Title: Bill Abbott
- Bill Abbott
- Background
- Experience
- Education
- District Sales Manager
- Merchandising Manager
- Founder
- President
- Senior Category Strategies Manager
- Commercial Real Estate Broker
- Grocery Bag Carrier
- Newspaper Delivery Boy
- Showroom Clerk
- Showroom Manager
- Account Executive
- Marketing Specialist
- Merchandiser
- Sales Associate
- Corporate Marketing Manager
3Education / Achievements
- Achievements and Designations
- A friend and former student of Alan Leongs UWB
- Bachelor of Arts Business Administration UWB
- Advisory Board Member UWB
4Sales / Management / Customer Service
- Sales
- Sales Management
- Customer Service
- Is anyone here in sales?
- Is anyone here in sales management?
- Is anyone here in customer service?
6- Selling is the ultimate survival skill.
7The Sales Profession
- Some people simply love the sales profession yet
- Some people simply hate salespeople
- Whats up?
8Sales A Rewarding Profession
- Tangible rewards
- Compensation
- Trips
- Prizes
- Events
- Intangible Rewards
- Freedom
- Social contact
- Prestige
- The sport
- What are their typical characteristics?
- What do they actually do?
10Positive Characteristics
- Analytical
- Brave
- Communicatorsskillful
- Competent
- Disciplined
- Empathetic
- Energetic
- Entertaining
- Ethical
- Helpful
- Organized
- Problem solvers
- Reliable
- Resilient
- Social
- Solution providers
- Sponge like
- Thorough
- Trustworthy
- Winners
11Contingent Characteristics
- Adaptive
- Ambitious
- Clever
- Competitive
- Creative
- Independent thinkers
- Influencers
- Innovative
- Intelligent
- Learners..quick
- Non conformists
- Persistent
- Proud
- Report, policy and meeting averse
- Self motivated
- Shark like
- Strategic
- Theatrical
- Tough
12Negative Characteristics
- Dishonest
- Egotistical
- Follow up poor
- Greedy
- Incompetent
- Pushy
- Selfish
- Shortsighted
- Slimy
- Sneaky
- Unethical
13Essential Roles of the Salesperson
- Accountants
- Bill collectors
- Business analysts
- Closers
- Coaches
- Coordinators
- Consultants
- Counselors
- Diplomats
- Influencers
- Interpreters
- Job producers/savers
- Locksmiths
- Managers accounts
- Obstacle eliminators
- Pain in butt purveyors
- Presenters
- Prospectors
- Qualifiers
- Representatives
- Scouts
- Soldiers
- Solution providers
- Stimulators of the economy
- Suppliers of information
14Leadership Support is a Given
- Leaders clearly understand that salespeople are
- The Kings servant and messenger
- The face and future of the company
- The initial force for all forward motion
15Nordstroms Inverted Organizational Pyramid
- See the Nordstrom inverted organizational
pyramid - Customers
- Sales and Support People
- Department Managers
- Store Managers, General Managers etc.
- Board of Directors
16Nordstrom Inverted Pyramid
- The Inverted Pyramid represents the companys
philosophy and structure, placing customers at
the top. Next are those who directly serve
17Good Salespeople UnderstandThe Sales Process
- The Glengarry Glen Ross Sale Processes
- Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
- The Sales Process
- Prospecting
- Greeting
- Establish relationship
- Qualify needs Why, what, where, when, how
- Presentation, demonstration, information
- Transform interest to desire
- Overcome objections
- Close the sale
- Execution and follow up
18Good Salespeople UnderstandBuying Motives
- Buying motives are 1,000 times more powerful
than selling skills. Make that 10,000. Gitomer
19Buying Motives
- More sales
- Greater productivity
- More profit
- Better image
- More customers
- Loyal employees
- Better morale
- Less hassles
- More free time
- Differentiation
20Great Salespeople Understand
- You gotta sell yourself. J. Girard
- People dont like to be sold, but they love to
buy. - Gitomer - You can only earn a commission using a sales
technique, but you can earn a fortune building
friendships and relationships. Gitomer - Your best new prospects are your present
customers. - Gitomer
21Great Salespeople Understand
- The benefit of maintaining relationships versus
seeking new ones. - Existing product existing customer
- New product existing customer
- Existing product - new customer
- New product - new customer
- Amount of expense and effort for each?
22Gitomers Rules of Sales Success
- Maintain a positive attitude
- Believe in yourself
- Set and achieve goals
- Learn the fundamentals of sales
- Understand customer needs
- Sell to help
- Believe in your company and product
- Be prepared
- Be sincere
- Qualify the buyer
- Be on time for appointments
- Look professional
- Establish rapport and buyer confidence
- Use humor
- Master product knowledge
- Sell benefits, not features
- Tell the truth
- Keep promises
- Dont down the competition
23Gitomers Rules of Sales Success
- Use testimonials
- Listen for buying signals
- Anticipate objections
- Get down to real objections
- Overcome objections
- Ask for the sale
- After asking a closing question, SHUT UP
- If no sale, make an appointment to return
- Follow up, follow up, follow up
- Redefine rejection
- Anticipate and be comfortable with change
- Follow company rules
- Get along with others
- Understand that hard work makes luck
- Dont blame others when the fault is yours
- Harness the power of resistancereject No
- Find your success formula through numbers
24Gitomers Rules of Sales Success
- Do it passionately
- Be memorable
25Sales Truisms
- Deals are perishable.
- The best customers pay the highest prices.
- Confidence is perceived as competence.
- Ink boosts credibility.
26Sales Truisms
- To maximize sales you should listen more than you
speak. - Relationships make margins possible and margins
makes relationships possible.
27Sales Management
28The Successful Sales Manager
- Respected
- Competent
- Effective
29Sales Management Duties
- Negotiator
- Organizer
- Planner
- Problem solver
- Recruiter
- Relief pitcher
- Score maker / keeper
- Super salesperson
- Team Builder
- Terminator
- Administrator
- Business analyst
- Coach / Trainer / Motivator
- Collection agent
- Conflict arbitrator
- Counselor
- Decision maker
- Liaison / Mediator
- Manager of Time and Stress
- Marketer
30Role of Coach
- Coach
- Help to set standards and goals
- Provide direction and advice
- Share practical experience
- Condition players to win
- Offer feedback on performance
31Role of Trainer
- Trainer
- Identify areas of strength and bolster
- Identify areas of weakness and reduce
- Provide training, information and tools on
- Products
- Services
- Processes
- Efficiency Tools
- ACT data base
32Role of Motivator
- Motivation
- Understand the sources of motivation
- Encourage positive behavior and characteristics
- Reward positive application of contingent
characteristics - Empower, delegate and support
- Communicate supportively
- Maintain and elevate morale
- Recognize good performance
- Stir up internal competition
- Benchmark against competition
- Ensure compensation is paid timely
- Kick a little bottom as needed (last choice)
33Positive Characteristics
- Analytical
- Brave
- Communicatorsskillful
- Competent
- Disciplined
- Empathetic
- Energetic
- Entertaining
- Ethical
- Helpful
- Organized
- Problem solvers
- Reliable
- Resilient
- Social
- Solution providers
- Sponge like
- Thorough
- Trustworthy
- Winners
34Contingent Characteristics
- Adaptive
- Ambitious
- Clever
- Competitive
- Creative
- Independent thinkers
- Influencers
- Innovative
- Intelligent
- Learners..quick
- Non conformists
- Persistent
- Predatory
- Proud
- Report, policy and meeting averse
- Self motivated
- Shark like
- Strategic
- Theatrical
- Tough
35The Sales Profession
- Q Why do so many people have so little respect
for salespeople and the sales profession? -
- A It has to do with the management of contingent
and negative salesperson characteristics.
36Negative Characteristics
- Dishonest
- Egotistical
- Follow up poor
- Greedy
- Incompetent
- Pushy
- Selfish
- Shortsighted
- Slimy
- Sneaky
- Unethical
37The Potential Damage
- Internal
- Functional friction generated by
- Characteristics
- Jealousy
- External
- Lost customers
- Lost sales
- Legal problems
- Damage to company reputation
38Roles of Coach/Counselor/Terminator
- Three choices for managing
- Contingent and Negative Characteristics
- 1.) Show and/or tell them the way
- 2.) Lead them to finding their own way
- 3.) Conclude that there is NO WAY!
39Role of Liaison / Mediator
- Communications
- Team advocate
- Coordinator
- Expeditor
- Diplomat
- The Bad Cop
40Role of Planner
- Company wide planning
- Vision
- Initiatives
- Budgeting
- Team planning
- Vision (within the vision)
- Initiatives
- Budgeting
41Role of Planner
- Team budget development
- National
- Regional
- District
- Salesperson
- Customer
- Customer mix
- Category mix
- Individual products or services
- Sales and margin growth
42Strategic Sales Plan Steps
- A handy reference template
- http//salestraininginternational.com/assessments/
43Role of Recruiter
- Develop a job description and a profile for
success - Identify and attract potential candidates
- Qualify potential candidates
- Integrate recruits into the team and company
- Prepare recruits with resources for success
44Role of Recruiter
- Identify and attract potential candidates
- Sources
- Q Does your success profile offer any clues on
where to look? - Other sources
- Networks (referrals are best)
- Headhunters
- Trade journals
- Competitors
- Suppliers
- Customer Service department
- Diamonds in the rough
- First hand interaction
- Back to the productive wells
45Identifying Good Salespeople
- Alans question, How do you separate good
salespeople from other people in the
organization? - Lets give this some thought
46Role of Recruiter
- Qualify and screen potential candidates
- Does she have the credentials required for the
position ? - Do we want her to do the job?
- Multiple interviews
- Personal referrals
- Cultural fit
- Likeable and enthusiastic
47Role of Recruiter
- Is she likely to succeed in the job?
- Skills
- Limra
- Success profile comparisons
- Meyers Briggs
- Are there fundamental reasons not to give her the
job? - Background checks (Intellius)
- Drugs
48Screening Tests
- Myers Briggs personality test delivers a four
letter type indicating the way a person prefers
to make decisions, process information, organize
life, and direct energy - Extrovert (E), Introvert (I), Sensing (S),
Intuition (N), Thinking (T), Feeling (F), Judging
(J), Perceiving (P) - FIRO-B offers insight into how an individuals
personal needs affect that persons behavior
towards others - Inclusion, Control, and Affection (expressed or
wanted) - Compatibility and approach to interpersonal
relationships -
49Suggested Careers for MB Types
50Sales Screening Tests
- http//exsel.limra.com/Products/CPplus.aspx
- 65 years of experience in selecting
entrepreneurial sales professionals - Frequently used by insurance and financial
services companies - Collects past work and life experiences,
personality, goals, attitudes, career
expectations, background checks - Rates applicants probability of success in sales
51Role of Recruiter
- Identify and attract potential candidates
- Compensation packages
- Q What does your industry dictate?
- Q Do you want to lead or follow?
- Most packages start with three basic choices
- Pros and Cons of each approach?
- Stage of business development?
- Additional items to spruce up the offering?
52 Compensation Models
- Pay philosophies
- Salarya fixed cost of laborto sustain and grow
revenues. - Salary Plus Bonusa hybrid costsales pay levels
should be managed in reference to affordability
and the labor markets compensation levels. - Commissiona variable cost of salesthe more they
make, the more we make.
Colletti and Fiss
53Types of Performance Measures
- Volume
- Profitability
- Productivity
- Strategic Planning
- Customer conversions
- Customer penetration
- Customer retention
Colletti Fiss
54The Base Salary Model
55Base Salary Plus Bonus
- Disadvantages
- Requires explicit communication about performance
requirements - Can be confusing to understand
- Payout on subjective components are challenged
- Advantages
- Offers opportunity to manage selling
- Stabilizes earnings
- Rewards and penalties are consistent with sales
and business cycles
Colletti Fiss
56The Sales Commission Model
- Advantages
- Simple to understand
- Drives performance at V Cost
- Provides maximum incentive
- Rewards and penalties are
- immediate
- Disadvantages
- Motivates self-directing behaviors
- Limits control over selling efforts
- Creates wide swings in earnings
- Makes territory realignment difficult
- Can be quite costly
Colletti Fiss
57Selling Environment Applications
Colletti Fiss
58 An Effective Compensation Plan
- Achieves organizational strategies and sales
objectives - Clearly defines performance expectations and
payouts - Rewards business development over account
maintenance - Controls the cost of sales
- Rewards top achievers for high performance
Colletti Fiss
59An Effective Compensation Plan
- Is challenging and perceived as fair
- Avoids windfalls based on reorganizations or
account transfers - Proactively addresses commission split issues
- Attracts and retains people with the right skills
and competencies
Colletti Fiss
60Role of Scorekeeper
- Track and ensure progress toward company vision
and goals.
61Role of Team Builder
- Articulate a vision
- A motivating vision helps illuminate the core
values and principles that will guide the team in
the future - Left brain / right brain
- Interesting contradicts assumptions and
challenges the status quo - Encompasses passion and principles
- Sets goals Specific, Measurable, Aligned,
Realistic, Time Bound
Cameron and Whetton
62Role of Team Builder
- Develop credibility (respect)
- Demonstrate integrity (trust)
- Be clear and consistent
- Create positive energy
- Manage agreement and disagreement
- Encourage and coach
- Share information
Cameron Whetton
63Role of Team Builder
- A common goal or purpose
- Good communication
- Team development
- Team attitude
- Support, encourage, and recognize those pursuing
that vision
64Customer Service
65Customer Service
- Exercise
- Write down the name of a company that you
perceive to have great customer service and tell
us why. - Write down the name of a company that you
perceive to have poor customer service and tell
us why. - Note Give an example or be as specific as
66Customer Service
- What do you think of the trends in customer
service over the last 20 years? - Do you think that most companies view customer
service as an investment or an expense? - Why do you think some companies invest great sums
of money to get in contact with customers while
others spend great sums to avoid contact with
67Customer Service
- Do you think the clever companies these days are
training their customers to accept minimal levels
of customer service? - If great customer service is tied directly to
customer retention and customer retention is tied
directly to profitability, is providing minimal
levels of customer service the best way to go?
68Tips and Observations
- Customer Service - Customer service is an
investment, not an expense. - just having satisfied customers is not good
enough anymore. If you really want a booming
business, you have to create Raving Fans.
Blanchard Bowles
69Customer Service
- Contemporary accounting methods are set up to
track the costs of providing customer service but
not the profitability derived from it. Any ideas?
- How does your company calculate the point of
optimal yield on its investment in providing
customer service? -
- Does your company have any specific standards for
providing customer service?
70The Relationship of Retention to Profits
- Relationship between customer retention and
profits - Loyalty increases profits
- The longer customers stay the higher the profits
- (See chart How much Profit Customer Generates
over Time)
Reichheld and Sasser
71How Much Profit Customers Generate Over Time
HBR Reichheld Sasser
72Customer Retention and Profits
- How does your company retain loyal customers?
- Does your company perform defection analysis?
- How do the following retain loyal customers
- Costco
- Amazon
- Southwest Airlines
- Marriott
- Nordstroms
73Perceptions and Practices
- Establish levels of expertise and protocols for
escalation. - Transform care into cash - For all
employees-from tellers to managers-who come in
direct contact with customers, 20 of their
compensation is tied directly to their ability to
sell customers on buying a product that they
dont personally sell themselves. - Say no to no Our philosophy is to stay away
from the N word. (Whatever/Whenever) Tom
Limberg of W Seattle
74Perceptions and Practices
- Give them the news-good or indifferent-as
quickly as you have it.be honest with the
customer and she cant be disappointed. -
Limberg - In customer service oriented companies,
consistency for the consumer is always
important. Limberg - When USi receives an email from a client during
business hours, it is company policy to respond
to the client within 20 minutes. USi spokesman - the more options the more likely the customer
will prefer to do business with you rather than
the competition. - Spector
75Perceptions and Practices
- We needed to treat ourselves the way we were
starting to treat customerswith dignity and
respect. Gordon Bethune, Continental Airlines - We can hire nice people and teach them to sell,
but we cant hires salespeople and teach them to
be nice. People are best trained by their
parents. B. Nordstrom - the foundation of every relationship-
including, of course, customer service-is
commitment commitment to honesty, to truth, and
to service. Spector
76Perceptions and Practices
- Some people are cut out for service and some
people arent. Mike Dahm, Mikes Carwash - The best cast members come to us with an innate
desire to please other people and to get their
approval. Thomas Martin, Starwood Properties - When a customer takes the time to point out what
youve done wrong, he or she is helping you
become a better customer service company M.
Dahm, Mikes Carwash