COSC3306:%20Programming%20Paradigms%20Lecture%209:%20Declarative%20Programming%20with%20Prolog - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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COSC3306: Programming Paradigms. Lecture 9: Declarative. Programming with ... poodle(x) dog(x) small(x) poodle(fluffy) (Logic) apartment(X) :- pet(X), small(X) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: COSC3306:%20Programming%20Paradigms%20Lecture%209:%20Declarative%20Programming%20with%20Prolog

COSC3306Programming ParadigmsLecture 9
DeclarativeProgramming with Prolog
  • Haibin Zhu, Ph.D.
  • Computer Science
  • Nipissing University (C) 2003

  • Prolog
  • Program structure
  • Logical variable
  • Syntax structure
  • Prolog facilities
  • Control structure
  • Resolution and unification
  • DFS
  • Backtracking
  • Deficiencies of Prolog
  • Cut Operator
  • Recursive Rules

  • At the heart of the Prolog is a stored base of
    information usually called a knowledge base or
    database, which consists of facts and rules. The
    system is interactive in which the user interacts
    with the system on a question and answer basis.
    Answering a question involves processing the data
    held in the knowledge base. A general structure
    of Prolog is

  • The basic features of Prolog include a powerful
    pattern-matching facility, a backtracking
    strategy that searches for proofs, uniform data
    structures from which programs are built, and the
    general interchangeability of input and output.
    Owing to the lack of a standard definition,
    several dialects of Prolog evolved, differing
    even in their basic syntax. Fortunately, the
    Edinburg version in now widely accepted as a

Program Structure
  • A prolog program consists of three major
    components stated as
  • Series of rules that define the problem domain,
    which is the relation between objects
  • Series of facts that define the
    interrelationships among the known objects and
  • Logical statement known as goal or query that is
    a question from the Prolog system to either prove
    or disprove.

Program Structure
  • In general, the set of facts and rules is called
    assertions or axioms and describes logical
    relationships among objects and is the basis for
    the theorem-proving model of Prolog system.
    Prolog programming language restricts us to the
    logical statements (Horn clauses) of the form
  • A - A1, A2, , An.
  • The symbol - means if and the symbol , means
    and. A is the head (goal) of the logical
    statement, A1, A2, , An forms the body
    (subgoals), and a period terminates every Prolog
    axiom. Ai is called a literal, which is a
    relationship between objects or the negation of a
    relationship between objects.

  • The following literals can express the
    relationship between two objects, seyed and mary.
  • likes(seyed, mary).
  • father_of(seyed, mary).

?x pet(x) ? small(x) ? apartment(x) ?x cat(x) ?
dog(x) ? pet(x) ?x poodle(x) ? dog(x) ?
small(x) poodle(fluffy) (Logic)
apartment(X) - pet(X), small(X). pet(X)-
cat(X). pet(X)- dog(X). dog(X)-
poodle(X). small(X) - poodle(X).
poodle(fluffy) (Prolog)
  • Query is the given input to a program, which is
    treated as a goal to be proved. In other words,
    the query is a question asking about objects and
    their relationships. In prolog, a query is just
    like a fact or rule, except that it is started
    with a special symbol ?-, a question mark and
    a -, hyphen.
  • For example, in a query as the form
  • ?- A1, A2, , An.
  • In this case, we proceed by satisfying A1, and
    A2, and , An separately as subgoals.
  • If all subgoals succeed, then we conclude that
    the goal succeeds.
  • We use the convention that the names of all
    objects and relationships start with a lowercase
    character and variables start with an uppercase

Logical Variable
  • The variable in imperative language is not the
    same concept as a variable in logic programs
  • A program variable refers to a memory location
    that may have changes in its contents consider
    an assignment N?N?1.
  • A variable in logic program simply stands for a
    value that, once determined, will not change. For
    example, the equation X?3Y?11 and 2X?3Y?4 specify
    value for X and Y namely X?5 and Y?2, which will
    not be changed in this context. A variable in
    Prolog is called a logical variable and acts in a
    manner differently. Variables are strings of
    characters beginning with an uppercase letter or
    an underscore.
  • Once a logical variable is bound to a particular
    value, called an instantiation of the variable,
    that binding cannot be altered unless the pattern
    matching that caused the binding is undone
    because of backtracking.

Logical Variable
  • The destructive assignment of imperative
    languages, where a variable with a value binding
    is changed, cannot be performed in logic
  • Terms in a query change only by having variables
    filled in for the first time, never by having a
    new value replace an existing value.
  • An iterative accumulation of a value is obtained
    by having each instance of a recursive rule take
    the values passed to it and perform computations
    of values for new variables that are then passed
    to another call.
  • Since a logical variable is bounded once, it is
    more like a constant identifier with a dynamic
    defining expression as in Ada than a variable in
    an imperative language.

  • parent(seyed, mary).
  • parent(seyed, mahsa).
  • parent(mary, leily).
  • parent(mahsa, victoria).

Some queries ? parent(seyed, mary). yes ?
parent(X, leily). X?mary yes ? parent(seyed,
X). X?mary X?mahsa no ? parent(X,
Y). X?seyed Y?mary yes
? The user-typed semicolon asks the system for
more solutions
  • System will list all of the parent pairs, one at
    a time if semicolons are typed.

Prolog Syntax-Constants
  • A Constant is one of
  • Atom
  • Integer
  • Real Number
  • Atoms are made up of
  • letters and digits AB...Zab...z01...9 and _
  • symbol any number of , -, , /,

  •   Variables usually start with a capital letter.
    The only interesting exception is the special
    anonymous variable written _ and pronounced
    underscore''. In the rule process(X,Y)-
  • test(_,Z),
  • evaluate(Z,Y).
  • the underscores refer to different unnamed
    variables. For example, here are two versions of

Compound Terms
  • A Compound Term is a functor with a (fixed)
    number of arguments each of which may be a Prolog
  • happy(fred)
  • principal functor happy
  • 1st argument a constant (atom)
  • sum(5,X)
  • principal functor sum
  • 1st argument constant (integer)
  • 2nd argument variable
  • not(happy(woman))
  • principal functor not
  • 1st argument compound term

BNF Specification
Prolog Facilities-Arithmetic
  • ?- X is 34.
  • ?- X is 5-4.
  • ?- X is 34.
  • ?- X is 8/2.
  • ?- X is 5 mode 2.

  • XltY.
  • XgtY.
  • XltY.
  • XgtY.
  • X\Y.
  • XY.

List Operations
  • List is a sequence of elements that are separated
    commas, shown between brackets, and have any
  • HT expresses a list
  • H matches the head of the list
  • T matches the tail

List Head Tail a, b, c, d a b, c, d
none none the, man, human the,
man human the, man, human the man,
human the, man, human, arm the man,
human, arm
  • Last(X, X).
  • Last(X, HT)-last(X,T)
  • ?-Last(X, a,b,c,d).
  • X d
  • Member(X,XT).
  • Member(X,HT)-member(X,T).
  • ?- member(a, a,b,c,d)
  • Yes.

  • Concat(, L, L).
  • Concat(HT, L, HM))-concat(T, L, M).
  • ?-Concat(a,b,c,b,e,R).
  • R a,b,c,d,e.
  • ?-append(.)

Input and Output
  • Read(X).
  • Average-read(X), read(Y), Z is (XY)/2.
  • Write (variable).
  • ?-X is 210, write (x).
  • Other examples
  • http//
  • http//

To be Continued
  • Control Structure
  • Resolution
  • Unification
  • DFS

Control Structure
  • Because Prolog has been implemented with a
    concern for efficiency, its control strategy acts
    with a deterministic approach for discovering
    proofs. The control system in Prolog can be
    characterized by two criteria
  • Goal order, meaning that the control system
    chooses the first leftmost subgoal.
  • Rule order, meaning that the control system
    selects the first logical statement.

Control Structure
  • This indicates that, the response to a query is
    affected both by subgoal orders within the goal
    and by the logical statements order within the
    knowledge base of facts and rules.
  • There are two opposite methods in which goal can
    be proved as top-down approach which is similar
    to recursion also called backward chaining and
    bottom-up approach which is similar to iteration
    also called forward chaining. There are various
    mixtures of top-down and bottom-up that work from
    both the goal and the hypotheses. It is worth
    noting that, bottom-up control approach is more
    efficient than top-down approach, since the
    bottom-up execution does not recompute the

Top-down Approach
  • In this approach, we start with the goal and
    attempt to prove its correctness by finding a
    sequence of matching logical statements that lead
    to some set of original facts in the knowledge
    base, meaning that all possible resolution and
    unification could be performed until the goal is
    proved. The top-down approach execution of a
    logic program is similar to recursive execution
    of a procedure.
  • The goal G is empty and True is reached.
  • No logical statement applies to the leftmost
    subgoal of G.

  • Assume a knowledge base contains the following
    fact and rule.
  • mother(mary).
  • female(X) mother(X).
  • To trace the query female(mary), in top-down
    approach the Prolog would be required to choose
    goal as starting logical statement and use it to
    infer the truth of the goal. In this example, a
    new logical statement mother(mary) can be deduced
    by matching the goal female(mary) and the second
    logical statement female(X) mother(X) in the
    knowledge base through instantiation of X to
    mary. The goal can be inferred, because the new
    generated logical statement mother(mary) is
    similar to the first logical statement of the
    knowledge base.

Bottom-up Approach
  • In the bottom-up, we start with the hypotheses
    which is the assumption that the goal is correct
    and attempt to reach the goal. This indicates
    that we start with the facts and rules of the
    knowledge base and attempt to find a sequence of
    matches that lead to the goal. In general
    bottom-up approach works well when the number of
    possibly correct answers is large. The bottom-up
    control can stop in one of two cases
  • The goal G is achieved and True is reached.
  • No logical statements can satisfy each other in
    order to make a new logical statement.

  • Assume a knowledge base contains the following
    fact and rule.
  • mother(mary).
  • female(X) mother(X).
  • To trace the query female(mary), in bottom-up
    approach the Prolog would be required to search
    through the knowledge base in order to make a
    logical statement correspond to the goal. In this
    example, the goal can be deduced by matching the
    first fact mother(mary) with the right side of
    the second rule female(X) mother(X) through
    instantiation of X to mary. A new generated
    logical statement as female(mary) indicates that
    the goal can be inferred, because it is similar
    to the goal.

Resolution and Unification
  • As an important practical application, resolution
    theorem proving also known as the resolution
    refutation system has made the current generation
    of Prolog interpreter possible.
  • Unification is the search process of finding the
    general substitution of variables that makes two
    literally identical.
  • In general, when the interpreter tries to verify
    a goal it searches the database of facts and
    rules to find a matching fact or rules head.
    This is corresponding to pattern matching and
    variable binding.

  • Selects a fact if
  • The name is the same as that of the goal to be
  • The number of arguments is the same.
  • For all corresponding arguments one of the
    following conditions holds
  • They are exactly the same constant.
  • They are an unbound variable and a constant. In
    this case the variable becomes bound to the
  • They are both variables. In this case, if one is
    bound then the other becomes bound to the same
    object. If both are bound, then both become bound
    to the same object.
  • If no matching fact or rules head can be found
    by unification, then the goal fails.
  • This indicates that, the resolution and
    unification works by canceling out matching
    literals that appear on different sides of the
    - sign. If we have two logical statements, any
    two matching (or unifiable) literals, which
    appear both on the right of one of them and on
    the left of the other, cancel each other out.

  • Consider the following facts and rules translated
    into Prolog clause form on the right.
  • (1) - a. ? a
  • (2) a - b, c, d. ? b ? ? c ? ? d ? a
  • (3) b - e, f. ? e ? ? f ? b
  • (4) c - c
  • (5) d - d
  • (6) e - e
  • (7) f - f

The procedure of resolution for the above example
  • The literal e in line 6 can be unified with the
    literal e in line 3.
  • The literal f in line 7 cancels out the literal f
    in line 3.
  • The literal b in line 3 cancels out the literal b
    in line 2.
  • The literal c in line 4 can be resolved with the
    literal c in line 2.
  • The literal d in line 5 cancels out the literal d
    in line 2.
  • After all the above, we are left with the literal
    a in line 2, that can be canceled out with the
    original query, the literal a in line 1.

Resolution by unification
  • However, two literals do not have to be identical
    to be resolved. For example, in the following
  • parent_of(X, Y) - father_of(X, Y), male(X).
  • father_of(john, mary).
  • male(john).
  • father_of(X, Y) literal appearing to the right of
    the first rule can be unified with
    father_of(john, mary) in the second fact. These
    two literals are unifiable when the variable X is
    instantiated to the constant john, and the
    variable Y to the constant mary. Thus,
  • parent_of(X, Y) - father_of(X, Y), male(X).
  • father_of(john, mary).
  • can be resolved to
  • parent_of(john, mary) - male(john).

Resolution by refutation proofs
  • Resolution by refutation proofs requires that the
    axioms and the negation of the goal be placed in
    clause form notation.
  • Clause form represents the logical statements as
    a set of disjunction of literals.
  • The most common form of resolution is called
    binary resolution, the basis for Prolog
    interpreter that is applied to two clauses when
    one contains a literal and the other its
  • If these literals contain variables, the literals
    must be unified to make them equivalent. In this
    case, a new clause is produced consisting of the
    disjuncts of all the literals in the two clauses
    excluded the literal and its negative instance,
    which are said to have been resolved or cancelled

A Procedure of Refutation Proofs
  • The resulting clause receives the unification
    substitution under which the literal and its
    negation are found as equivalent. In general, the
    resolution refutation proofs can be stated as the
    following steps
  • Put the set of facts and rules into clause form
  • Add the negation of what is to be proved (goal or
    query), in clause form to the set of axioms.
  • Perform the following steps until there is no
    resolvable clause if there is no resolvable
    clause go to Step 4.
  • Unify (resolve) these clauses together, making
    new clauses that logically produced from them.
  • Produce a contradiction by generating an empty
    clause. If there is an empty clause, stop and
    report the query is true.
  • The substitution used to produce the empty clause
    are those under which the opposite of the negated
    goal is true.
  • Stop and report that the query is false meaning
    that there is no solution associated with this
  • It is worth noting that, the Step 3 is intended
    to produce an empty clause, indicating that there
    is a solution associated with the goal.

Producing the Clause Form
  • In the following, we outline the process of
    conjunctive normal form reduction through
    examples and give a brief description for each
  • We eliminate ? if by using the equivalent
    form as
  • b ? a ? a ? b
  • We eliminate ? implies by using the
    equivalent form as
  • a ? b ? ? a ? b
  • We reduce the scope of negation. This can be
    accomplished using a number of the transformation
    rules. These include
  • ? a ( ? a ) ? a
  • ? ( a ? b ) ? ? a ? ? b
  • ? ( a ? b ) ? ? a ? ? b

Producing the Clause Form (Contd)
  • We convert the expression to the conjunction of
    disjunction of literals. This requires using the
    associative and distributive properties of ? and
    ?. These include
  • a ? ( b ? c ) ? ( a ? b ) ? c
  • a ? ( b ? c ) ? ( a ? b ) ? c
  • a ? ( b ? c ) ? ( a ? b ) ? ( a ? c )
  • It is important to mention that, the following
    logical statement
  • a ? ( b ? c )
  • is already in clause form notation, because ? is
    not distributed. Hence, it consists of the
    following two clauses
  • a
  • ( b ? c )

  • Example We consider the following statements
    translated into logical statements on the right
    and we wish to prove that Poddy will die.
  • Statement Logical Statement
  • All dogs are animals. ? (X) dog(X) ?
  • Poddy is a dog. dog(poddy).
  • All animals will die. ? (Y) animal(Y) ?
  • Poddy will die. die(poddy).

Example 1
  • First, we convert the logical statements to the
    following clause form notation.
  • Logical Statement Clause Form
  • 1. ? (X) dog(X) ? animal(X) ? dog(X) ?
  • 2. dog(poddy) dog(poddy)
  • 3. ? (Y) animal(Y) ? die(Y) ? animal(Y) ?
  • We negate the query that Poddy will die.
  • 4. die(poddy) ? die(poddy)
  • Next, we resolve the clauses having opposite
    literals, producing a new clause by resolution
    procedure and continue until the empty clause is
Figure 11.10 Resolution proof for Poddy will die
Example 2
  • Consider the following logical statements
    translated into Prolog clause form on the right.
    We would like to know that who does John like?
    by issuing a query as
  • ?- likes(john, Somebody).
  • Logical Statement Clause Form
  • 1. likes(david, bert). likes(david, bert)
  • 2. likes(bert, john). likes(bert, john)
  • 3. likes(john, X) - likes(X, bert). ?
    likes(X, bert) ? likes(john, X)
  • 4. ?- likes(john, Somebody). ? likes(john,
  • It is worth noting that, we convert the rule
    likes(john, X) - likes(X, bert) to form likes(X,
    bert) ? likes(john, X) in order to be converted
    into clause form, meaning that if is changed to
  • The empty clause indicates that, the query is
    true when the variable Somebody is instantiated
    to the constant David.
Error!!, P374 Fig. 11.11
Figure 11.11 Resolution proof for ? likes
(john, Somebody)
Example 3
  • Logical Statement
  • on(b, a).
  • on(a, table).
  • above(X, Y)- on(X,Y).
  • above(X, Z)- above(X, Y), above(Y, Z).
  • ?-above(b,table).
  • Clause Form
  • on(b, a).
  • on(a, table).
  • ? on(X,Y) V above(X, Y).
  • ? above(X, Y) ? ? above(Y, Z) ? above(X, Z).
  • ? above(b,table).

Figure 11.12 Resolution proof for ? - above (b,
Depth-First Search
  • Matching the fact and rule with the first subgoal
  • Try the facts and rules in order
  • Adding the precondition of the rule at the
    beginning of the goal after a match

Figure 11.13 Portion of the Prolog depth-first
search tree leading to success
To be continued
  • Backtracking
  • Deficiencies of Prolog
  • Cut Operator
  • Recursive Rules

  • Prolog uses unification to match a goal to the
    head of a clause, but if there are several
    candidate clauses, which does Prolog choose to
    try first? In most cases Prolog looks through the
    clauses in the order in which they are entered in
    the logic base. This is not the case for a
    'sorted' predicate, which is, as the name
    implies, stored in sorted order.

  • Prolog's backtracking top-to-bottom,
    left-to-right search is simple and effective.
    Backtracking works as follows
  • If Prolog cannot prove a sub-goal in the body of
    a clause, then it looks at the sub-goal
    immediately to its left. If there are any other
    clauses which can be used to re-prove this goal,
    then any variable bindings which resulted from
    the previous clause selection are discarded, and
    Prolog continues with the new proof.
  • If the sub-goal which initially failed was the
    first goal in the body of the clause, then the
    whole goal fails, and the backtracking continues
    in the parent clause (the clause containing the
    reference to the goal whose proof just failed).

  • Backtracking is a very powerful tool since it
    will try and generate a solution by automated
  • Unfortunately it can sometimes be too powerful,
    generating solutions that were not wanted, and so
    we have to have some way of controlling it.

Deficiencies of Prolog
  • Resolution order control
  • Semantics of Prolog
  • The closed world assumption

Resolution order control
  • In Prolog, statement order is meaningful.
  • The user can affect both efficiency and semantics
    by ordering the statements in a Prolog program.
  • parent(bob, pat).
  • parent(tom, bob).
  • pred(X, Z) - parent(X, Z).
  • pred(X, Z) - parent(X, Y), pred(Y, Z).
  • ?- pred(tom, pat).
  • Yes
  • If the rules are
  • pred(X, Z) - pred(Y, Z), parent(X, Y).
  • pred(X, Z) - parent(X, Z).
  • ?- pred(tom, pat)

Semantics of Prolog
  • Procedural semantics
  • how Prolog answers questions.
  • Declarative semantics
  • the logical meaning of Prolog program
  • Programs with the same declarative semantics may
    have different Procedural xsemantics.
  • Example
  • P - R, S.
  • P - S, R.
  • Danger of indefinite looping
  • Consider
  • p - p.
  • ?- p.

The closed world assumption
  • Anything that cannot be proved to be true is
    assumed to be false.
  • For Prolog, the only truths are those that can be
    proved using the given facts. Prolog cannot prove
    that a given goal is false. Prolog adopts the
    closed world assumption to assume that anything
    that cannot be proved to be true be false.

Figure 11.15 Tree structure of facts
Cut Operator
  • Denoted with a "!". !/0 is always true, so if a
    clause containing a cut is read as a statement of
    truth, it behaves as if there were no cut there.
    But cut affects the way backtracking is performed
    as follows
  • Once a cut is executed, the choice of the clause
    which contains it is frozen as a proof step. Also
    any choices made during the proof of the goals
    between the head of the clause and the cut are
    frozen. Thus cut acts like a fence. When
    backtracking passes over the cut (heading left in
    a clause), then proof reconsideration continues
    not with the goal to the left of the !, but the
    goal to the left of the goal which chose the
    clause containing the cut.

Figure 11.16 The effect of Cut in the first rule
Figure 11.17 The effect of a Cut in the second
Figure 11.18 The effect of Cut in conjunction
with fail
"cut" problem
  • "cut" (!) is a goal that always succeeds
  • cut is used to avoid unnecessary backtracking.
  • Example
  • member(X, XL).
  • member(X, YL) - member(X, L).
  • This is 'non-deterministic' if X occurs serveral
    times then any occurrence can be found.
  • A deterministic member use a cut to prevent
    backtracking as soon as X is found.
  • member(X, XL)-!.
  • member(X, YL) - member(X, L).

"cut" problem
  • This will generate just one solution.
  • ?- member(X, a, b, c).
  • Xa
  • no
  • The use of cut is not recommended because it
    destroys one of the important advantages of logic
    programming, i.e., programs do not specify how
    solutions are to be found.

Negation as failure
  • Example
  • sibling(X, Y) - parent(M, X), parent(M, Y),
    not(X Y).
  • Definition of negation in Prolog
  • not(P) - P, !, fail true.
  • Which can be read
  • If P succeeds, then not(P) fails, otherwise
    not(P) succeeds.

The negation problem
  • The Prolog not operator is not equivalent to a
    logical NOT operator.
  • not(not(some_goal)).
  • is not always equivalent to some_goal.
  • ?. not human(mary).
  • Yes
  • This means only that there is not enough
    information in the program to prove that Mary is
    human. Prolog's reasoning is based on the closed
    world assumption.

Recursive Rules
  • Let's look at a more interesting extension to the
    directed graph program.
  • Suppose we aren't satisfied with a predicate
    which distinguishes pairs of nodes linked by
    paths of length two.
  • Suppose we want a general predicate which is
    satisfied by a pair of nodes just in case they
    are linked by a path in the graph - a path of any
    (positive) length.
  • Thinking recursively, we can see that there is a
    path from one node to another if there is an edge
    between them (a base case), or if there is an
    edge to an intermediate node from which there is
    a path to the final node.
  • The following two rules define the path relation
    for our program.

Recursive Rules
  • path(Node1,Node2) - edge(Node1,Node2).
  • path(Node1,Node2) - edge(Node1,SomeNode),
  • There are two important characteristics in this
    example. First, the use of two rules (with the
    same head) to define a predicate reflects the use
    of the logical OR'' in a Prolog program.

Recursive Rules
  • We would read these two rules as
  • path(Node1,Node2) is true if edge(Node1,Node2) is
    true or if there is a node SomeNode for which
    both edge(Node1,SomeNode) and path(SomeNode,Node2)
    are true. Second, the predicate used in the head
    of the second rule also appears in the body of
    that rule. The two rules together show how a
    recursive definition can be implemented in Prolog

Figure 11.19 A train route between five cities
Figure 11.20 The first stage of the journey
Figure 11.21 The program that corresponds to ?
travel (boiling-springs, columbia)
Figure 11.22 The program that corresponds to ? -
travel (boiling-springs, columbia) query
  • Prolog
  • Program structure
  • Logical variable
  • Syntax structure
  • Control structure
  • Resolution and unification
  • DFS
  • Backtracking
  • Deficiencies of Prolog
  • Cut Operator
  • Recursive Rules
  • Prolog facilities
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