Title: How do you define a winner
1Please get out a piece of paper and answer the
questions below
- How do you define a winner?
- How do you measure success?
We will discuss your answers shortly.
2I want you to look at these winners.
3(No Transcript)
4Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave
in the attempt.-- Special Olympics Oath --
5You will read about another winner today. She
"I fall, I stand still...I trudge on, I gain a
little I get more eager and climb higher and
begin to see the widening horizon. Every struggle
is a victory.
- HELEN KELLER, on her studies at
Radcliffe College
6- When you are finished reading
- the story
- Go on-line and find something
- about Helen Keller you did
- not know.
- Be ready to discuss your findings with
- your group.
7Now, Please read the story, Helen Keller.