The Sacrament-ality and Spirituality of Marriage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Sacrament-ality and Spirituality of Marriage


– PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Sacrament-ality and Spirituality of Marriage

  • The Sacrament-ality and Spirituality of Marriage

  • "Notre-Dame de l'Alliance, Espérance de tous les
    foyers, garde sous ta protection ceux qui mettent
    en toi leur confiance !
  • Our Lady of the Wedding Ring, Hope of all
    homes, keep under your protection those who place
    their trust in you.

  • The Person of
  • Jesus Christ
  • and the
  • Trinity

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  • Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage.
  • - God

  • That Love Thy Neighbour Thing .. I meant it.
  • - God

  • I love you . I love you..
  • I love you
  • - God

  • Will the road you are on get to my place?
  • - God

  • You think its hot here?
  • - God

  • Tell the kids I love them!
  • - God

  • Have you read my 1 best seller? (There will
    be a test)
  • - God

  • Do you have any idea where you are going?
  • - God

  • My way is the highway
  • - God


What is a Sacrament?
  • 1. A Sacred sign
  • 2. Instituted by Christ (directly or indirectly)
  • 3. To give grace
  • 4. Entrusted to the Church (CCC 1131)

A Sacred Sign
  • Most signs give directions. Point to
    something else
  • Sacraments are signs that actually do
    what they indicate i.e.
  • Efficacious signs
  • which also instruct

  • Baptism for example
  • Water, the visible sign is poured.
  • The Words N. I baptize you in the name of the
    Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
  • The invisible reality that is taking place is
    that the Holy Spirit is being poured into the
    persons soul. The Trinity is taking up
    residence within the person being baptized in the
    person of Gods Love, The Holy Spirit.

Purpose of the Sacraments
  • Purpose of all the Sacraments
  • Preserve in our soul that moment of Baptismal
    purity when our souls are completely washed clean
    of any stain of original or personal sin.

Baptismal Liturgy
  • Clothing with the White Garment.
  • N., you have become a new creation, and have
    clothed yourself in Christ. See in this white
    garment the outward sign of your Christian
    dignity. With your family and friends to help
    you by word and example bring that dignity
    unstained into the everlasting life of heaven.

Baptismal Liturgy
  • (Light Candle from the Paschal candle)
  • Receive the light of Christ.
  • Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted
    to you to be kept burning brightly. This child
    of yours has been enlightened by Christ. He/she
    is to walk always as a child of the light. Maay
    he/she keep the flame of faith alive in his/her
    heart. When the Lord comes, may he/she go out to
    meet him with all the saints in the heavenly

  • The other Sacraments either
  • restore/heal (Reconciliation/ Confession and the
    Sacrament of the Sick),
  • nourish (Eucharist/Holy Communion),
  • strengthen (Confirmation) or
  • give us the ability to live out our vocation, our
    state in life (Marriage and Holy

  • Joe Christian

  • What is the visible sign?

  • Does love lead to marriage?
  • Or
  • Does marriage lead to love?

  • Ritual Sustains Prayer by Father Ron Rolheiser
  • In a homily at a wedding Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    once gave this advice to a young couple Today
    you are young and very much in love and you think
    that your love can sustain your marriage. It
    cant. Let your marriage sustain your love.
  • Love and prayer work the same The
    neophytes mistake is to think that they can be
    sustained simply through good feelings and good
    intention, without the help of ritual-container
    and a sustaining rhythm.
  • Thats naïve, however sincere. Love and
    prayer can only be sustained through ritual,
    routine and rhythm. Why?
  • What eventually makes us stop praying John
    of the Cross says is simple boredom, tiredness,
    lack of energy. Its hard, very hard,
    existentially impossible, to crank up the energy,
    day in and day out, to pray with real
    affectivity, real feeling and real heart. We
    simply cannot sustain that kind of energy and
    enthusiasm. Were human beings, limited in our
    energies. We need something else to help us.

  • Ritual- a rhythm, a routine. Monks have secrets
    worth knowing and anyone who has ever been to a
    monastery knows that monks (who pray often and a
    lot) sustain themselves in prayer not through
    feeling, variety or creativity, but through
    ritual, rhythm and routine. Monastic prayer is
    simple, often rote, has a clear durational
    expectancy and is structured so as to allow each
    monk the freedom to invest himself or hold back,
    in terms of energy and heart, depending upon his
    disposition on a given day. That is wise
  • Prayer is like eating. There needs to be a
    good rhythm between big banquets (high
    celebration, lots of time, proper formality) and
    the everyday family supper (simple, no-frills,
    short, predictable). A family that tries to eat
    every meal as if it were a banquet soon finds
    that most of its members are looking for an
    excuse to be absent.
  • With good reason. Everyone needs to eat
    every day, but nobody has energy for a banquet
    every day. The same holds true for prayer. One
    wonders whether the huge drop-off of people who
    used to attend church services daily isnt
    connected to this.

  • People attended daily services more when those
    services were short, routine, predictable and
    gave them the freedom to be as present or absent
    (in terms of emotional investment) as their
    energy and heart allowed on that given day.
  • Today, unfortunately, we are misled by a
    number of misconceptions about prayer and
    liturgy. Too commonly, we accept the following
    set of axioms as wise creativity and variety
    are always good. Every prayer-celebration should
    be one of high energy. Longer is better than
    shorter. Either you should pray with feeling or
    you shouldnt pray at al. Ritual is meaningless
    unless we are emotionally invested in it.
  • Each of these axioms is overly romantic,
    ill thought out, anthropologically naïve and not
    helpful in sustaining a life of prayer.
  • Prayer is a relationship, a one on one, and
    lives by those rules. Relating to anyone long
    term has its ups and downs. Nobody can be
    interesting all the time, sustain high energy all
    the time or fully invest himself or herself all
    the time. Really life doesnt work that way.
    Neither does prayer. What sustains a
    relationship long-term is ritual, routine, a
    regular rhythm that incarnates the commitment.

  • Imagine you have an aged mother in a nursing
    home and youve committed yourself to visiting
    her twice a week. How do you sustain yourself
    in this. Not by feeling energy or emotion, but
    by commitment, routine and ritual. You go to
    visit her at a given time not because you feel
    like it but because its time. You go to visit
    her in spite of the fact that you sometimes cant
    give her the best of your heart and that often
    you are tired, distracted restless, over-burdened
    and are occasionally sneaking a glance at your
    watch and wondering how soon you can make a
    graceful exit.
  • Moreover, your conversation with her will
    not always be deep or about meaningful things.
    Occasionally there will be emotional satisfaction
    and the sense that something important was
    shared, but many times, perhaps most times, there
    will only be the sense that it was good that you
    were there and that any important life-giving
    connection has been nurtured and sustained,
    despite what seemingly occurred at the surface.
    Youve been with your mother and thats more
    important than whatever feelings or conversation
    might have taken place. Prayer works the same
    way. Thats why the saints and great spiritual
    writers have always said there is only one,
    non-negotiable rule of prayer Show up! Show up
    regularly! The ups and downs of our minds and
    hearts are of secondary importance.

Instituted by Christ
  • Genesis 224
  • A man will leave his father and mother and be
    joined to his wife and they will become one
  • Matthew 193-8
  • And Pharisees came up to him and tested him
    asking, Is it lawful to divorce ones wife for
    any cause? He answered Have you not read
    that he who made them from the beginning made
    them male and female and said, For this reason a
    man shall leave his father and mother and be
    joined to his wife and the two shall become one.
    So they are no two but one. What therefore God
    has joined together, let no man put asunder.
    They said to him, Why them did Moses command one
    to give a certificate of divorce and put her
    away. He said to them, For your hardness of
    heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives,
    but from the beginning it was not so.

  • Wedding at Cana John 21-11

  • There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. The
    mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his
    disciples had also been invited. When they ran
    out of wine, since the wine provided for the
    wedding was all finished, the mother of Jesus
    said to him, They have no wine.
  • Jesus said, Woman, why turn to me? My hour has
    not come yet. His mother said to the servants,
    Do whatever he tells you.
  • There were six stone water jars standing there,
    meant for the ablutions that are customary among
    the Jews each could hold twenty or thirty
    gallons. Jesus said to the servants, Fill the
    jars with water, and they filled them to the

Draw some out now, he told them, and take it
to the steward. They did this the steward
tasted the water, and it had turned into wine.
Having no idea where it came from only the
servants who had drawn the water knew the
steward called the bridegroom and said, People
generally serve the best wine first, and keep the
cheaper sort till the guests have had plenty to
drink but you have kept the best wine till now.
This was the first of the signs given by Jesus
it was given at Cana in Galilee. He let his
glory be seen, and his disciples believed in him.
To Give Grace
  • Two main goods of marriage
  • 1) to bond the couple together in mutual
  • 2) to be open to life

  • Complete gift of the self to the other.

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  • If we know our anthropology correctly then it is
    easy to understand why the Church teaches what
    she does.
  • We always need to answer the question Who am
    I, as God has created me to be?

  • Man only truly discovers himself by making a
    sincere gift of himself.
  • Gaudium et Spes, 24, Second Vatican Council

  • Live up to who God has created you to be!
    Pope John Paul II at World Youth Day

  • We have to understand the nature
  • of the
  • Trinity to understand how we are made in his

  • Metaphor of marriage is used throughout the Old
    Testament to reveal Gods relationship to the
    Hebrew people and in the New Testament to reveal
    Christs relationship with the Church.

  • Ephesians 52,21-33
  • A reading from the letter of Paul to the
  • Live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself
    up for us.
  • Be subject to one another out of reverence for
  • Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to
    the Lord.
  • For the husband is the head of the wife
  • just as Christ is the head of the church,
  • the body of which he is the Savior.
  • Just as the church is subject to Christ,
  • so also wives ought to be, in everything, to
    their husbands.
  • Husbands, love your wives,
  • just as Christ loved the church and gave himself
    up for her,
  • in order to make her holy by cleansing her
  • with the washing of water by the word,
  • so as to present the church to himself in
  • without a spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind
  • -yes, so that she may be holy and without blemish.

  • In the same way,
  • husbands should love their wives
  • as they do their own bodies
  • He who loves his wife loves himself.
  • For no one ever hates his own body,
  • but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it,
  • just as Christ does for the church,
  • because we are members of his body.
  • "For this reason a man will leave his father
  • and mother and be joined to his wife,
  • and the two will become one flesh."
  • This is a great mystery,
  • and I am applying it to Christ and the church.
  • Each of you, however, should love his wife as
  • and a wife should respect her husband.
  • The word of the Lord.

  • Who really is involved in this marriage?

  • Declaration of Consent from Form 1
  • Marriage is an intimate communion of life and
    love between a man and a woman who wish to
    complement each other, give themselves to each
    other, and transmit human life. This communion
    is established on their mutual love, personal
    commitment and exclusive and irrevocable consent.
    This community of life must be lived according
    to the Gospel and rooted in ones faith in the
    Lord Jesus.

Preparing for the Ceremony
  • Exchange of consent
  • Exchange of rings
  • Nuptial Blessing

Preparing for the Ceremony
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • e.g. Joe Christian

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