Salmonella - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ubiquity of salmonella in the environment ... Foods linked to transmission include milk powder, raw milk, cheddar cheese, egg ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Salmonella

  • Salmonella infect all types of domestic animals
  • One of the most prevalent agents causing
    food-borne disease-salmonellosis
  • Classification is based on serology and phage
    susceptibility assays
  • More than 2600 serovars
  • S. enterica is divided into seven subspecies with
    group I causing disease in humans and other
    warm-blooded animals
  • Examples Typhimurium, Enteritidis, Choleraesuis,
    Dublin, Gallinarum, and Pullorum

  • Salmonella are gram (-) motile rods
  • Facultative aerobes
  • Salmonella grow at an optimum of 37oC
  • Resistant to heat if in foods with lower pH, or
    low water activity or in food with a high fat
  • Viability declines during frozen storage,
    especially if near the freezing point
  • Optimum pH for growth of Salmonella is 6.5-7.5
    may grow at a pH range of 4.5-9.0
  • Succinic and formic acid reduce the persistence
    of Salmonella in foods

Salmonella Prevalence
  • Factors which favor the continued presence in the
    food chain
  • Ubiquity of salmonella in the environment
  • Intensive husbandry practices in the meat, fish,
    and shellfish industries
  • Lack of microbiological control on animal feeds
    favors the continued prevalence of this pathogen
    in the food chain
  • Poultry products remain the main reservoir of
  • Eggs and egg products are also a concern since
    there is Transovarian transmission of the
    pathogen into the interior of the egg

Salmonella Prevalence
  • Developed countries more than 80 of the
    Salmonella cases occur individually rather than
    in outbreaks
  • Large Salmonella Outbreaks
  • Foods linked to transmission include milk powder,
    raw milk, cheddar cheese, egg products, and liver
  • Some fruits and vegetables have also been linked
    to outbreaks-cantaloupes, chocolate, mustard
  • Infectious dose will vary, as few as 1 to 10
  • Foods with a high fat content may have a low
    infectious dose due to the organism being trapped
    in micelles which protect it against acidic ph

Salmonella Prevalence
  • Food-borne infections account for 1.3 billion
    cases of acute diarrhea with 3 million deaths
  • Salmonellosis in the U.S. is 40,000 cases
  • Recent years a notable increase in cases related
    to a multi-drug resistant S. typhimurium DT104
  • Case-fatality and hospitalization rates due to
    this strain are twice that of other Salmonella

Salmonella Pathogenesis
  • Disease
  • Disease depends on age of the host-more severe in
    newborns, infants, the elderly
  • Disease also depends on the serovar and type of
  • Host specific serovars typhi, paratyphi, sendai
    cause disease only in humans
  • Pullorum/gallinarum in poultry, dublin in cattle
    choleraesuis serovars in pigs can also infect
    humans typhimurium and enteritidis are the major
    serovars that cause disease in humans, cattle,
    poultry, sheep, pigs, horses, and wild rodents.

  • Salmonellosis
  • Diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and fever
  • Bacteremia has been associated with highly
    invasive serovars such as choleraesuis or dublin
  • Other clinical sequels include erythrema nodosum,
    meningitis, osteomielitis, septic arthritis,
    pnuemonia, choleocydtitis, endocarditis,
    pericarditis, and cystitis
  • A complication of infection is the establishment
    of a carrier state which lasts for 5-6 months.
  • Carrier state is responsible for the spread of
    the bacterium to others, farms, food-handlers,
    and consumers.

Salmonella Invasion
  • Salmonella passes through the stomach and
    survives the acid pH by eliciting an acid
    tolerance response
  • Colonizes the distal ileum portal of entry is
    the M-cell and it binds by means of fimbriae from
    the lpf operon or from the pcf operon
  • Heritable phase variation mechanism
  • Triggered by intestinal-derived signal

Salmonella Invasion
  • Penetration and destruction of M-cell
  • Localized accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins
    such as actin, vinculin, vimentin, and ezrin at
    site of entry
  • Formation of membrane ruffles occurs with every
    cell type examined
  • Recruitment of lymphoid cells and PMN
  • Secretion of large amount of fluid
  • Leads to inflammation of the area

Salmonella Invasion
  • Colonizes intestinal epithelial cells
  • In vivo
  • Microvilli denuded transiently, membrane ruffling
  • Bacterial penetration 1-2 h
  • Cytosketetal rearrangements, 30-60 min
  • Actin filament rearrangement
  • No microtubule involvement
  • Ca flux
  • In vitro
  • Distruption of tight junctions
  • Causes depolarization of epithelial cells

Salmonella Invasion
  • Pathogenecity island of 40kb has been identified
    which also contains a type III secretion system
  • SPI operon encoded type III secretion system
  • InvA-C operon
  • Functional filamentous appendages appear upon
    cell contact and require a function type III
    secretion system
  • Activated by a shift from acidic to alkaline pH
    in the absence of eukaryotic cells also
    activated by environmental conditions such as
    high osmolarity, low oxygen tension, DNA
    supercoiling, and alkaline pH
  • More than 15 proteins are inserted into the inner
    and outer membrane. Classes inner and outer
    membrane proteins InvA, SpaP, SpaQ, SpaR, SpaS,
    InvG, InvH, PrgH, PrgK an energizer of the
    system, the inner membrane ATPase InvC secreted
    proteins with putative targets in the host cell
    known as effector proteins SipB, SipC, SptP,
    AvrA other secreted proteins SipA cytosolic
    chaperons which prevent premature degradation of
    secreted proteins SicA, SicP transcriptional
    regulatory proteins InvF, HilA, and InvE

Salmonella Invasion
  • Other Invasion Factors
  • Motility is needed
  • Intact LPS is also required for invasion
  • Fimbriae are also needed
  • Host Factors for Invasions
  • Subversion of host cell essential functions
  • Actin cytoskeleton reorganization
  • Membrane ruffling
  • Signal transduciton pathways
  • SopE (substances of the SpI-1 encoded system)
    stimultes actin reorganization by increasing
    GDP/GTP nucleotide exchange in several GTPases
  • Stimulates production of proinflammatory
    cytokines as IL-8, and activates transcriptional

Proliferation within Nonprofessional Phagocytes
  • Salmonella proliferates in membrane-bound
  • Salmonella containing vacuole fuses with host
    compartments containing lysosomal-membrane
    glycoproteins and bypasses compartments of the
    endocytic route
  • SPI-2 is required for intracellular proliferation
    within epithelial cells
  • Recent findings suggests that macrophages and
    specialized epithelial cells allow Salmonella to
    proliferate intracellularly

Proliferation within Nonprofessional Phagocytes
  • Although non-growing, remain viable for periods
    of 10-14 days
  • Salmonella have been shown to reduce their
    metabolic rate to perpetuate with the host cell
  • The PhoPQ system is involved in preventing growth
    of intracellualr Salmonella phoP mutants grow
    actively in non-permissive cells
  • First example of a bacterial-mediated mechanism
    that prevents its own proliferation in a specific
    host cell
  • Long persistance of Salmonella within
    non-phagocytic cells could be linked to
    Salmonella derived reactive arthirits, chronic
    infections, or carrier asymptomatic

Proliferation within Professional Phagocytes
  • Active membrane ruffling and macropinocytosis
    occurs upon ingestion of Salmonella by phagocytic
  • Trafficking route used by Salmonella within a
    cultured macrophage is different than within
    epithelial cells
  • Fusion of the endosome with mature lysosomes
    seems to occur
  • Nevertheless that compartment does not behave as
    a conventional mature lysosomal since there is no
    processing of lysosomal enzymes contained within
  • Acidification triggers bacterial response for
    survival and replication within these cells
  • Salmonella may exist within two populations one
    activity growing and the other static but not

Proliferation within Professional Phagocytes
  • Salmonella is also able to trigger apoptosis of
    the infected macrophage
  • Products involved in triggering apoptosis are
    SPI-1 oxygen regulated protein (OrgA), OmpR/EnvZ,
    SPI-1 secreted proteins such as InvJ, SpaO, SipB,
    SipC, and SipD
  • Induced apoptosis may destroy phagocytic cells
    before they process antigen and activate T-cells
  • Macrophage may react to infection with Salmonella
    and program its own death to avoid excessive
    release of immune mediators

Survival within Phagocytic cells
  • Proteins involved in DNA repair are needed such
    as RecA and RecBC for survival
  • Increased levels of SodA (Mn dependent) results
    in increase survival within macrophages in vitro
    but not for survival in the mouse model
  • Increased levels ot SodC (Zn2-Cu2) results in
    increased survival in the mouse model but not in
    macrophages in vitro
  • SlyA is a transcriptional regulator involved in
    Salmonella survival by giving it resistance to
    toxic oxidative products
  • Sap proteins are required for antimicrobial
    peptide resistance

  • PhoP-PhoQ regulatory System
  • Two component systempair of proteins, one of
    which, the sensor, underoges a change in response
    to a change in the environment and communicates
    this change, usually in the form of a phosphate
    to another protien, response regulator, which
    then causes the appropriate cellular response
  • Sensing extracellular signals such as limiting
    amounts of Mg2 and mild acidic pH

  • PhoQ is a inner membrane integral protein capable
    of binding Mg2 and Ca2
  • Upon binding PhoQ auto-phosphorylates and
    transfers the phosphate to PhoP, a cytosolic
  • Phosphorylated PhoP acts then as a
    transcriptional regulator or at least 40 genes
  • Some virulence genes are activated as pag and
    others repressed such as prg
  • Virulence traits linked to this regulatory system
    include(1) bacterial survival within
    macrophages, epithelial cell (2) resistance to
    cationic antimicrobial peptides, (3) invasion of
    epithelial cells, (4) control of Ag presentation
    by bacteria-infected macrophage, (5) resistance
    to bile acids

  • PmrAB regulatory system
  • Two component system
  • Controls bacterial resistance to polymixin and
    other LPS-binding antimicrobial peptides
  • Auto-regulated
  • Expression of these genes is dependent on low pH
    or Mg2 limitation

  • OmpR/EnvZ regulatory system
  • Two component system
  • Senses changes in external medium osmolarity
  • OmpR is the transcriptional regulator
  • EnvZ is its cognate membrane sensor
  • Controls expression of major outer membrane
    proteinsOmpC and OmpF

  • High osmolarity favors expression of OmpC while
    low osmolarity shifts the expression to PmpF
  • OmpF mutants are avirulent in the mouse typhoid
  • OmpCF mutants are attenuated in the in vivo model
    when administered orally but not

  • RpoS (katF) Sigma factor
  • Important regulatory factor in starved bacteria
  • High levels of this protein in cells that are
    reaching stationary phase
  • Needed for survival in stationary phase
  • Needed also for nutrient stresses in Salmonella
    such as carbon, nitrogen, or phosphate
  • Increased in intracellular bacteria
  • Required for virulence

  • Roles of a Salmonella virulence plasmid (60-80
  • Needed for the production of systemic disease
    cured strains are unable to produce systemic
    disease in the mouse typhoid system
  • Mutants retain capacity for colonization the
    intestinal tract and spreading to target tissues
    and organs
  • Spv operon
  • Under control of the RpoS sigma factor
  • Protein play a role in signaling between
    intracellular Salmonella and the host cell
  • Only synthesized in intracellular bacteria
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