Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Improving the credit of companies in emerging
Monterrey, Mexico March 2002
2Cost and need for creditare higher for companies
in emerging markets
- Limited information availability
- High perceived risk
- Growing demand for credit management
expertise in companies and banks - Supplier credit is the first source of funding
for a significant number of companies and
3Consequences are very negative for companies and
for national economies
- Higher cost for imports
- Lower value for exports
- Financial constraints for companies and economies
4The Internet could make it better . . . or worse
- More information available at a lower cost
- More financial services available
- But tomorrow. . .credit refusal can be at a
5How to enhance the credit of companies in
emerging markets
- Develop expertise on companies in emerging
markets - Share expertise with institutions in emerging
markets - Offer companies easy-to-use, versatile tools to
manage and minimize trade risk
6 71. Develop expertise on companies in emerging
- Pending trade credit risk on 220,000 companies in
emerging markets (out of a total of 2.2 million) - Covering 14.1 billion debt exposure in emerging
markets (out of a total of 109 billion) - Compiling data on 1.1 million companies in
emerging markets (out of 41 million in our
database) - There are good companies in every country
82. Share expertise with institutions in emerging
- Our credit system is open to partners, including
those in emerging countries - Partners in 49 countries include National Ex-Im
banks or credit insurers of Algeria, Brazil,
China, Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Kuwait,
Morocco, Malaysia, Oman, Poland, Romania,
Singapore, Thailand, Tunisia
9 3. Offer companies easy-to-use, versatile tools
to manage and minimize trade risk
- Solution is a
worldwide information, rating and credit risk
protection system. It offers three exclusive
- _at_rating Credit Opinion - check the
creditworthiness of a trading partner anywhere in
the world - _at_rating Quality Label - demonstrates a companys
creditworthiness as a trading partner - _at_rating Protection protects against risk of
- Enhanced visibility and credit for companies
- Confidence in commercial trading partners
- Security of financial transactions
10What is the Credit Opinion?
- Credit Opinion shows a companys
capacity to honor its commercial commitments to
customers and suppliers - To check a prospective partners credit opinion
before accepting or placing an order, simply
connect to www.cofacerating.com and gain access
to information on 41 million companies in 176
11 Credit Opinion - a simple and
reliable assessment
- There are two _at_rating Credit Opinion categories
- Financially sound companies are identified on one
of five levels, reflecting the exposure level
that can be reasonably accepted - R 10,000
- _at_ 20,000
- _at__at_ 50,000
- _at__at__at_ 100,000
- _at__at__at__at_ 100,000 and above
- X flags companies with elements of weakness
12- The Quality Label distinguishes those
companies that show reliability in commercial
transactions - It is indicated by a logo
- The Quality Label may be used in all company
marketing - The Quality Label is low-cost, obtained via
simple process, and with company data remaining
13What is Protection?
- Through Protection, any company
can obtain protection against the risk of
non-payment on transactions with companies that
hold an _at_rating Quality Label - Hence facilitates the ability
for companies to obtain supplier credit
14- Coface Group has signed more than 300 partnership
agreements - With credit insurers, through CreditAlliance, our
premier network in 50 countries. - With credit information providers through
InfoAlliance, our premier network in 70
countries - With banks and factors, electronic marketplaces,
and B-to-B service providers such as
Gemplus, TradeCard, Kompass, Oracle, Cap Gemini
Ernst Young, SGS, etc. - With trade organizations throughout the world,
including Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Korea, Hong
Kong, Poland, etc.
15In conclusion, provides companies
- The tools to gain trading partners confidence
- The means to check the reliability of trading
partners - The ability to ensure security in trade
transactions - A way to get or offer improved trade credit
16Improving the credit of companies in emerging
Monterrey, Mexico March 2002