Title: Tony Renshaw CA 112
1Tony RenshawCA 112
Focus Groups
- t.renshaw_at_leedsmet.ac.uk
- 01138128608
2The Multiple Choice Quiz
- Encircle the letter against the answer which you
think most closely fits the question. - Dont forget to put your name at the top and
- once you have completed it please pass your
script to your right for assessment.
3The Quiz
1 A focus group is (a) A clique of opticians at
an ophthalmic conference (b) A group of
disgruntled Ford car owners (c) A group of
participants in a qualitative research
project (d) A gathering of academics suddenly
thrust into the lime light 2 Membership of a
focus group is made up of (a) Up to 1000 or more
Leeds united football fans (b) One or more
student reading the small print of an academic
paper (c) A carefully selected group of 8-10
people representing a particular section of
society (d) Onlookers at the scene of an
accident 3 A research question is (a) Something
a lecturer mentioned in passing in a lecture (b)
Something that appears in a dream after a
particularly good party (c) An interesting and
original question that arises after deep
reflection on a topic (d) A location orientated
challenge posed by a girl friend during a
weekend visit to a supermarket
44 A research technique is (a) A series of
extremely useful chat up lines (b) One of
several options available to a researcher to
enable research to take place (c) The knack of
asking stupid questions at the right time (d)
Something everybody else has but you dont 5
Qualitative Analysis is (a) The same as
quantitative analysis but without the numbers
and much the better for it! (b) An analytical
technique which captures mood feeling opinion
attitudes and beliefs (c) Something that only
qualified people can do (d) An anagram of
liuaqavy siiltaenast 6 A moderator (a) Keeps a
focus group on the required track by tactful
steering of the conversation (b) A device
attached via electrodes to volunteer
participants body (c) A filtering device (d)
A member of a religious order
57 Triangulation is (a) Death by a particularly
gruesome and painful method (b) A debate in
which both sides are limited to only three points
each (c) A technique in which the results from
one research method are checked against the
outcomes of another. (d) A Christmas party game
invented by the creators of Monopoly 8 A
statistician's wife had twins. He was delighted.
He rang the minister who was also
delighted. 'Bring them to church on Sunday and
we'll baptise them,' said the minister.
'No,' replied the statistician. 'Baptise one.
We'll keep the other as a control.' (Gary C.
Ramseyer's first Internet gallery of statistics
jokes) (a) Means the days of the originator are
numbered (b) The quiz is rapidly coming to a
sticky end (c) Has no relevance to in a serious
exposition on focus groups! (d) Lunch wasnt
that bad afterall
69 Open ended questions are (a) Those are likely
to go down like a lead balloon with an
audience (b) Deserve a yes no answer (c) A
feature of blog web sites (d) None of the
above 10 As a participant in a focus group I am
very likely to (a) Get handsomely rewarded in
monetary terms (b) Get handsomely rewarded in an
afterlife (c) Be able to express my views openly
in a friendly atmosphere amongst people who have
had similar experiences to my own. (d) Be
literally quiet as a mouse
7Assessors please mark the script using the model
answers coming next, total the score and pass it
back to its author
8The model answers (incorrect answers score 0) 1 A
focus group is (c) A group of participants in a
qualitative research project (5
points). Membership of a focus group is made up
of (c) A carefully selected group of 8-10 people
representing a particular section of society (5
points). 3 A research question is (c) An
interesting and original question that arises
after deep reflection on a topic (5 points). 4 A
research technique is (b) One of several options
available to a researcher to enable research to
take place (5 points). 5 Qualitative Analysis
is (b) An analytical technique which captures
mood feeling opinion attitudes and beliefs (5
9- 6 A moderator
- Keeps a focus group on the required track by
tactful steering of the conversation (5 points). - 7 Triangulation is
- (c) A technique in which the results from one
research method are checked against the outcomes
of another (5 points). - 8 A statistician's wife
- (b) The quiz is rapidly coming to a sticky end (5
points). - 9 Open ended questions are
- (d) None of the above (5 points).
- 10 As a participant in a focus group I am very
likely to - (c) Be able to express my views openly in a
friendly atmosphere amongst people who have had
similar experiences to my own (5 points).
10Results SummaryAll correct answer score 5 others
11 For no more than 15 minutes discuss ONE of the
following topics within the group of people near
you Should capital punishment be bought back
for the killing of a policeman? Should MPs vote
on their own pay increases? Should cannabis be
upgraded to a higher drug classification? Are
speed traps fair to motorists? Should farmers be
allowed to cull badgers? Should the Japanese be
given free rein to conduct their aquatic research
programmes? Is the nuclear deterrent a tenable
option today?
12Focus Groups What are they?
A focus group is a type of interview that
involves 7-10 carefully selected individuals
holding particular characteristics which the
researcher believes are necessary to the topic of
focus. In a focus group a moderated group
discussion is held in a permissive environment in
order to extract opinions and share ideas and
perceptions through group interaction. Adapted
from Fern, E.F., (2001) Advanced focus group
research, Sage, London.
13Arguments for and against the Focus Group
- The argument for
- Non discriminatory
- Supportive, permissive, group environment
- Explores what people think and why
- Multifaceted communications jokes, questions,
stories - More animated discussions
- The arguments against
- Peer pressure
- Ethical issues captive audience
- Confidentiality
- Dependant on the skill of the moderator
14- Some other points
- A study can have several groups
- Should be combined with other techniques
- Most researchers recommend aiming for
homogeneity within each group - but it can sometimes be beneficial to have a
diverse group - but beware that hierarchical relationships
can hamper the free flow of discourse.
15Role of the Moderator/Researcher
- Have a clear research question for investigation
- Plan the event
- Select and vet the participants
- Plan a set of questions
- Put the participants at ease
- Listen, promote debate and steer
- Summarise
16Form into groups of no more than 5. Each group
to appoint a moderator and discuss the topic
below for 15 minutes after which the moderators
will be asked to present their groups
conclusions The university should be more
directive as to the fields of research undertaken
by researchers.
17The moderators brief
18Summary of Groups Findings
- Must be systematic
- Verifiable
- Timely
- Note minority views/ deviant cases
- Seek explore alternative explanations
- Comparisons theories, other focus groups outcomes
20Reflective Questionnaire
21Reflective Questionnaire
22Reflective Questionnaire
23Last Slide
- Focus groups
- Practical experience of working in one
- The role of the monitor
- The analysis of outcomes
- References
- Fern, E.F., (2001) Advanced focus group
research, Sage, London. - Morgan, D.L. (1998) The Focus Group Guidebook,
Sage, London - Kitzinger, J. (1995) Qualitative Research
Introducing focus groups, BMJ 1995,
11299-302 (July) - Adams,A. Cox,A.L.,In Research Methods for
Human-Computer Interaction
(Paperback) Paul Cairns and Anna L. Cox eds.
Cambridge University Press