- Implications for Academic Advising
- Tina Brazil (TAB291_at_gmail.com)
- Jim Levin (JL7_at_psu.edu)
2Importance Curriculum of Academic Advising
- Academic Advising .. This curriculum includes
.. decision-making .. (NACADA, 2006). - use complex information . reach decisions
(NACADA, 2006).
- Rational decisions are ones that advances the
welfare of the decision maker effectively and
logically based on everything the decision maker
knows and feels (Brown, 2005, p. 54) - Criteria for rational decisions (Hastie Dawes,
2001, p.18) - It is based on the decision makers current
assets. Assets include not only money, but
physiological state, psychological capacities,
social relationships, and feelings. - It is based on the possible consequences of the
choice. - When these consequences are uncertain, their
likelihood is evaluated according to the basic
rules of probability theory. - It is a choice that is adaptive within the
constraints of those probabilities and the values
or satisfactions associated with each of the
possible consequences of choice.
4Problems with Qualitative Decision Making Methods
- Heuristics speculative formulation serving as a
guide in the investigation or solution of a
problem (Keren and Teigen, 2004) - Representation bias decision making by
recalling a memory or experience that is similar
to the present decision making experience - Availability bias decision making by the primacy
and/or by predicting easily conceivable
outcomes - Anchor adjustment bias decision making by what
is familiar and conceivable
- Goals, Options and Outcomes (GOO)
- The Personalist Approach
- Lens Model
- Simple Utility Equation
- Additive Linear Multi-Attribute Utility Theory
6Definition of Utility
- The consumption utility of an option is broadly
defined here as the benefit the option delivers.
(Hsee, 1999, p. 555) - Furthermore, it is assumed that the decision
maker should choose the option that delivers the
greatest utility or benefit. (Hsee, 1999) - When making decisions, we think about what option
will derive the highest utility. (Hastie and
Dawes, 2001, p. 200)
7Goals, Options, and Outcomes
- What do I want? (goals)
- What can I do? (options)
- What might happen? (outcomes) (Brown, 2005, p. 9)
- In Practice
- Goals options can be listed
- Difficult to predict outcomes
- Quantitative methods can be used (simple
probability theory) - Research indicates that quantitative methods
predict outcomes better than qualitative methods
(Hastie Dawes, 2001)
8The Personalist Approach(first approximation of
quantifiable decision making
Fig 1. The pluses and minuses are assigned on an
arbitrary scale decided by the decision maker.
(Brown, 2005)
9Lens Model Concept
- The decision maker is trying to see a distal
true state of something through a proximal lens
of cues. These cues represent information or
characteristics that the decision maker uses to
make a decision (Hastie and Dawes, 2001) - An algebraic model of probability that measures
and assigns a scaled weight to the importance of
each piece of information (cue) available to the
decision maker (Hastie and Dawes, 2001) - Research experts correctly select variables
that are important in making predictions, but
that a probability model combines these variables
in a way that is superior to the global
judgments of these very same experts. (Hastie
and Dawes, 2004, p. 58) - Probability models have been derived from the
Lens Model Concept.
10Simple Utility Equation
- Decision tree in which each option represents a
major branch, and from each branch stems the
possible outcomes. Each of these outcomes is
assigned a specific quantitative probability so
that the sum of the outcomes stemming from one
choice adds up to 1, or 100. The probability
for each outcome is multiplied by an assigned
number that represents how the decision maker
would feel about that outcome (Hastie and Dawes,
2001) - Utility S (probabilityoutcome x valueoutcome)
11Simple Utility Equation
Value prob x value utility -100
.4 100 .7 -100 -.8
-.6 100
fail .3
pass .7
fail .8
pass .2
Figure 2. Here, the two options are study and
play. In this case, the utility of option
study has a much higher utility value to the
decision maker than does play. Utility S
(probabilityoutcome x valueoutcome)
12Additive Linear Multi-Attribute Utility Theory
- MAUT weighs all of the attributes and scales the
attributes by importance to the decision maker.
Each option is considered by assigning a scaled
value to that option-attribute, according to its
importance, and then adding up all of the scaled
option-attributes to obtain the utility value for
that option (Hastie and Dawes, 2001)
13Example of MAUT
- To predict the probability of a student
graduating from ENGR, Dr. James Levin constructed
a probability model (logic regressions) that used
several quantitative and qualitative (which were
quantified) student criteria as inputs, assigned
a scaled value to each criterion, and produced an
output that gave the probability of that student
graduating from ENGR. (Levin Wyckoff, 1998) - Similar models are in progress for SC (Levin,
14Additive Linear Multi-Attribute Utility Theory
- Grad Engr/Not Grad Engr -3.8 -.02 x 10 (nspts)
-.01 x 520(satv) .69 x 3.00(hsgpa) .08 x
25(alg) .07 x 12(chem-s) .28 x 1(reas-g) .20
x 1(gen) .236 - Odds of Grad Engr/Not Grad Engr e.236
2.72.236 1.27/1 - Probability 1.27/2.27 56
15MAUT Example SC
16MAUT Example cont SC
- Brown, Rex, Rational Choice and Judgment
Decision Analysis for the Decider, John Wiley
Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2005. - Hastie, Reid and Robyn M. Dawes, Rational Choice
in an Uncertain World The Psychology of Judgment
and Decision Making, Sage Publications, Thousand
Oaks, California, 2001. - Hsee, Christopher K. (1999). Value Seeking and
Prediction-Decision Inconsistency Why Dont
People Take What They Predict Theyll Like the
Most? Psychonomic Bulletin Review, 6 (4),
555-561. - Keren, Gideon and Karl H. Teigen, Yet Another
Look at the Heuristics and Biases Approach.
Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision
Making, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Malden, MA,
2004. - Levin, James and Wykoff, Jack,(1998). Effective
Advising Identifying Students Most Likely to
Persist and Succeed in Engineering. Engineering
Education, 75(11), 178-182. - Levin, James, (2007). Effective Advising
Identifying Students Most Likely to Persist and
Succeed in Science in progress. - NACADA National Academic Advising Association.
(2006). NACADA concept of academic advising.
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