarth
33Answer 1 Dinner Time!Galley
34Answer 2 Dinner Time!Dehydrated
35Answer 3 Dinner Time!Tang
36Answer 4 Dinner Time!Floats
37Answer 5 Dinner Time!Re-hydrated
38Answer 6 Dinner Time!Space
39Answer 1 What they wear!Pockets
40Answer 2 What they wear!Velcro
41Answer 3 What they wear!Ear Plugs
42Answer 4 What they wear!Underwear
43Answer 5 What they wear!Pleats
44Answer 6 What they wear!Modular