Title: .Net Programmatic Access to SQL Server 2000 XML
1.Net Programmatic Access to SQL Server 2000 XML
Boston .Net User Group
April 9, 2003
- Overview of SQL Server 2000 XML
- What is XML
- What is SQL XML
- SQL Server 2000 XML
- For XML Queries
- IIS Access
- Web Services
- .Net Programmatic Access
- ADO.Net
- SQL XML Managed Classes
- Web Services
3Session Objectives
- Know the requirements for installing SQL XML
- Understand the parts of SQL XML and how they
relate to SQL Server - Be able to use the SQLXML Managed Classes
- Be able to expose a stored procedure as a Web
Service and consume it from .Net code.
4Novick Software
- Consulting Company of Andrew Novick
- Project Management
- Business Applications Design
- Programming
- Coaching
- Training
- Technologies
- SQL Server, VB, VB.Net, ASP, ASP.Net, and XML
- http//www.NovickSoftware.com Home of the
Transact-SQL User-Defined Function of the Week
5The Book
- SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled
- Curlingstone Press (WROX)
- Published October 2002
- ISBN 1-904347-08-8
- Code Samples www.Curlingstone.com
- (get them soon, theyre going out of business)
6The Cover
7So What is XML
- XML is a systematic method of formatting text
based on an SGML syntax so that the structure of
the text coveys meaning. - XML is Comma Separated Values on Steroids
8Sample XML?
- ltrootgt
- ltpet speciesGuniea Piggt
- ltnamegtVioletlt/namegtltagegt1lt/agegt
- lt/petgtltpetgtltnamegtRodricklt/namegtltagegt3lt/agegtlt/
petgt - lt/rootgt
9A few ways that XML is used today.
- Configuration Files in .Net
- WebConfig.XML
- App.config
- Send Data
- BlueExpress SEC Form NF
- BizTalk
- Persist Data Diffgrams used by ADO.Net
- Exchange News Feeds NewsML RDF/RSS
10What are the other Xs?
- eXtensible Stylesheet LanguageA language for
transforming XML into some other type of text,
usually HTML - XSD/XDR
- XML Grammar for XML documents.
- XQuery, XSL-FO, XHTML, XLink, XPath, WS-XML,
11SQL Server 2000 XML
- Built into SQL Server 2000
- For XML Queries
- OpenXML
- In SQL Server Web Releases 1, 2, 3
- IIS access
- SQL, Templates, and Web Services
- .Net Managed Classes
- Client-side Processing
12SQL Server 2000 FORXML Queries
- SELECT from Authors for XML RAW
- Say the secret word
- Types
- Auto Mode
- Explicit Mode
- Elements for Element oriented XML
- XMLDATA for adding an XDR Schema
13Demo For XML
- Using SQL Query Analyzer
- File NS_SQLXML_ForXML_Examples.sql
- Illustrates
- For XML Raw
- For XML Auto
- For XML Auto Elements
- For XML Explicit
14SQL Server 2000 OpenXML
- Parses XML documents inside SQL Server
- Uses MSXML to parse the documents
- Will consume up to 1/8th the memory allocated to
SQL Server - OpenXML is a rowset returning function
15Sample OPENXML
ltupdategt ltAuthors au_id"238-95-7766"
au_lname"Ismore" au_fname"Les"/gt ltAuthors
au_id"427-17-2319" au_lname"More"
au_fname"Bill"/gt lt/updategt
16Sample OPEN XML
CREATE PROC usp_Update_AuthorNames _at_AuthorData
text AS DECLARE _at_hDoc int exec
sp_xml_preparedocument _at_hDoc OUTPUT, _at_AuthorData
UPDATE Authors SET Authors.au_fname
Authors.au_lname XMLEmployee.au_lname
FROM OPENXML(_at_hDoc, 'update/Authors')
WITH Authors XMLEmployee WHERE
Authors.au_id XMLEmployee.au_id -- free
any memory consumed by the document EXEC
sp_xml_removedocument _at_hDoc
17SQL Server 2000 Web Releases
- SQL Server Web Release 3 SP1
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/sqlxml/
- Requires
- SQL Server 2000
- MSXML 4.0
- Soap Toolkit 2.0
- IIS to use Web features
- A Net language to use the managed classes
18SQL XML Web Services Toolkit
- Released February 2003
- Packages all required components
- SQLXML 3.0 SP 1
- MSXML 4.0
- Soap Toolkit 2.0
- White Papers and Examples
19ADO Classic Access
- Capable of using SQL XML from ADO 2.5 (Recommend
2.6 or above) - Use ADO Stream objects to return textual XML
- SQLOLEDB Provider exposes extended properties
that mimic those available in .Nets
SQLXMLCommand - Used by Visual Basic 6, VBScript, JavaScript. or
other COM consumer
20SQLXMLBulkLoad ActiveX Component.
- Loads XML
- Input Only Use For XML Query to Generate the
output. - Needs an XDR or XSD schema
- Can load linked tables from one file
21Web Based Access to SQL XML
- Uses IIS to achieve Web Access
- Installs its own ISAPI filter
- Configuration Tool allows setting up sites and
controlling access - Web Services supported in SQLXML 3.0
22Web Formats
- Templates
- SQL Queries with Parameters
- Multiple Queries
- Web Service/SOAP
23Demo Web Based Queries
- Files
- IIS Based Queries.txt
- CustomersOrders.xml
- CustomerOrders.XML
- MultipleQueries.XML
- Authors2.XSD
- Illustrates
- IIS based queries
- Templates
- Xpath Query
- Two forms XDR and XSD
- Replace DTDs in the XML World
- Define the format of a valid XML Document
- Map from the Relational to the SQL World
25Mapping Schema Authors2.xsd
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltxsdschema
a"gt ltxsdelement name"Authors"
ltxsdcomplexTypegt ltxsdsequencegt
ltxsdelement name"ID" type"xsdstring"
sqlfield"au_id" /gt
ltxsdelement name"FirstName"
sqlfield"au_fname" /gt
ltxsdelement name"LastName" type"xsdstring"
sqlfield"au_lname" /gt
lt/xsdcomplexTypegt lt/xsdelementgt
www.NovickSoftware.com .Net Programmatic Access
to SQL Server 2000 XML
26Updategram and Diffgrams
- A types of SQLXML template
- UpdateGram Specifies database operation(s)
- Insert
- Update
- Delete
- Diffgram Has Before and After state of the datbase
27Format of an UpdateGram
ltROOT xmlnsupdg"urnschemas-microsoft-comxml-up
dategram"gt ltupdgsync mapping-schema
"AnnotatedSchemaFile.xml" gt ltupdgbeforegt ...
lt/updgbeforegt ltupdgaftergt ... lt/updgaftergt
lt/updgsyncgt lt/ROOTgt
28Why Use Updategrams?
- Any source of XML may be transformed into an
updategram. - Updategram stores the before and after state of
the database whilch can be used for delayed
application of to the database. - Alternative transport mechanisms can be used when
a direct connection to the database is
29Why Use Diffgrams
- Useful for offline operations. Diffgrams are the
persistible format of the .Net dataset. They can
be used to reconstitute a dataset without going
back to the database.
30.Net Programmatic Access
- ADO.Net and XMLReader class on a FOR XML query
- ADO.Nets Dataset Uses XML to represent its
contents as a Diffgram. - SQLXML includes .Net Managed Classes
- Consume Web Services
31ADO.Net Can Retrieve XML
- Can retrieve the results of a FOR XML Query
- Pass the results to .Net XML classes for further
manipulation. - XMLReader
- XMLTextReader
- XMLDocument (DOM)
32Demo ADO.Net to Retrieve XML
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project XMLTextReaderExample
- Illustrates
- Referencing Microsoft.Data.SqlXML
- For XML Query
- Using XMLTextReader
33ADO.Net Dataset Object
- Uses XML as an internal representation
- No SQLXML involved
- Methods
- GetXML
- GetXMLSchema
- InferXMLSchema
- ReadXML
- WriteXML
34Demo Write XML From a Dataset
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project SQLXMLDataSetDemo
- Illustrates
- ADO.Net SQLCommand
- Persisting XML from a Dataset to a file
35.Net Managed Classes
- SQLXMLCommand
- Executes a SQL, Template, or XPath query
- SQLXMLParameter
- Provides parameters to a query
- SQLXMLAdapter
- .Net Adapter Class to act an intermediary between
Dataset objects and the database connection
36SQLXMLCommand Class
- Properties control how the class behaves
- ExecuteStream method executes the command and
returns a stream object
37Demo SQLXMLCommand
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project SQLXMLCommandDemo
- Illustrates
- Using SQLXMLCommand
- Dialects
- Templates SQLXMLCommandType.Template
- Template File SQLXMLCommandType.TemplateFile
- Xpath SQLXMLCommandType.XPath
- Can be sent to SQL Server many ways including via
SQLXMLCommand - Contain
- SQL Queries
- UpdateGrams
- DiffGrams
40Demo Template
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project SQLXMLCommandTemplate
- Illustrates
- Using a template to provide the query to
41SQLXMLCommandXML Formatting
- Root .RootTag root
- Output Encoding UDF-8, UNICODE,
etc. .OutputEncoding UDF-8 - NameSpaces .NameSpaces
42SQLXMLCommandFile Management Properties
- .BasePath Top-level path to XML files
- .SchemaPath
- .XSLPath
- Paths can be either
- File Paths
- URLs
- Transforms XML to HTML or other text
44SQLXMLCommand XPath
- CustomerInvoices
- CustomerInvoices/Customer_at_state"CA"/Invoice
- Requires a Mapping Schema
- Like the SQLAdapter
- Acts an an intermediary between the SQLConnection
and Dataset objects
46Demo SQLXMLAdapter
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project SQLXMLAdapterExample
- File Authors.XSD
- Illustrates
- SQLXMLAdapter
- Xpath Query
- Mapping Schema
47Demo Diffgram
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project SQLXMLDiffgramInsert
- Illustrates
- SQLXMLAdapter
- Diffgram
48Client Side Programming
- SQL Server Web Release 2 and above
- SQLXMLOLEDB Provider moves the work of formatting
XML to the client.
49Server Based XML Creation
www.NovickSoftware.com .Net Programmatic Access
to SQL Server 2000 XML
50Moving the Work to the Client
www.NovickSoftware.com .Net Programmatic Access
to SQL Server 2000 XML
- SQLXMLOLEDB Provider uses SQLOLEDB to retrieve
data with an standard Query - XML is formed in the client
- New FOR XML type XML Nested Query
52Demo Client Side Processing
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project SQLCommandClientSide
- Stored Procedure Pubs.dbo.usp_AuthorBooks
- Illustrates
- For XML Nested Query
- Client Side Processing
- SQLXMLParameter Class
53Consuming SQL XML Web Services
- Web Services are created by exposing
- Stored Procedures
- User Defined Functions
- templates
- Consumed like any other Web Service
54Configure IIS Support Tool
- Configure soap virtual name
- Add stored procedures and UDFs as web methods
55Demo Create Consume a Web Service
- .Net Solution SQLXMLDemonstrations
- .Net Project SQLXMLWebServiceConsumer
- Illustrates
- Configuring IIS for Support
- Exposing a stored procedure as a Web Service
- Consuming a Web Service
- WebServicesStudio
56SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled
- Curlingstone an Imprint of Wrox
- Download code from the book atwww.Curlingstone.co
m - Andrew Novick
- anovick_at_NovickSofware.com
- 978-440-8126
- www.NovickSoftware.com
- Consulting - Project Management Design -
Programming - Training
57Transact-SQL UDF of the Week
- Free newsletter about SQL Server User-Defined
Functions - A CREATE FUNCTION script in each issue
- Additional information on UDFs
- Find it athttp//www.NovickSoftware.com/UDFofWeek
58Thanks for coming!