Title: New Findings
1New Findings On Happiness Ed
Diener First World Congress on Positive
Psychology Philadelphia, USA June, 2009
2 WELCOME!FirstWorld Congress of
3Subjective Well-BeingHappinessMythsNew
4Themes Today
- Adaptation is often partial
- Circumstances matter
- Happiness is not a single thing
- -- Wanting versus liking
- Outcomes of well-being are
- as important as the causes
55. Cultural Differences530 Today --
Collected Works of Ed Diener3
VolumesSpringer Publishing
6- Adaptation is often
- partial, not complete
7The Brickman and Campbell Myths
- Lottery winners no happier
- Spinal cord injured no less happy
8Lottery Winners
- Brickman and Campbell
- Smith and Razzell
- Oswald and Winkelman
9Life Satisfaction and 100 Percent Disability
(Rich Lucas)
10Daily Moods of 20-year Old Harry
11Also There are LargeIndividual Differences in
12Adaptation to Marriage (Lucas)
13(No Transcript)
- Huge individual differences
- e.g., Marriage
- Paraplegia
- etc.
- What people do and think matters
- Positive psychology is in business!
15An implication of incomplete adaptation2.
Circumstances are Important to Well-being
16We must have Positive Organizations
17The Power of the Situation
- Milgram Zimbardo
- Good Samaritan studies
- Societal differences
18(No Transcript)
193. Happiness is NOT a Single Thing
- Viruses
- Parasites
- Molds
- Bacteria
21(No Transcript)
22National Predictors of Well-Being
- Life Satisfaction Positive Engagement
- Income Social support
- Conveniences Learning flow
- Basic needs Public trust
23 Does Money Make Us Happy?
24Declining Marginal Utility of Money
25Wanting Vs. Liking
- Money is across the world substantially
associated with life satisfaction, r .44 - Is only weakly correlated with Positive Feelings,
r .17
26Examples of Wanting Vs. Liking(Berridge)
28- Materialists
- Happiness is having what we want
- Positive Psychologists
- Happiness is liking what we have
29 Wanting Versus Liking-- Two Types of
- Having what one wants
- Life Satisfaction
- Liking what one has
- Positive feelings
30Ed Learning to Desire What He Will Like
- Enjoyment
- Hiking swimming, data analyses, family
friends, reading, new research ideas, movies - Should Ed?
- Be APA president, be a dean, be a department
31Lesson for Positive Psychologists
- Learn to desire what
- you will like having
- Educate others about this!
32Why Do We Want Money?
- Basic needs
- Status and self-esteem
- Advertising
334. Outcomes of Well-Being
- Is it functional to be happy?
- -- There are skeptics!
34(No Transcript)
35Benefits of Well-being
- Social
- Relationships
- Health
- Work
- Spirituality
36Happinss and Social SuccessHeaded for Divorce?
37Ed Carol 40 years later
- Happy live about 5 years longer
- (Sarah Pressman)
- Higher income
- Creativity
- Better organizational citizens
40SpiritualityGeorge Vaillant
- Positive feelings that connect people to things
larger than themselves - Love, affection
- Wonder, awe
- Gratitude
- Respect
41Professor Evelyn Satinoff
- I dont care if my kids are happy
- I want them to achieve a lot and help the world!
42Well-Being is Good for People Beyond Just Feeling
- Relationships
- Health
- Work Success
- Citizenship
- Spirituality
43Too Happy?
- Are negative feelings ever beneficial?
- Can someone be too happy?
441. Take-Home MessageBenefits of Well-Being
- Well-being aids effective functioning!
- Issue Can we be too happy?
- What is the optimal level?
452. Take-Home MessagePartial Adaptation
- We do not completely adapt to everything!
- Societies and organizations matter to well-being
and positive psychology! - We need to examine individual differences, not
just averages!
463. Take-Home MessageDiverse Types of Well-Being
- Happiness is NOT one thing
- Differentiate the types!
- Getting rid of negative feelings is not the
same as getting positive feelings - Money more related to wanting than liking
- (Satisfaction versus positive feelings)
- Educating people to desire what they will like
47Thank You!!!
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49Promising Future Directions
- A. Optimal levels of well-being
- B. Speeding and slowing adaptation
- C. Moving beyond averages
- Does marriage increase well- being?
- When, who, why
- D. What creates wanting versus liking?
50Complete Wealth
- Social
- Support
- Trust
- Security/safety
- Trust
- Personal
- Mastery strengths
- Virtues
- Life satisfaction
- Positive feelings
- Positive spirituality
- No chronic negative
51Flauberts Error
- To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are
three requirements for happiness, though if
stupidity is lacking, all is lost. - Gustave Flaubert
52Telomeres and Aging
- Long is good
- Dont come unravelled