CSE 3813 Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSE 3813 Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata


The Standard Turing Machine ... No model of digital computation is more powerful than a Turing machine. ... The Turing machine has a tape head which reads from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSE 3813 Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata

CSE 3813Introduction to Formal Languages and
  • Chapter 9
  • The Standard Turing Machine
  • These class notes are based on material from our
    textbook, An Introduction to Formal Languages and
    Automata, 4th ed., by Peter Linz, published by
    Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., Sudbury, MA,
    2006. They are intended for classroom use only
    and are not a substitute for reading the textbook.

  • Diagrams from some slides are from previous
    years textbook Martin, John C., Introduction to
    Languages and the Theory of Computation. Boston
    WCG McGraw-Hill, 1991.
  • Slides are for use of this class only.

  • A Finite Automaton has only its states to serve
    as memory - very limited in what languages it
    could recognize
  • In a Pushdown Automaton we added a stack to a
    Finite Automaton - this gave it better memory,
    and allowed it to recognize more languages. But
    it was still limited by the nature of the stack.
  • We could add another stack to a Pushdown
    Automaton. This would allow it to accept some
    non-context free languages (e.g., anbncn).
  • Or we could change the stack to a queue. This
    would allow other languages to be accepted (e.g.,

All of the automata we study in this class have
a finite number of states. They differ in the
auxiliary memory they have and how it is
organized. DFA NFA DPDA PDA Turing machine
finite memory
infinite stack memory
infinite tape memory (tape can be read forwards
and backwards without erasing)
Hierarchy of automata
The Turing Machine
  • Alan Mathison Turing, b. 1912, d. 1954.
    Contributed much to the foundations of computing
  • Published the Turing machine model in 1937.
  • Church-Turing Thesis - Any algorithmic procedure
    that can be carried out by a human, a team of
    humans, or a machine can be carried out by some
    Turing machine.
  • Unproveable, because we dont have a precise
    definition of what algorithmic procedure means,
    but generally accepted as true.
  • Puts a limit on what can be computed.

The Church-Turing Thesis
  • No model of digital computation is more powerful
    than a Turing machine.
  • By more powerful, we mean can recognize
    languages that a TM cannot recognize.
  • This is not something that can be proved. But
    everybody believes it because no one has been
    able to devise a more powerful model of

Definition Turing Machine
  • A Turing machine (TM) is a 7-Tuple
  • T (Q, S, G, d, q0, D, F), where
  • Q a finite set of states not containing h (the
    halt state)
  • S a finite set of symbols constituting the
    input alphabet
  • S ? G D
  • G a finite set of symbols constituting the
    tape alphabet
  • d the transition function Q ? ? ? Q ? ? ? L,
  • q0 the start state (q0 ? Q)
  • D is a special symbol, the blank symbol
  • F ? Q is the set of final states

Definition Turing Machine
  • Turing machines can be thought of as a finite
    state automaton with slightly different labels on
    the arcs, plus a tape as auxiliary memory, and a
    tape head (or read-write head).

Definition Turing Machine
  • The tape on a Turing machine can be thought of as
    a linear structure marked off into squares or
  • It is usually defined as infinite in both
    directions, but may be thought of as bounded on
    the left side, but infinite on the right.

Definition Turing Machine
  • Each cell on the tape on a Turing machine can
  • a symbol from the input alphabet, or
  • a symbol from the tape alphabet (which may
    include some symbols which are not in the input
    alphabet), or
  • a blank symbol D, which is distinct from the
    input alphabet.

Standard Turing Machine
  • The standard Turing machine described by our
    textbook has several features
  • The TM has a tape that is unbounded in both
  • The TM is deterministic in the sense that ?
    defines at most one move per configuration
  • There is no special input file the input is
    copied onto the tape.
  • There is no special output device the tape
    contains the output, if any.

The TM tape head
  • The Turing machine has a tape head which reads
    from and writes to the tape during each move.
  • The tape head can move right or left, or may
    stay in the same position.
  • The tape head can read a character from the cell
    under which it is positioned, or it may write a
    character to the cell.

The TM transition function
  • The TM transition function has the following
  • d(q, X) (r, Y, D)
  • This says that
  • when the TM is in state q, and
  • the read-write head reads a certain symbol (X)
    off the tape,
  • then the TM will
  • change state to state r,
  • write a Y onto the tape, and
  • move in direction D.

The TM transition function
  • For example, d(q1, b) (q2, D, R) means
  • we are currently in state q1
  • read the cell above the tape head its a b.
  • OK, great. Now we
  • change state to q2,
  • write a blank,
  • and move right.

The TM transition function
The TM transition function can be represented in
the form of a table
The TM transition function
  • We can label the arcs of a finite state machine
    to indicate the moves of the TM

D / D, R
Processing a string
  • To process a string, we place the string onto
    the tape, where it can be read by the read-write
    head, surrounded by blank symbols on the left and
    right ends of the input.
  • Once the string is on the tape, then processing
    can begin.
  • We dont need a separate input string after that.

Accepting a string
  • There is only one way that a string may be
    accepted by a TM
  • If a move causes the machine to move into an
    accepting halt state, then we stop and accept the
    string. (There are no moves out of a halt
  • This may occur even when we havent finished
    processing the string yet.

Accepting a string
For example, if our TM is processing all the
strings that have aabb in them somewhere, the TM
may halt in an accepting state after processing
the 6th character of this string bbaabbaaaabbbb
Accepting a string
If T (Q, S, G, d, q0, D, F) is a Turing
machine, and w ? S, then w is accepted by T if,
starting in the initial configuration
corresponding to input w, T eventually enters a
final acceptance state and halts.
Accepting a string
In other words, w is accepted if there exists y
and z ? G so that q0w -T yqfz, for some qf
?F In this situation, we say that T halts on
input w. The language accepted by T is the set
L(T) of input strings on which T halts.
Crashing and Halting
  • There are 2 ways a string may fail to be accepted
    by a TM
  • Crashing
  • Looping
  • If the TM crashes, the string is explicitly
  • If the TM loops forever, the string is implicitly

Crashing and Halting
  • Crashing
  • If a symbol is found on the tape for which the
    transition function is undefined, and the current
    state is not the accepting halt state, then we
  • If our TM has a bounded left end, and a move is
    specified which causes the machine to move off of
    the left end of the tape, then we crash.

Crashing and Halting
  • Looping
  • If an input string causes the TM to enter an
    infinite loop, then we loop forever.

  • Design a TM that accepts L anbn n ? 1
  • To do this, we can construct the transition table
    for the TM. We can use a matrix as a short-hand

anbn n ? 1
anbn n ? 1
  • Replace the leftmost a with an x, and find the
    first b and replace it with a y
  • ?(q0,a) (q1,x,R)
  • ?(q1,a) (q1,a,R)
  • ?(q1,y) (q1,y,R)
  • ?(q1,b) (q2,y,L)

anbn n ? 1
  • Come back to the next left-most a
  • ?(q2,x) (q0,x,R)
  • ?(q2,y) (q2,y,L)
  • ?(q2,a) (q2,a,L)

anbn n ? 1
  • Finally, check to see if all input has been
    processed and the as and bs balance (and the
    as precede the bs)
  • ?(q0,y) (q3,y,R)
  • ?(q3,y) (q3,y,R)
  • ?(q3, ?) (q4, ?,R)

Work through the processing of the string w
aaabbb in class. Is this string accepted by the
TM? Work through the processing of the string w
aaabb. Is this string accepted by the TM? How
does the TM reject the string?
  • Recall that the following languages are not
  • anbncn n ? 0
  • ww w ? a,b
  • In English, describe how a Turing machine could
    accept each of these languages
  • Try to draw the transition diagrams for the
    Turing machines

anbncn n ? 1
Homework Suggestions
  • P. 236-237 2, 3, 5, 7(a,b)

Model of computation
  • A TM is an abstract model of a computer that lets
    us define in a precise, mathematical way what we
    mean by computation.
  • As before, we use the concept of a
    configuration to define what we mean by

  • A configuration of a TM is a pair,
  • (q, xay)
  • where q is a state, x and y are strings, and a is
    the symbol at the current position of the tape
  • We sometimes use
  • (q, xw)
  • To indicate that the tape head is under the first
    symbol in the string w.

  • A configuration of a TM includes everything we
    need to know to continue a computation
  • current state
  • symbol currently under the tape head
  • string on tape to left of the head
  • string on tape to right of the head (up to
    rightmost non-blank symbol)
  • Example
  • (q, ?bbabbba?)

  • A computation is a sequence of configurations
    such that each configuration is obtained from the
    previous configuration by some transition of the
  • Given input string aabb, the TM that accepts the
    language ab begins a computation as follows
  • (s, ?aabb?) - (s, ?Aabb?) - (s, ?AAbb?) -
  • Continue this computation to the end

  • Here is the TM to process the language consisting
    of strings containing any number of as, with a
    single b at the end.

b / b, R
? / ?, R
? / ?, R
a / a, R
  • An FA that accepts a, b aba a, b

  • A TM that accepts a, b aba a, b

  • An FA that accepts a, b aba

  • A TM that accepts a, b aba

  • A TM that accepts pal, the palindrome language

A TM that accepts strings of L ss
  • A function f with domain D is said to be
    Turing-computable or just computable if there
    exist some Turing machine M (Q,
    S, G, d, q0, D, F) such that
  • q0w -M qf f(w), qf ?F,
  • for all w ?D.

Combining Turing Machines
  • You can combine several smaller TMs in order to
    make a larger, more complicated TM.
  • The composite of two different TMs, T1 and T2, is
    written as T1T2. It would be represented as
  • T1 ? T2
  • What happens is that T1T2 begins by executing the
    moves of T1, up to the point where T1 would halt.
    Instead of halting, T1T2 moves to the initial
    state of T2, where it begins executing the moves
    of T2.
  • If T2 halts, then T1T2 halts. If T1 or T2
    crashes, then T1T2 crashes.

Combining Turing Machines
  • You can also make the transition to T2
  • a
  • T1 ? T2
  • Here, T1 would execute its moves up to the point
    where it would normally halt. If the symbol on
    the tape at that point is an a, then T1T2 will
    begin executing the moves of T2. Otherwise T1T2
    will crash.

Designing complex Turing machines
  • The book describes a language for combining
    simple TMs into complex ones, using the sequence,
    branching, and looping operators of imperative
    programming languages.
  • If you were going to be a Turing machine
    programmer, this would be useful. But .
  • So, you will not be tested on this. But you need
    to understand how a Turing machine works and how
    to design simple ones.

Computing functions
  • We use automata to recognize languages and
    compute functions (although we havent talked
    about computing functions until now).
  • In fact, computing functions allows language
    recognition, since every language can be
    represented by a characteristic function
  • if the input string is in the language, output 1
  • otherwise output 0

String and numeric functions
  • A TM can compute functions on strings. Given an
    input string, the output of the function is the
    string left on the tape after the TM halts.
  • A TM can also compute numeric functions. Using a
    binary alphabet for strings, the input string can
    represent a binary number and the output string
    can represent a binary number.
  • A TM can compute a function with multiple
    arguments. Each argument is separated by a blank
    on the tape.
  • We can create TMs that compute arithmetic
    functions such as addition, subtraction,
    multiplication, etc.

Computing a Partial Function
  • A Turing Machine can compute a function by
    leaving a string on the tape when it enters the
    halt state.
  • A partial function f on Smay be undefined at
    certain points (the points not in the domain of
  • A total function enters the halt state for all
    inputs in the domain.
  • We say that a TM, T, computes f if T halts where
    f is defined and fails to halt elsewhere. So f
    is Turing-computable, or just computable, if
    there exists some TM computing f.

Computing a numerical function
  • We can represent numbers on a TM by using the
    unary representation, which just uses n 1s to
    represent the number n.
  • Example 11111 5
  • We can construct a TM to concatenate two strings
    together. If we represent two numbers in unary
    form, then a TM which concatenates these two
    strings is actually performing addition!

Computing a numerical function
  • The addition of two numbers is as simple as the
    concatenation of two strings.
  • Assume two integers are represented in unary form
    on the tape of a Turing machine.
  • Assume the two integers are separated by a 0
    between them.
  • Design a Turing machine that will add these two

Computing a numerical function
Characteristic Function
  • Computing the characteristic function ?L is very
    similar to accepting a language.
  • The TM must always halt.
  • The TM will leave a 1 on the tape if the string
    is accepted, and a 0 otherwise.
  • HOWEVER A TM can accept a language if it halts
    on all strings that are in the language, but
    doesn't halt on strings which are not.

Characteristic function
  • In a standard TM, strings which are not accepted
    can cause the TM to
  • crash if it enters a state where there are no
    transitions for the current tape symbol,
  • crash if it tries to move left at the left end of
    the tape, or
  • get into an infinite loop,
  • A TM computing the characteristic function must
    halt on all inputs

  • Anything that is effectively calculable can be
    executed on a TM.
  • A universal TM can compute anything that any
    other Turing machine can compute.
  • The universal TM is itself a standard TM.
  • A CPU with RAM is a finite version of a TM it
    has the power of a TM up to the point that it
    runs out of memory.
  • Languages or hardware that provides compares,
    loops, and increments are termed Turing complete
    and can also compute anything that is effectively
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