Title: School Library Media Advisory
1School Library Media Advisory Committee Briefing
Howard County Staff Development Center Faulkner
Ridge - November 16, 2005
2MSDE Updates
- SLM VSC Update
- Certification Issues Survey
- Program Standards
- SLM Annual Report
- Program Standards Visits
- K-16 Subcommittee on Information Literacy and
Ethical Use - Legislative Updates/Advocacy
- EdTech Program Status
- Maryland Plan for Technology in Education
- Maryland Comic Book Initiative Update
- Web Presence
- Questions (?)
3SLM VSC - moving forward
- Development of Expectations for Primary Students
Document (Dr. M. Ellen Jay) - National review - work on RFP
- Late Spring 2006 Presentation State Board
- Integration of SLM VSC with other curricula areas
(matrices to be created) - Link to the work of TL8 committees
- Interactive site on web
4Certification Issues
- SLM Directors Survey
- Issues
- Difficulty with smaller counties finding
qualified candidates declared a critical
needs area - Issues with local human resources departments
reassignment of classroom teachers to school
library media centers - Can the State help with the development of
cohorts? - How can the role of the SLM specialist and
program be incorporated into pre-service teacher
and admin. programs? - Development of strategies with MSDE/LEAs/Colleges
and Universities
5Standards for SLM Programs in Maryland
- Formation of Workgroups by Standard
- Proposed timeline
- December 1, 2005 - Form Workgroups by Standard
- January 2006 - Face-to-Face Meeting
- January - March 2006 - Virtual Committee Work
- April 2006 Recommendations to School Library
Media Advisory (including draft) - April - August 2006 - Revisions to printer
- April 2006 - Aligning the SLM Annual Report to
revised standards - Spring 2007 Review cycle to begin
- SLM Annual Report
- What kind of information do we want to gather?
- Program reviews
- Protocols, Timelines
6K-16 Sub-committee on Information Literacy and
Ethical Use - Maryland K-16 Partnership for
Teaching and Learning
- Statewide dialogue and development of policies
that demonstrate the - importance of academic integrity and ethical use
- destructive impact of plagiarism on student
achievement - significance of library information literacy and
its correlation to student success - importance of critical thinking skills when
dealing with the use of information - Co-Chairs
- Diane Harvey,
- Undergraduate Studies Librarian, U of MD -
McKeldin Library - Jayne Moore, Director, ITSLM MSDE
- Dominique Raymond, Educational Policy Analyst,
7Advocacy/Legislative Updates
- Feb. 1, 2006 Maryland Library Day, State
Legislative Reception and Visits (details
forthcoming request for local SLM summaries,
statistics) - ALA National Library Legislative Day
Briefing Day May 1, 2006 Legislative Visits
May 2, 2006 -
8Ed Tech Program Status
- Advocacy Funding Update
- Funded Partnerships for 2005 (Year 4)
- 4TL8 (continuing)
- 4 MDK12 (continuing) 4 Shore Readers!
4 Algebra Collaborative
9Maryland Plan for Technology in Education
- Input gathered from local Technology Directors
from around the State - Revised plan to be circulated to MSDE
stakeholders for input - December 2005 - Review by external stakeholders - Winter 2005
- State Board of Education approval and release -
Spring 2006
10Maryland Comic Book Initiative Update
- Pilot schools in Baltimore, Harford, Carroll,
Queen Annes Counties - lessons will be piloted in 6-8 schools across MD
from January through May, 2006 - comic Toolkit for grades 3-4 with 10 lessons that
reflect Marylands Standards and VSC - evaluation study is being conducted by UMBC to
look at reading skills and motivational impact - Future
- create lessons for upper elementary and middle
schools - web site
- Innovation Award from the Daily Record
11MSDE Web Site for School Library Media
- Work in progress
- To include links to national and state standards
documents - COMAR
- Professional organizations
- MSDE Publications
- (ex. Fact Book)
- LM VSC and seeds, cross-curricular matrices
- Advocacy resources
- - _at_ your library campaign
- - School Libraries Work!
- - AASL NCLB brochure
12MEMO (Maryland Educational Media Organization)
- Name Change
- Maryland Association of School Librarians (MASL)
- Katrina Relief Effort w/ MLA
- Pearlington, Mississippi
- Black-Eyed Susan Cruise
- Saturday April 29, 2006
- Conference 2006 Baltimore Marriott Hunt Valley
Inn - October 19-20
13Special Thanks
- Kathy Marzola and Sheile McAllister, MSDE
- Beth Richards, Faulkner Ridge Center, Howard
County Public Schools
14Questions (?)
Jayne Moore jmoore_at_msde.state.md.us
Jay Bansbach jbansbach_at_msde.state.md.us