Title: Grace Murray Hopper
1Grace Murray Hopper
Pioneer of Software Engineering
2Grace Murray Hopper
Pioneer of Software Engineering
Grace Hopper joined the Navy in 1943 through the
WAVES (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency
Service) program
In 1944 she was assigned to the Bureau of
Ordinance Computation Project at Harvard
3Grace Murray Hopper
Pioneer of Software Engineering
Under Howard H. Aiken she wrote programs for Mark
Mark I was the first large-scale automatic
digital computer in the USA. It is considered by
some to be the first universal calculator
4Grace Murray Hopper
Pioneer of Software Engineering
By the end of World War II in Hopper was working
on the Mark II a much faster version of Mark I
While working on Mark II she discovered a moth
in a relay the first computer bug!
5Grace Murray Hopper
Pioneer of Software Engineering
Hopper also invented the compiler, a program
which translates English language instructions
into the language of the computer
Thanks to her, programmers no longer had to
write in ones and zeros! 001100111110101011100011
6Grace Murray Hopper
Pioneer of Software Engineering
In December 1983, Hopper was promoted to
commodore in a ceremony at the White House
Her accomplishments earned her the nickname
Amazing Grace and the Navy named a ship in the
same name after her
7Ellen Swallow Richards
Mother of Environmental Engineering
8Ellen Swallow Richards
Mother of Environmental Engineering
After years of teaching, tutoring, and cleaning
house, Ellen saved enough money to attend a new
womens college.
After graduating, she was accepted at MIT.
Becoming the first women in America to be
accepted by a scientific school.
9Ellen Swallow Richards
Mother of Environmental Engineering
Ellen worked for the nations first laboratory of
sanitary chemistry, surveying the quality of
inland bodies of water in Massachusetts.
Her survey lead to the first state water-quality
standards in the nation and the first modern
sewage treatment plant.
10Ellen Swallow Richards
Mother of Environmental Engineering
Ellen applied scientific principles to domestic
topics in her book, The Chemistry of Cooking and
Cleaning A Manual for Housekeepers.
She helped establish the American Home Economics
Association in 1908 and was their first president.
11Emily Roebling
Chief Engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge
12Emily Roebling
Chief Engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge
Emilys father-in-law, John, began designing the
Brooklyn Bridge in 1869. When John passed away,
her husband, Washington, took over.
To help her husband, she studied math, strength
of materials, stress analysis, and cable
13Emily Roebling
Chief Engineer of Brooklyn Bridge
In 1872, Washington became ill and was left
bed-ridden and partially paralyzed.
Emily stepped in and carried out the plans for
completing the bridge.
14Emily Roebling
Chief Engineer of Brooklyn Bridge
Emily became such a major participant in the
project that many people believed she was Chief
15Barbara McClintock
A great geneticists
16Barbara McClintock
A great geneticist
Barbara received her PhD in botany in 1927, where
she was the leader in the development of maize
She developed the technique to visualize maize
17Barbara McClintock
A great geneticist
She produced the first genetic map for maize,
linking regions of the chromosome with physical
She discovered transposition and used it to show
how genes are responsible for turning physical
characteristics on or off
18Barbara McClintock
A great geneticist
Barbara received the Nobel Prize in Physiology of
Medicine in 1983 for the discovery of genetic
19Beatrice Hicks
Pioneer for women engineers
20Beatrice Hicks
Pioneer for women engineers
At age 13, she was inspired by the Empire State
Building and the George Washington Bridge to
become an engineer.
Was the first women engineer employed by western
Electric Co.
21Beatrice Hicks
Pioneer for women engineers
In 1950, she was chosen as the first president of
SWE, which then consisted of 60 members. Today
SWE has over 16,000 members.
22Beatrice Hicks
Pioneer for women engineers
In 1955, Beatrice became president of a firm
founded by her father, Newark Controls, Inc.
Which designed sensing equipment, much of which
was used on the space program.
23Mary Walton
Inventor of Pollution Control
24Mary Walton
Inventor of Pollution Control
In 1879, Walton developed a method for minimizing
the environmental hazards of smoke that was
pouring from factories all over the country.
Her system deflected the emissions being
produced into water tanks, where the pollutants
were retained and then flushed into the city
sewage system.
25Mary Walton
Inventor of Pollution Control
In the 1880s-90s Walton tackled noise pollution
caused by railroads and invented a sound
dampening apparatus.
She received a patent for her invention in 1891.
26Mary Walton
Inventor of Pollution Control
Walton set up a model railroad track in her
basement. She cradled the rails in a box-like
framework of wood, which was painted with tar,
lined with cotton, and filled with sand.
As the vibrations from the rails were absorbed by
the surrounding materials, so was the sound!
27Mary Walton
Inventor of Pollution Control
Walton sold her patented invention to New York
Citys Metropolitan Railroad, which thrived
thanks to Walton!
28Patricia Bath
Fight for the Right to Sight
29Patricia Bath
Fight for the Right to Sight
In 1988 Dr. Bath, an optometrist, became the
first African American woman to receive a patent
for a medical invention!
Her invention made cataract surgery more
accurate, transforming eye surgery.
30Patricia Bath
Fight for the Right to Sight
With her invention, the Laserphaco Probe, Bath
was able to restore sight to people who had been
blind for over 30 years!
31Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Pioneer of Industrial Engineering
32Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Pioneer of Industrial Engineering
Worked as an advisor to Presidents Roosevelt,
Hoover, Kennedy, Johnson, Eisenhower on civil
defense and war production.
Was a professor here, at the University of
Wisconsin, as well as Purdue, and the Newark
College of Engineering.
33Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Pioneer of Industrial Engineering
Gilbreths biggest area of study was the
psychological aspects of time management in the
work place.
Her and her husband recognized that workers are
motivated by incentives such as money.
34Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Pioneer of Industrial Engineering
Holds patents for many kitchen appliance
including the electric food mixer and shelves
inside refrigerator doors.
Worked with GE to design techniques to help
disable women in the kitchen
35Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Pioneer of Industrial Engineering
In 1984 the United States Postal Service issued a
stamp in her honor.
The books Cheaper by the Dozen and Belles on
Their Toes are based on Lilllian and her husband
Franks life with their 12 children.
36Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Pioneer of Industrial Engineering
Lillian Moller Gilbreth was among the first women
to receive a Ph.D. in engineering.
Gilbreth was the first women inducted in to the
Nation Academy of Engineering.
37Katherine Stinson
High Flying Engineer
38Katherine Stinson
High Flying Engineer
First female graduate of N.C. State University's
College of Engineering
Civil Aeronautics Administration first female
Found the Society of Women Engineers
39Beulah Louise Henry
Lady Edison
40Beulah Louise Henry
Lady Edison
Patented a vacuum ice cream freezer
a typewriter that made multiple copies without
carbon paper
and a bobbinless lockstitch sewing machine
41Beulah Louise Henry
Lady Edison
Founded manufacturing companies to produce her
42Arati Prabhakar
Microelectronics Engineer
43Arati Prabhakar
Microelectronics Engineer
Director of National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), U.S. Department of Commerce
First woman with a doctorate from the California
Institute of Technology
44Arati Prabhakar
Microelectronics Engineer
Director of the Microelectronics Technology
Office in the Defense Department's Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
45Bonnie Dunbar
46Bonnie Dunbar
B.S. and M.S. Ceramic Engineering U of Washington
4-time NASA astronaut
PhD Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering U of
47Bonnie Dunbar
Developed ceramic tiles for space shuttles to
help during re-entry at Rockwell International
Was on the first shuttle mission to dock with the
Russian Space Station Mir.
48Judith Resnik
49Judith Resnik
B.S. Electrical Engineering Carnegie-Mellon
PhD Electrical Engineering University of Maryland
Challenger astronaut