Title: New SICU opens at Hennepin
1New SICU opens at Hennepin The 24 bed Surgical
Intensive Care Unit is the second phase of a 48
bed ICU replacement project.
2Critical Care Patient Rooms Feature Spacious,
single, private rooms to support the patient,
equipment and staff
3Critical Care Patient Rooms Feature Communication
board to share the names of the healthcare team
with the patient and family
4Critical Care Patient Rooms Feature Designated
space for families and patient belongings
5Critical Care Patient Rooms Feature Equipment in
each patient room is oriented the same using
same handed design principles to support
patient safety
6Critical Care Patient Rooms Feature Sink located
inside each patient room for hand hygiene and
infection reduction
7Critical Care Unit Features Medication and
supply storage decentralized and located
throughout the unit
8Critical Care Unit Features Family rooms for
extended family and visitors located near the
unit entrance
9Critical Care Unit Features Nursing staff work
stations located between every two rooms to
support patient care
10Critical Care Unit Features Designated visitor
entrance and receptionist to greet family members
and visitors
11Critical Care Unit Features Healing environment
with soft lights, warm colors, and panoramic
views from large windows
12Critical Care Unit Features An open design for
staff visualization and communication