Title: Iowa Content Network Project Mathematics
1Iowa Content Network ProjectMathematics
- Reviewing Research on
- Instructional Strategies and Programs
2Background Overview
- Scholarly work within the field that provides a
context for the Iowa Mathematics Network (IMN)
research reviews, and on which the IMN builds - 2. Overview of the IMN project thus far
3Background and Context
Other Research Reviews
National Tests
National Review Panels
Iowa Math Network Project
Internatl. Tests
Program Ratings
Some Cognitive Science
4Published Research Reviews
- Adding It Up (National Research Council)
- http//www.nap.edu/books/0309069955/html/
- NCTM Standards Research Companion
- http//my.nctm.org/store/ECat/product.asp?id12341
- Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics
(International Academy of Education) - http//www.ibe.unesco.org/International/Publicatio
ns/EducationalPractices/prachome.htm - Standards-Based School Mathematics Curricula
- https//www.erlbaum.com/shop/tek9.asp?pgproducts
5National Tests
- National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP) - http//nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid20
00469 - http//nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/mathematics/t
rendsnational.asp - SAT
- http//www.collegeboard.com/press/article/0,3183,2
6International Tests
- Third International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS) - 1995 12th Grade - TIMSS - 1999 8th Grade Video Study
- http//nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid20
03013 - TIMSS-R - 1999 Repeat with US Consortia
- http//isc.bc.edu/timss1999b/mathbench_report/t99b
7Some Cognitive Science
- How We Learn Ask the Cognitive Scientist.
American Educator, Winter, 2002. - http//www.aft.org/american_educator/winter2002/Co
8Program Ratings
- American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) - rating of algebra texts - http//www.project2061.org/research/textbook/hsalg
/charts.htm - US Department of Education - Exemplary and
Promising Programs in Mathematics - http//www.enc.org/professional/federalresources/e
9National Research Review Panels
- What Works Clearinghouse
- http//w-w-c.org/
- Mathematical Sciences Education Board (MSEB)
- http//www4.nas.edu/cp.nsf/57b01c7b1b6493c48525655
10Background Details
- Some findings from Cognitive Science
- International and National Tests
- Research on NCTM-Standards based approach
- NSF curricula US DE, AAAS, NAEP, new book
- Research companion to Principles and Standards
11- 4. Existing Reviews Summaries of Research
- Improving Student Achievement in Math
- Adding It Up
- NCTM Research Companion
- 5. In-Progress Research Review Projects
- What Works Clearinghouse (US DE)
- National Research Council
- Iowa Math Network Project
121. Cognitive Science
- Findings from the field Cognitive Science that
are strong and clear enough to merit classroom
application. - Willingham, Daniel T. How We Learn Ask the
Cognitive Scientist. American Educator, Winter,
13Finding 1
- The mind much prefers that new ideas be framed
in concrete rather than abstract terms.
14Finding 2
- Rote Knowledge, Inflexible knowledge, and Deep
15 - Rote
- Q What is the equator?
- A A managerie lion running around the Earth
through Africa.
16 - We rightly want students to understand we seek
to train creative problem solvers, not
parrots. Insofar as we can prevent students from
absorbing knowledge in a rote form, we
should do so.
17 - Inflexible Knowledge
- Deeper than rote knowledge, but at the same
time, clearly the student has not completely
mastered the concept. - Understanding is somehow tied to the surface
features. - Meaningful, yet narrow.
- The student does not yet have flexibility .
(Knowledge is flexible when it can be accessed
out of the context in which it was learned and
applied in new contexts.)
18 - Deep Structure Knowledge
- Deeper than inflexible knowledge
- Transcends specific examples
- Knowledge is flexible -- it can be accessed
out of the context in which it was learned and
applied in new contexts - Knowledge is no longer organized around surface
forms, but rather is organized around deep
19Finding 3
- Develop deep structure knowledge
- Solve more problems
- Multiple contexts
- Focus on meaning
- Dont despair of inflexible knowledge, and
dont confuse it with rote knowledge
202. International and National Tests
21TIMSS - 12th grade
- US performs at the bottom of the list of nations
- A key difference between US high schools and all
others in the world - Integrated Curriculum
- (not Alg 1, Geom, Alg 2, Pre-Calc)
22TIMSS 8th Grade Video Study
- US and 6 countries that outperformed the US in
1999, plus Japan from 95 study - March 2003
- Teaching Mathematics in Seven Countries Results
from the TIMSS 1999 Video Study. NCES, 2003
23- US performance is below average (19th out of 38
in 1999) - No single method of mathematics instruction was
observed in all of the high-performing countries
examined - Hong Kong most emphasis on procedures
- Netherlands most calculator use
- All countries little use of computers
24- Japan most connections and relationships
- Japan do more than repeat procedures during
private work time - Japan how to use procedures, not just execute
- Netherlands most use of real-life applications
25- US reduces complexity of problems
- Lessons taught by US and Australia teachers most
often translated connections problems into
procedure problems - Tendency in U.S. classrooms for teachers to
transform intellectually demanding tasks in ways
that reduce the cognitive challenge for students
26- US does most review and least new content
- Review of previously taught lessons plays a
larger role in mathematics lessons in the Czech
Republic and the United States than in the five
other countries where more time is devoted to
introducing new content.
27- US least likely to emphasize connections
- When the researchers examined the ways in which
the mathematical problems in the lesson were
actually discussed and worked out during the
lessons, they found that eighth-grade mathematics
lessons in Australia and the United States were
the least likely to emphasize mathematical
connections or relationships (8 and less than 1
percent, respectively other countries ranged
from 37 to 52 percent)
28- Moral so far
- US can learn from other countries that are more
successful in mathematics education
29TIMSS and Singapore
- Singapore is top ranked
- Singapore curriculum is becoming popular in US
- Spring 2003 - Ngee Ann Polytechnic in
Singapore announced an agreement to collaborate
with the Curriculum Research Development Group
(CRDG) of the University of Hawaii to develop an
introductory engineering mathematics course for
Ngee Ann students based on a Standards-based
curriculum developed at CRDG, Algebra I A
Process Approach.
30- Ngee Ann selected the program because it uses
problem-solving and communication
strategies--reading, writing, speaking, critical
listening, and multiple representations--features
that they believe lead to students' deeper
understanding of mathematics.
31- Though she was initially surprised by the
request, Barb Dougherty of CRDG said, "On
thinking about it, our Algebra I program is a
natural fit with the way math is taught in
Singapore. Like us, they use increasingly complex
word problems to teach students problem-solving
skills, encouraging students to find different
ways to solve and express problems, not simply
memorize formulas taught by a teacher."
32- Singapore is also seeking to collaborate with
reform mathematics education curriculum
developers at Cambridge University in England. - Moral
- Learn from other countries, but dont try to
emulate their curricula
33TIMSS 1999Michigan Invitational Group
- U.S. groups participating in this international
comparative study include states, large school
districts, and consortia of schools. - The top four U.S. groups are the Naperville
school district in Illinois, the First in the
World consortium on the North Shore in the
Chicago area, Montgomery County in Maryland, and
a 21-school consortium called the Michigan
Invitational Group.
34- The top-scoring US groups are using "hands-on
learning and "progressive curriculum
strategies. - Michigan Invitational Group (MIG) also uses
"National Science Foundation materials and has
strong implementation. - MIG is significant since it is the only
top-scoring U.S. group with a diverse population.
A diverse group of students can perform at the
top level, right along with the top countries in
the world and the top affluent suburban US school
35- Moral
- Use NCTM-Standards Based Approach, implemented
well, for high achievement with diverse students.
36The Nations Report CardNational Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) Trends in Computation
- 17-year-olds. After declining between 1973 and
1982, average scores increased during the 1980s,
and more modestly in the 1990s. The average score
in 1999 was higher than that in 1973.
37- 13-year-olds. An increase in scores between 1978
and 1982, followed by additional increases in the
1990s, resulted in an average score in 1999 that
was higher than that in 1973. - 9-year-olds. After a period of stable performance
in the 1970s,average scores increased in the
1980s. Additional modest gains were evident in
the 1990s, and the 1999 average score was higher
than that in 1973.
- Changing curricula to emphasize computation
skills is not warranted. - Reports today saying the curriculum must change
to emphasize computational skills are no more
valid today than in 1973. - Johnny Lott, NCTM President, NCTM News Bulletin,
November 2002
39SAT Scores
- SAT scores highest in 35 years
- Continues trend of rising scores
- NCTM has done a tremendous job in its reform
efforts. This has really begun to pay off. --
Wayne Camara, College Board VP of Research and
Development - (NCTM News Bulletin, October 2003, p. 1)
403. Research on the NCTM Standards-Based Approach
- Research on NCTMs Principles and Standards for
School Mathematics - Research on the NSF Curricula
41Research on NCTMs Principles and Standards
- A Research Companion to Principles and Standards
for School Mathematics - Edited by Jeremy Kilpatrick, Gary Martin, and
Deborah Schifter - NCTM, 2003
42Does Research Support the NCTM Standards?
- Yes
- The Standards are consistent with the best and
most recent evidence on teaching and learning
mathematics. - However, research does not shine equally
brightly on all aspects of the Standards.
43What Research Cannot Do
- Research cannot make value judgments.
- Research cannot prove what works or what is best.
- Too many variables, conditions, situations
- Implementation is essential
- Traditional scientific experiments cannot be
applied to all educational questions.
44What Research Can Do
- Probe beneath the surface
- Extend our knowledge of teaching and learning
- Inform our decisions
- Show what is possible and what is promising
45What Do We Know?
- Students learn what they have the opportunity to
46What do we know about traditional programs?
- Presuming that traditional approaches have
proven to be successful is ignoring the largest
database we have. - With traditional curricula and pedagogy
- Students knowledge is limited to what the
traditional approach emphasizes. - Students knowledge is not robust nor extendable.
47What do know about alternative reform programs?
- Emphasizing conceptual development and
understanding can promote significant learning
without sacrificing skill proficiency. - Solving problems can be used effectively as a
context for learning new concepts and skills. - Students in alternative programs implemented with
fidelity for reasonable lengths of time have
learned more and learned more deeply than in
traditional programs.
48Research on the NSF Curricula
- US Department of Education Exemplary designation,
1999 - AAAS Ratings of Algebra texts
- New book of research
- Individual research studies
49High School NSF Curricula
- Core-Plus Mathematics Project
- Interactive Mathematics Program
- MATH Connections
- Mathematics Modeling Our World (ARISE)
- SIMMS Integrated Mathematics
- UCSMP Secondary School Curriculum
50Middle Grades NSF Curricula
- Connected Mathematics Project
- Mathematics in Context
- MathScape
- MATH Thematics The STEM Project
51Elementary Grades NSF Curricula
- Math Trailblazers
- Everyday Mathematics
- Investigations
- Number Power
52US DE Exemplary Programs 99
- Cognitive Tutor Algebra
- College Preparatory Mathematics
- Connected Mathematics Project
- Core-Plus Mathematics Project
- Interactive Mathematics Program
53American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) Algebra Text Ratings
- Reviewed traditional and reform texts
- Two categories With Potential, Little Potential
54Algebra Programs With Potential
- Concepts in Algebra
- Core-Plus Mathematics
- Focus on Algebra
- Interactive Mathematics Program
- MATH Connections
- Mathematics Modeling Our World (ARISE)
- UCSMP Algebra
55Book of Research on the NSF Curricula
- Standards-Based School Mathematics Curricula
What Are They? What Do Students Learn? - Editors Sharon Senk, Denisse Thompson
- Erlbaum, 2003
- Book editors, grade band reviewers, K-12 reviewer
- There is considerable evidence that the
promises of reform mathematics are real and the
fears of the anti-reformers unjustified.
Swafford, p 458 - The studies in this book provide much needed
evidence that the new programs work. Kilpatrick,
p 472
574. Existing Reviews and Summaries of Research
- Improving Achievement in Mathematics
- Adding It Up
- NCTM Research Companion (above)
58Adding It Up Helping Children Learn Mathematics
- National Research Council
- Jeremy Kilpatrick, Jane Swafford, Bradford
Findell, editors - 2001
- Focus on number and operations
- Grades preK-8
- Synthesize research
- Provide research-based recommendations
- Give advice and guidance
60Main Recommendation
- All students can and should be mathematically
61Mathematical Proficiency
- Conceptual Understanding comprehension of
mathematical concepts, operations and relations - Procedural fluency skill in carrying out
procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and
62- Strategic competence ability to formulate,
represent, and solve mathematical problems - Adaptive reasoning - capacity for logical
thought, reflection, explanation, and
justification - Productive disposition - habitual inclination to
see mathematics as sensible, useful, and
worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence
and ones own efficacy
63Some Findings Related to Need for Improvement
- On the 23 problem-solving tasks given as part of
the 1996 NAEP in which students had to construct
an extended response, the incidence of
satisfactory or better response was less than 10
on about half of the tasks (p. 138). - Performance on word problems declines
dramatically when additional features are
included, such as more than one step or
extraneous information (p.139).
64- 8th graders experience much difficulty with
problems that ask them to justify and explain
their solutions (p. 139).
65Some Key Recommendations
- Integrated and balanced development of all five
strands of mathematical proficiency - On non-routine problems, students need to slow
down and ask themselves guiding questions, and
not prematurely apply operations to numbers in
the problems. - Students need to develop conceptual understanding
of operations, as well as learn standard
66More Recommendations
- Integrated and balanced development of all five
strands of mathematical proficiency - Instruction should not be based on extreme
positions that students learn, on one hand,
solely by internalizing what a teacher or book
says or, on the other hand, solely by inventing
mathematics on their own.
67- Efforts to improve students mathematics learning
should be informed by scientific evidence - Teachers professional development should be high
quality, sustained, and systematically designed
and deployed - Assessment should enable, not just gauge
- Time and resources needed
68Improving Achievement in Mathematics
- International Academy of Education, 2000
- Chapter in the Handbook of Research on Improving
Student Achievement - Douglas Grouws and Kristin Cebulla
- Review research on effective teaching in
mathematics - Research-based teaching practices
69Research-Based Teaching Strategies and Methods
- Opportunity to learn
- Focus on meaning
- Learning new concepts and skills while solving
problems - Opportunities for both invention and practice
- Openness to student solution methods and student
70- Small-group learning
- Whole-class discussion
- Number sense
- Concrete materials
- Students use of calculators
- Note Implementation is essential.
715. In-Progress Research Review Projects
- What Works Clearinghouse (all)
- National Research Council (NSF others)
- Iowa Math Network Project (all, based on past
72What Works Clearinghouse
- Established by the US Department of Education
- Review research through contracts to American
Institutes of Research and the Campbell
Collaboration - Identify Scientifically Research Based programs
and strategies in reading, math, etc. - For math, 1st is MS, then Elem, then HS
- Alan Schoenfeld is the head of the math section
73Mathematical Sciences Education Board (MSEB) Panel
- A Review of the Evaluation Data on the
Effectiveness of NSF-Supported and Commercially
Generated Mathematics Curriculum Materials - 13 NSF curricula
- 6 others
- 1st draft of report done, out for review, final
report in several months. - Jere Confrey, Chair
74Iowa Math Network Project Overview
- Established by the Iowa Department of Education
- Review research studies on instructional
strategies and programs for improving student
achievement in mathematics - Ongoing, not comprehensive, rate research design
not instructional strategies
- Group of 9 reviewers
- Teams of two, 4 grade bands, Chair
- Initial screening (criteria below)
- Review using standard form
- Rate quality of research design based on standard
criteria (e.g., comparative groups)
76Initial Screening Criteria
- Peer reviewed
- Student achievement
- Quantitative
- Instructional strategy or program
77Reviewed So Far
- Instructional strategies (e.g., problem-centered,
conceptually oriented) - Programs (e.g., NSF curricula, CGI, RNP)
- About 35 studies in 1st round -- done
- Coded by content strand (perhaps deeper later)
- 2nd round underway
78Key Themes So Far
- Focus on meaning and understanding
- Multiple representations
- Problem-centered
- NCTM-Standards based approach
79Background and Context
Other Research Reviews
National Tests
National Review Panels
Iowa Math Network Project
Internatl. Tests
Program Ratings
Some Cognitive Science