Title: Studies: Ohios Social Model CompetencyBased Program
1ED 417 PowerPoint
Social Studies Grades 3-5
Brooke Beam Jennifer Magsaysay Rick Rowland
The goal and objective of this presentation is to
find activities relevant for elementary social
studies curriculum. Through these activities the
students will learn what it is to be a
contributing, productive member of society. They
will learn about various people, places, and
events from Ohio, the United States, and the
3Six Different Strands
- American Heritage
- People in Societies
- World Interactions
- Decision Making and Resources
- Democratic Processes
- Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
4American Heritage
- How did we become unique?
- Cultures
5Web Sites
- http//www.umn.edu/ihrc
- http//www.msstate.edu/Archives/History/index.html
- http//history.cc.ukans.edu/history/
- http//www.dol.gov/dol/asp/public/programs/history
/main.htm - http//www.ncss.org/online
- Group state events by broadly defined historical
eras and place in the proper sequence in a time
line with evenly spaced intervals for years,
decades, and/or centuries. - Identify significant individuals and events in
state history and explain their importance. - Explore sources of information about Ohio
7More Activities
- Discuss various cultures from around the world
and have students identify ways in which each
cultures has their unique qualities. - Discuss the immigration of other cultures into
America and how those people had to adapt to our
8People in Societies
- Differences
- Learn from each other
- Common good
9Web Sites
- http//www.lam.mus.ca.us/webmuseums
- http//www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/clamen/m
isc/Canadiana/README.html - http//us.imdb.org/Movies/credits.html
- http//festivals.com/cgi-shl/dbml.exe?Template/fe
stivals/homepage - http//curry.edschool.virginia.edu/curry/projects/
- Identify various cultural groups that have
settled in Ohio - Examine the contributions of people of various
cultural groups to Ohios development - Indicate on a map where various cultural groups
have settled in Ohio
11More Activities
- Discuss various customs of different cultural
groups and perform a skit or play depicting those
customs. - Divide class into groups and have each group
research one of Ohios ethnic groups and report
their findings to the class.
12World Interactions
- Other countries
- Contact
- Relationships
- Intentional and unintentional
13Web Sites
- http//www.frw.ruu.nl/nicegeo.html
- http//wings.buffalo.edu/geoweb/
- http//www.lonelyplanet.com.au/lp.htm
- http//www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/geography
.html - http//pubweb.parc.xerox.com/map
- Demonstrate the relationship between historical
events in Ohio, the nation, and the world - Describe the location of Ohio relative to other
states, nations, and physical features of the
world - Recognize that the government of Ohio deals with
governments of other nations
15More Activities
- Make the United States out of cookies shaped like
individual states. Include major landmarks on the
cookies such as rivers, mountains, state
capitals. - Students will research individual states,locate 5
to 10 facts about that state, then the class will
compile a book of facts about the United States..
16Decision Making and Resources
- Decisions
- Constraints
- Resources
- Individuals and Societies
17Web Sites
- http//ecedweb.unomaha.edu/
- http//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/edu/RSE/RSEyellow/gnb.htm
l - http//www.landmark-project.com/eco-market/
- http//edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu/ins/jun/
- http//www.cochran.com/
- Identify resources needed to produce a good or
service and classify each resource by the factors
of production. - Match each factor of production with the payment
- Describe the role of each factor of production in
producing a specific good or service and suggest
alternative uses for the resources involved.
19More Activities
- Using a large outline of Ohio and symbols for
products produced in Ohio, match the product to
the area in which it was produced.
- Given various resources (string, paper plates,
Styrofoam cups, cottonballs etc..) students will
create their own product and sell it to the class.
20Democratic Processes
- Democratic Society
- Governments purpose
- Accomplish-ments
21Web Sites
- http//www.piperinfo.com/
- http//bizserve.com/statepages.html
- http//www.findlaw.com/
- http//www.law.cornell.edu/
- http//www.whitehouse.gov/WH/Welcome.html
- Identify the purposes of state government.
- Link examples of governmental actions with the
purposes of state government. - Explain the basic function of each branch of
local and state government.
23More Activities
- Identify people, past or present, who belong to
each branch of government. - Set up a class government depicting the three
branches. Discuss the various jobs and make
decisions regarding class actions.
24Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
- Adult
- Working together
- Involvement
- Society
25Web Sites
- http//kidsvotingusa.org/
- http//www.usia.gov/education/cbyex.htm
- http//www.cpn.org/
- http//www.citizen.org/
- http//www.vote-smart.org/other/participate.html
- Differentiate between facts and opinions
- Discuss issues facing local and state governments
- Assume leadership roles and reflect dispositions
that will enhance the learners effectiveness in
addressing public issues.
27More Activities
- Discuss the characteristics of a good citizen.
Write an essay on good citizenship. - Class debate on issues concerning the school or
the class that the students find meaningful.
The purpose of this assignment was to find
activities to use in elementary Social Studies
lessons to help students understand the six
strands. Through these activities they will have
a better understanding of their local community,
their state, their nation, and the world.
Hopefully the students will not only increase
their factual knowledge of social studies, but
also how to apply what they have learned to real
world situations.
29The End