Title: The Lighter Side of Assessment
1The Lighter Side of Assessment
2- Cartoons and Jokes about Assessing Students and
Related Topics
3The Lighter Side of Assessment !
- Humorous stories about testing and teaching.
- Testing and test taking jokes
- Humorous video clips
4The Goal
- To consider testing issues and trends from an
entertaining viewpoint - To illustrate problems and solutions in testing
using humor
5On Making Tests
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7On Homework
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13- We have to spend our money on testing.
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20- How many educators does it take to change a light
21- Well first of all you cant just go changing a
light bulb just like without proper planning and
22- No light bulb changing services can be
provided without identification. How do we know
the light bulb needs to be changed until we
determine the appropriate disability category and
learning problem? We must of course test each
light bulb with a series of norm and
criterion-referenced tests. Next comes placement.
Oh.Before placement you must develop an initial
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26On Styles of Teaching
- From the article, "Teaching Learners to be
Self-Directed" - by Gerald Grow, Ph.D.
- School of Journalism, Media Graphic Arts
- Florida AM University
- Tallahassee, FL 32307 USA
27 28 29 30 31 32- The importance of testing.
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35- Other Observations on Testing
36- Father Well son, how are your exam results?Son
They're all under waterFather What do you
mean?Son They're all under C level.
37- When Suzy got home, she told her dad that she got
a 100 inschool. Her dad told her to go sit down
and tell him all about it. She said, "Well, I
got a 20 in math, a 30 inscience, and a 50 in
38- Albert Einstein arrives at a party and introduces
himself tothe first person he sees and asks,
"What is your IQ?" towhich the man answers
"241." "That is wonderful!" says Albert. "We
will talk about the GrandUnification Theory and
the mysteries of the universe. We willhave much
to discuss!" Next Albert introduces himself to
a woman and asks, "What isyour IQ?" to which the
lady answers, "144." "That is great!"says
Albert. "We can discuss politics and current
affairs. We will have much to discuss!" Albert
then goes to another person and asks, "What is
yourIQ?" to which the man answers, "51." Albert
ponders this fora moment, and then says, "GO
39- Dr. Venn was grading the essay finals he had just
given his class and opened the exam book of a
failing student to reveal blank pages and a 100
bill. The only thing written in the book was
"100 100 - I get an A." A month later, the
student approached the professor. "I don't
understand," he said. "I failed the course.
Didn't you read my final?" The professor handed
the student the exam book. The student opened
it to reveal 50 and the phrase "50 50 - You
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45- At UNF, there were three students taking
Assessment of Students with Special Needs. They
did so well on all the quizzes, mid-terms, and
labs, etc., that each had an "A" for the
semester. These three friends were so
confident that the weekend before finals, they
decided to drive down to Orlando to the
University of Central Florida to party with some
friends. They had a great time. However, after
all the hard partying, they slept all day and
didn't make it back to UNF until early the next
morning. Rather than taking the final then, they
decided to find Venn after the final to explain
why they missed it. They explained that they had
gone to UCF for the weekend with the plan to come
back in time to study, but, unfortunately, they
had a flat tire on the way back, didn't have a
spare, and couldn't get help for a long time. As
a result, they missed the final.
46- Venn thought it over and then agreed they
could make up the final. The students were elated
and relieved. They studied that night and went in
the next day at the time the Venn had told them.
He placed them in separate rooms and handed each
of them a test booklet, and told them to begin.
They looked at the first problem, worth 5 points,
something simple about the definition of
assessment. - "Cool," they thought at the same time, each
one in her separate room, "This is going to be
easy." Each finished the problem and then turned
the page.
47On the second page was written (For 95 points)
48 49A Multiple Choice Test
- _____ 1. Choose the best answer
- A. Test
- B. Teach
- - Indicates best answer
50A Spoof on the FCAT
- Accelerated Direct Success ADS
- Because FCAT Scores Matter..
- More Than Learning
51ADSAccelerated Direct Success
With ADS you get minute by minute teaching
guides, thousands of practice tests, and other
materials for turning your school into a 21st
century test preparation factory. Unlike its
competitors, ADS also sends you specially
designed pellet dispensers that fit on each
students desk and shoot candy directly into
students mouths when they emit a correct answer.
52Cheating on Tests
53A D on Paper
54I used a 3,000 computer, a 1,200 printer, and
200 word processing program, and I still got a
D on my norm-referenced testing project report
In Venns class.
55Test Abuse??
- Help fight standardized test abuse
- Let teachers teach
- STOP testing insanity
56Nickel B
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB) has become no child
left untested
57This is only a test!
- Sign in an office This teaching position is
only a test, had it been an actual job, you would
have received raises, bonuses and promotions
58High Stakes Testing
- RAT Rodent Achievement Test
- FCAT Funny Clown Achievement Test
- This is only a test.
59Attack of the FCAT??
60The Lighter Side of Assessment !
- I hope you enjoyed and learned from these
humorous stories, jokes, and video clips about
testing and teaching.
61The Lighter Side of Assessment
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