Title: Preconception Health:
1Making the decision to have a child - its
momentous. It is to decide forever to have your
heart go walking around outside your
body. Elizabeth Stone
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
2Preconception Health
- Clinical Applications for
- Advanced Practice Nurses
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
3Catherine Francis-Baldesari CNM, MSN
- Preconception Care Resource Center
- Medical University of South Carolina
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
4Preconception vs. Prenatal Care
- Unplanned pregnancy epidemic
- Period of greatest vulnerability
- Concept of All HCPs/All women childbearing age
- Informed decision-making vs. healthy baby
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
5Goals of Preconception Health Care
- Prevention of unplanned pregnancy
- Risk identification/reduction/elimination
- Appropriate intervention/treatment/referral
- Ongoing education/counseling/support
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
6A preconception visit should be an integral part
of an annual medical visit for all women of
childbearing age. March of Dimes Birth Defects
Foundation Committee of Perinatal Health
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
7Elements of Preconception Health Care
- History and Physical
- Risk assessment and identification
- Risk reduction/elimination
- Follow-up support/involvement
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
8- History
- Medical
- Partner
- Family
- Social
- Physical
- Complete and detailed exam
- Screening tests and Labs based on HP
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9Risk Assessment Screening
- Medical
- Social
- Nutritional
- Paternal
- Reproductive
- Genetic
- Infectious diseases
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
10Medical Issues
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Epilepsy
- Lupus
- Medications
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
11Social Issues
- Illicit drug abuse/addiction
- Tobacco
- Stress
- Teenager
- Environmental exposures
- Domestic violence
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
12Nutritional Issues
- Folic acid
- Obesity
- Caffeine
- Vitamin A
- Eating disorders
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
13Paternal Issues
- Illicit drugs
- Tobacco
- Epilepsy
- Environmental exposures
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
14Reproductive Issues
- Recurrent SAB
- Maternal autoimmune disease
- Short interconception period
- Infertility
- Uterine/cervical abnormalities
- Preterm labor
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
15Genetic Issues
- Tay-Sachs
- French Canadian
- Ashkenazic Jewish
- Beta-Thalassemia
- Mediterranean Greek and Italian
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
16- Alpha-Thalassemia
- SE Asia
- India
- Pakistan
- Phillippines
- Sickle Cell
- African
- Mediterranean
- Middle Eastern
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Caucasian of Northern European descent
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
17Infectious Diseases
- Rubella
- Vericella
- STDs
- Hepatitis B
- Toxoplasmosis
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
18Risk Reduction/Elimination
- Partnerships
- Pt/Partner/Family
- Active participation by pt in process as
important as clinical abilities knowledge of
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
19Ongoing Support Involvement
- Lifestyle choices major focus
- Community resources important
- Social values reflected in increased
attention/care of women carrying a child vs. all
women at all stages of life
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
20Why Advanced Practice Nurses?
- Experts in wellness and primary prevention
- More time available with pts
- Holistic approach to health
- Teachers
- Advocates
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
21The preconception visit may be the single most
important health care visit, viewed in the
context of its effect on pregnancy. CARING
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
22Implications for Preconception Health Promotion
- Personal empowerment
- Public health perspective
- Preconception health success stories
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
23Personal Empowerment
- Health care provider
- Patient
- Patients partner/family
- Future newborn/child/adult
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
24Public Health Perspective
- Decreased infant mortality/morbidity
- Decreased maternal morbidity/mortality
- Patient future offspring
- Medical/Social/Economic/Educational/
- Legal ramifications
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
25Preconception Success Stories
- Folic acid
- Diabetes
- Asthma
From www.B4Pregnancy.org
26When you are a mother, you are never really
alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to
think twice, once for herself and once for her
child. Sophia Loren
From www.B4Pregnancy.org