Title: The "Tetherless" Web
1The "Tetherless" Web
- Jim Hendler
- Head, Future of Information Project
- Tetherless World Constellation Chair
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2I was asked
- Current status of the use of wireless
communication/information devices - number of "wireless"campuses -- LOTS
- use of wireless devices in education, research
collaboration -- LOTS - Growth of the above in the next 3-5 years -- LOTS
LOTS the usual exponential curves
3I was asked
- Future potential scenario(s) on how information
will be accessed, used and shared - This is the fun stuff!
- Wireless
- 802.11x - Internet addresses w/o cable
- Mobile
- Cell phone based Web access (GSM)
- Ubiquitous
- Computers (on Net/Web) embedded in devices (incl
RFID tabs) - Tetherless
- Information everywhere
5Digital Convergence
- Everything on the Web
- "The future of the Web will evolve similarly to
the technology of telling timeThe major issues
that plague Web developers parallel the
challenges that faced clockmakers between the
Renaissance and the invention of the quartz
crystalwith quartz crystal and digital
technology changing the traditional industry from
an extremely important, highly-skilled and
lucrative trade into a dinosaur almost overnight.
Web design is in a similar evolutionary stage
today." (Digital Web Magazine, 5/04) - Delivered anywhere
- On "the device formerly known as a cell phone"
(BT VP, 5/06)
7Information Convergence
- Convergence not just in devices, also in
information - Your personal information (phone, PDA,)
Calendar, photo, home page, files - Your professional life (laptop, desktop,
Grid) Web site, publications, files, databases,
- Your community contexts (Web) Hobbies, blogs,
fanfic, social networks - Raises issues
- How will we CREATE, SEARCH, and BROWSE in the
non-text based parts of our lives? - How will we control the personal (professional)
information on the Web?
8"Tetherless" issues being explored
- Maintaining features that make the Web work
- Avoiding the threats of fragmentation
- Differentiating the macro from the micro
- Incorporating semantics
- Exploiting statistics
- Build services
- Figuring out how to instill trust, resilience and
9Web Evolution
(Science, 6/06)
10Beyond documents
- To Web of data
- Web 2.0
- Tagging
- Web 3.0
- "Smart search"
- Fix failures of tagging
- Great for social, bad for search (and other
professional use) - Semantic Web
- Data integration in the large
- Corporate Sem Web Gartner Hot pick of 2006
- Web OS
- The Web is your computer
- (based on Spivack, 07)
11Atom (XML)
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"utf-8"?gt ltfeed
version"0.3" xmlns"http//purl.org/atom/ns"gt
lttitlegtdive into marklt/titlegt ltlink
rel"alternate" type"text/html"
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lt/authorgt ltentrygt lttitlegtAtom 0.3
snapshotlt/titlegt ltlink rel"alternate"
type"text/html" href"http//diveintomark.o
rg/2003/12/13/atom03"/gt ltidgttagdiveintomark.o
rg,20033.2397lt/idgt ltissuedgt2003-12-13T08292
9-0400lt/issuedgt ltmodifiedgt2003-12-13T183002
Zlt/modifiedgt lt/entrygt lt/feedgt
Use XML in syndication
12Adobe XMP (RDF-based)
ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-r
df-syntax-ns"gt ltrdfDescription
rdfabout"" xmlnspdf"http//ns.adobe.
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Distiller 7.0.5 for Macintoshlt/pdfProducergt
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rdfabout"" xmlnsdc"http//purl.org
/dc/elements/1.1/"gt ltdcformatgtapplicatio
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Hendlerlt/rdfligt lt/rdfSeqgt
lt/dccreatorgt ltdctitlegt
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lt/rdfDescriptiongt ltrdfDescription
rdfabout"" xmlnsxapMM"http//ns.ad
obe.com/xap/1.0/mm/"gt ltxapMMDocumentIDgtu
cumentIDgt ltxapMMInstanceIDgtuuid9327882b
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Embed meta-data in PDF, etc.
ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/0
2/22-rdf-syntax-ns" xmlnsrdfs"http//www.
ltfoafPersongt ltfoafnamegtJim
Hendlerlt/foafnamegt ltfoaftitlegtDrlt/foaftitle
gt ltfoaffirstNamegtJimlt/foaffirstNamegt
65debe4d3 lt/foafmbox_sha1sumgt
ltfoafhomepage rdfresource"http//www.cs.umd.
edu/hendler"/gt ltfoafdepiction
jim.jpg"/gt ltfoafworkplaceHomepage
rdfresource"http//owl.mindswap.org"/gt lt/foafPe
rsongt lt/rdfRDFgt
Semantic Web Social Networking
ltowlOntology rdfabout"file/C/Models/eGov/FEA
/all.owl"gt ltowlversionInfogtVersion
1.0lt/owlversionInfogt ltdccontributorgtDean
Allemang, TopQuadrantlt/dccontributorgt
ltdcdescriptiongtFEA Reference Model
Ontologylt/dcdescriptiongt ltowlimports
ltdcsourcegtThe Performance Reference Model
Version 1.0, FEAPMOlt/dcsourcegt
ltdcdategtJanuary 2005lt/dcdategt
ltdccontributorgtIrene Polikoff,
ltdccontributorgtRalph Hodgson, TopQuadrantlt/dccon
tributorgt lt/owlOntologygt ltowlClass
ltowldisjointWithgt ltowlClass
mSF_Heath"/gt lt/owldisjointWithgt
ltowldisjointWithgt ltowlClass
Application specific vocabulary (ontology)
15Richer metadata
Embedded meta-data
Data harvesting visualization
Enterprise data integration
New technologies
16Web 3.0 Digital asset management
Low-cost Web portals
Info and social networking
Vocabulary editors (and other tools)
New applications
17A web of content, not of documents
- Linking between documents and the
- databases that support them, and
- services that can manipulate that data,
- will allow news ideas like
- subscription based on content, not publication
- Im interested in subscribing to information
about a particular cell sequence - Not (just) the journal in which some of that
information appeared - Not (just) the article in which it was described
- Not (just) in my particular discipline
- repurposing content
- For different audiences
- On different devices
18Document Repurposing
- Web page designers support content for multiple
users - Professionals needing specific access
- Outsiders needing guidance to materials
- School groups needing special presentation
- Etc.
- Takes a large investment
- Time
- Equipment
- Authoring
- Same material in different
- Languages
- Lexicons
- Grade-levels
19Client-side Publishing
Fail to Score Table England PR D1 D2 D3
FC Scotland PL D1 D2 D3 Europe ESP FRA
GER ITA to 15-May-02 inclusive Team Pld
FTS FTS 1 Arsenal 38 0 0.0 2 Liverpool 38 4
10.5 3 Manchester United 38 6 15.78 Aston Villa
38 11 28.9
Why not let the web do that ??
20Information Repurposing
Fail to Score Table England PR D1 D2 D3
FC Scotland PL D1 D2 D3 Europe ESP FRA
GER ITA to 15-May-02 inclusive Team Pld
FTS FTS 1 Arsenal 38 0 0.0 2 Liverpool 38 4
10.5 3 Manchester United 38 6 15.78 Aston Villa
38 11 28.9
Why not let the web do that ??
21Will it happen?
Does this sound like a crazy science fiction
dream? A decade ago, who would have believed
that a web of text, conveyed by computer, would
challenge a 200-year-old tradition of academic
publishing -- Berners-Lee and
Hendler, Nature, 2001