Title: The STARDEX project background, challenges and successes
1The STARDEX project - background, challenges
and successes
Clare Goodess Climatic Research Unit, UEA,
Norwich, UK
- A project within the EC 5th Framework Programme
- 1 February 2002 to 31 July 2005
- http//www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/stardex/
- http//www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/mps/
2The STARDEX consortium
3STARDEX general objectives
- To rigorously systematically inter-compare
evaluate statistical and dynamical downscaling
methods for the reconstruction of observed
extremes the construction of scenarios of
extremes for selected European regions Europe
as a whole - To identify the more robust downscaling
techniques to apply them to provide reliable
plausible future scenarios of temperature
precipitation-based extremes
4Consistent approach
e.g., indices of extremes
5STARDEX Diagnostic extremes indices software
- Fortran subroutine
- 19 temperature indices
- 35 precipitation indices
- least squares linear regression to fit linear
trends Kendall-Tau significance test - Program that uses subroutine to process standard
format station data - User information document
- All available from public web site
6STARDEX core indices
- 90th percentile of rainday amounts (mm/day)
- greatest 5-day total rainfall
- simple daily intensity (rain per rainday)
- max no. consecutive dry days
- of total rainfall from events gt long-term P90
- no. events gt long-term 90th percentile of
raindays - Tmax 90th percentile
- Tmin 10th percentile
- number of frost days Tmin lt 0 degC
- heat wave duration
71958-2000 trend in frost days
Days per year Blue is increasing
Malcolm Haylock, UEA
81958-2000 trend in summer rain events gt long-term
90th percentile
Scale is days/year Blue is increasing
Malcolm Haylock, UEA
9Local scale trends in extreme heavy precipitation
Andras Bardossy, USTUTT-IWS
10Investigation of causes, focusing on potential
predictor variables e.g., SLP, 500 hPa GP, RH,
SST, NAO/blocking/ cyclone indices, regional
circulation indices
11Winter R90N relationships with MSLP NAO, Malcolm
R 0.64
12Winter R90N relationships with MSLP, Malcolm
MSLP Canonical Pattern 1. Variance 44.4.
R90N Canonical Pattern 1. Variance 11.3.
13Analysis of GCM/RCM output their ability to
simulate extremes and predictor variables and
their relationships
14Annual Cycle
RCMs HadAM3H control (1961-1990).
ERA15-driven Domain 2.25-17.25 E, 42.25-48.75
N, All Alps
Christoph Frei, ETH
15SON Wet-day 90 Quantile (mm/day)
RCMs HadAM3H control (1961-1990).
Christoph Frei, ETH
- Use high-resolution observations to evaluate
model at its grid scale - How well can a GCM represent regional climate
anomalies in response to changes in large-scale
forcings? Use interannual variations as a
surrogate forcing. - Use Reanalysis as a quasi-perfect surrogate GCM.
- Distinguish between resolved (GCM grid-point) and
unresolved (single station) scales.
Christoph Frei, ETH
17Study Regions
Europe (FIC) 481 stations in total
England (UEA) P 13-27 per gp T 8-30 per gp
German Rhine (USTUTT) P 500 per gp T 150 per
Alps (ETH) P 500 per gp
Greece (AUTH) P 5-10 per gp T 5-10 per gp
Emilia-Rom. (ARPA) P 10-20 per gp T 5-10 per gp
Christoph Frei, ETH
18Example German Rhine Basin
Precipitation Indices
GCM scale Station scale
Christoph Frei, ETH
19Inter-comparison of improved downscaling methods
with emphasis on extremes
20- Downscaling methods
- canonical correlation analysis
- neural networks
- conditional resampling
- regression
- conditional weather generator
- potential precipitation circulation
index/critical circulation patterns
Study regions
21Predictor selection methods
- Correlation
- Stepwise multiple regression
- Compositing
- Neural networks
- Genetic algorithm
- Weather typing
- Trend analysis
22Downscaling of Tmax90p
Model is constructed on the period
1958-1978/1994-2000 and validated on 1979-1993
PREDICTAND Time series of 90th percentile of
maximum temperature (Tmax90p) 30 stations from
Emilia-Romagna (1958-2000) that were clusterised
in 3 regions (Fig.2) PREDICTORS Exp 1
Seasonal mean (DJF) of first 4 PCs of Z500
over the area 90W-60E, 20N-90N ) Exp 2
Seasonal mean (DJF) of WA, EA, EB, SCA, over the
area 90W-60E, 20N-90N
Clusters for Tmax90p (DJF)
Tomozeiu et al., ARPA-SMR
23Interannual variability of downscaled, Observed
and NCEP Tmax90p (DJF), 1979-1993
Tomozeiu et al., ARPA-SMR
24Downscaling of 692R90N 2 exp.
Downscaling of 692R90N
Model is constructed on the period
1958-1978/1994-2000 and validated on 1979-1993
PREDICTAND Time series of observed no.of events
greater than 90th percentile of raindays
(692R90N)44 stations from Emilia-Romagna
(1958-2000) that were clusterised in 5 regions
(Fig.1) PREDICTORS Seasonal mean (DJF) of
first 4 PCs of Z500 that covers the area
90W-60E, 20N-90N (NCEP reanalysis,2.5x2.5)
Fig.1 Clusters for 692R90N (DJF)
Tomozeiu et al., ARPA-SMR
25Skill of the statistical downscaling model
1979-1993 expressed as correlation coefficient
between the observed and estimated 692R90N
Tomozeiu et al., ARPA-SMR
26 Probability of precipitation at station 75103
conditioned to wet and dry CPs
Andras Bardossy, USTUTT-IWS
27At the end of the project (July 2005) we will
- Recommendations on the most robust downscaling
methods for scenarios of extremes - Downscaled scenarios of extremes for the end of
the 21st century - Summary of changes in extremes and comparison
with past changes - Assessment of uncertainties associated with the
28Dissemination communication
- internal web site (with MICE and PRUDENCE)
- public web site
- scientific reports and papers
- scientific conferences
- information sheets, e.g., 2002 floods, 2003 heat
wave - powerpoint presentations
- external experts
- within-country contacts
29- http//www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/stardex/
- http//www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/mps/