Title: Integrating Sustainability
1Integrating Sustainability Into a Learning
Community Kathleen Gardner, Southern Illinois
U-Edwardsville Kathleen G. Kerr, University of
Delaware Jeanne S. Steffes, Syracuse
University Living-Learning Conference October
15-17, 2006 Syracuse, NY
2 Presentation Outline
- Overview of Sustainability
- Individual Resources and Perspectives
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Integrating Sustainability into Higher Education
- Where Do You Begin?
3Sustainable Development Defined
Meeting the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs World Commission
on Env. and Development. (1987). Our Common
Future. England Oxford University Press. Â
4 Social Well-being
Flourishing Environments
Strong Economy
Sustainable Society
Triple Bottom Line of
5The United Nations has declared 2005-2014 a
Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
6Education for a Sustainable Society Enables
people to develop the knowledge, values and
skills to participate in decisions that will
improve the quality of life now without damaging
the planet for the future.Â
7Why Sustainability Now?
- We are the first generation capable of
determining the habitability of the planet for
humans and other species. - The decisions of this generation are crucial.Â
8Why Sustainability Now?
- Human presence on a global scale
- All living systems in long term decline at
unprecedented and accelerating rate - Unprecedented growth in population and
consumption - Gap between rich and poor accelerating
9Global Perspective
life supporting resources declining
consumption of life supporting resources rising
10 Why is Education for Sustainable
Development such a high priority in the U.S.?
- Much of the U.S. public doesnt know that we are
exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet.
(www.myfootprint.org) - All of the life supporting ecosystems are in
decline (http//www.worldwatch.org/topics/nature) - The U.S. has approximately 5 of the worlds
population and is consuming 25 of the worlds
resources. (Jucker, Our Common Illiteracy
Education as If the Earth and People Mattered,
Peter Lang Publishers) - Public doesnt know we can reduce human
suffering, environmental degradation and social
injustice now while building stronger economies - A rapid shift in mindset is needed and education
is the key.
11Why is environmental responsibility such a high
- Freshwater withdrawal has almost doubled since
1960 and nearly half the worlds major rivers are
going dry or are badly polluted (New
Internationalist, no. 329 November, 2000. 18) - 11 of the worlds 15 major fishing areas and 69
of the worlds major fish species are in decline
(State of the World 1998, 60-67) - Climate change (global warming) exists, a major
culprit is fossil fuels, and impacts are very
serious. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change report Summary for Policymakers The
Science of Climate Change 1995)
12Effects -Climate Change
- Effects on food production
- More extreme weather events
- Disruptions of ecosystems
- Spread of disease to temperate climates
- Submersion of land masses
- 1 to 4 foot sea level rise
- 50 of worlds population lives on the coasts
- (75 in 2050)
- 140,000 deaths per year attributed to climate
change - Sources 1-5 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
13Global Transition
- From
- Fossil powered
- Take, make, waste
- Living off natures capital
- Market as master
- Loss of cultural biological diversity
- Independence
- Materialism as goal
- To
- Solar powered
- Cyclical production
- Living off natures income
- Market as servant
- Increased cultural biological diversity
- Interdependence
- Human satisfaction goal
14Which of these myths do you believe?Â
- Sustainability is mostly about the environment
- Sustainability is just another issue, like
international studies or computer literacy - Sustainability is secondary to the university's
core mission and function - Sustainability will almost always cost the
university more money - Sustainability is primarily a scientific and
technical problem
15Challenges and Answers to Sustainability
- Challenges
- Already busy
- Dont know this stuff
- Issues are complex and systematic
- Answers
- Use national resources
- Learn from other institutions
- Use students and staff nationally to help you
learn, grow, and implement
16What can I do as an individual?
- Reduce your impact at home
- Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a
compact fluorescent light bulb - Move your thermostat down 2 degrees in winter and
up 2 degrees in summer - Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air
conditioner - Install a programmable thermostat
- Use less hot water
- From An Inconvenient Truth, http//www.climatecri
17What can I do as an individual?
- Reduce your impact at home
- Recycle at home
- Buy recycled paper products
- Unplug electronics from the wall when youre not
using them - Insulate and weatherize your home
- Buy locally grown and produced foods
- Avoid heavily packaged products
- Buy organic foods as much as possible
- From An Inconvenient Truth, http//www.climatecri
18What can I do as an individual?
- Reduce your impact on the move
- Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking,
biking, carpooling or taking mass transit
whenever possible - Keep your car tuned up
- Check your tires weekly
- When its time for a new car, choose a more fuel
efficient vehicle - From An Inconvenient Truth, http//www.climatecri
19Potential is Enormous
- 4,096 U.S. Colleges and Universities (1)
- 14.8 million students (1)
- 277 billion annual expenditures 2.8 of the GDP
(1) - HE expenditures gt the GDP of all but 25 countries
in the world (2) - 1 From 2001 Digest of Education Statistics,
US Dept. of Education. - 2 From 2001 CIA World Factbook and Dowling,
Mike., "Interactive Table of World Nations,"
available from http//www.mrdowling.com/800nations
.html Internet updated Friday, June 29, 2001
20- What if higher education were to take a
leadership role, as it did in the space race and
the war on cancer, in preparing students and
providing the information and knowledge to
achieve a just and sustainable society? - What would higher education look like?
21Integrating Education for Sustainable Development
Mission and Planning
Professional Development
CommunityOutreach and Partnerships
Student Life
From apathy caring
involvement.Students need to know that their
daily decisions affect the quality of life of
people around the globe
- All students engaged as effective change agents
in our sustainability challenges.
23Key Places
- Student Life
- Residential Living
- Infused throughout curricula
- First Year Experience
- Gen Ed Core
- Curricula Review
- Community Partnerships
- Workforce Development
- Mission
- Strategic Plan
- Budget
- Orientation
- Campus Map and Signage
- Building Policies
- Operations and Purchasing Policies
24ACPAs Presidential Task Force
- Resources - FY Pledge templates for road shows
ideas for orientation and FYE, etc. - Professional development - Webpage, e-learning,
publications, teleconferences and webcasts - Collaboration with other national higher
education associations on - Rating system
- Socially and environmentally responsible
procurement - Presidents pledge on climate change
- Higher Education Climate Action Project
- Team building on campus at VP and other levels
for sustainability - Student Learning Outcomes to guide practice
25Student Learning OutcomesACPAs Sustainability
Taskforce, 2006
- Each student will be able to define
sustainability. - Each student will be able to explain how
sustainability relates to their lives and their
values, and how their actions impact issues of
sustainability. - Each student will be able to utilize their
knowledge of sustainability to change their daily
habits and consumer mentality. - Each student will be able to explain how systems
are interrelated.
26Student Learning Outcomes (cont.)ACPAs
Sustainability Taskforce, 2006
- Each student will learn change agent skills.
- Each student will learn how to apply concepts of
sustainability to their campus and community by
engaging in the challenges and solutions of
sustainability on their campus. - Each student will learn how to apply concepts of
sustainability globally by engaging in the
challenges and the solutions of sustainability in
a world context.
- What do our students need to be successful in
their adult roles of career person, family member
and community member? - Making invisible impacts visible
- Practicing sustainability on campus and in
external communities connected to student
- Systemic integration, including student life
- University of Florida
- Georgia Tech
- University of North Carolina
- Arizona State
- Residence Life
- University of Delaware
- Energy Climate Change
- SUNY Buffalo
- University of California System
- Western Washington University
- University of Minnesota
- Residence hall programs FYE and orientation
programs campus speaker series bulletin boards
service and service learning experiences
curricular and co-curricular collaborations (e.g.
general education outcome and infusion throughout
the disciplines - first year community reading
book) town hall forums study- and
service-abroad experiences film series speaker
series media festivals information in campus
media outlets office of multicultural
affairs/diversity programming curricular and
capstone projects, one-on-one conversations with
student affairs staff members programs sponsored
by campus faith-based organizations and offices
curricular projects signage on existing energy
efficient/renewable energies buildings/
operations Residence hall, student organization,
fraternity and sorority, and intramural/club
sports competitions personal contracts
community (floor) agreements health safety
checks with resident feedback campaign by campus
transportation units sweatshop free bookstores
and purchasing policies catalyzed by students
development of educational modules on change
agent skills to be distributed for use by
educators involvement in campus leadership
positions town hall forums conference
attendance problem based learning in curricular
and co-curricular settings attendance at
meetings where policy is discussed and decided
upon town and gown, city council, county
council, Board of Trustees.
30Strategies (cont.)
- Participation in political campaigns service and
service learning experiences modify the
institutions and student organizations
practices, mission statements, and constitutions
utilize student governance structures to request
compliance with LEED and other sustainability
standards awareness raising campaigns letter
writing campaign and implementation project for
sustainable practices in dining services unit on
campus work with campus facilities/grounds units
to assess current practices work with facilities
and business office to create more sustainable
operations and standards organization of
community recycling and reduced toxins program
environmental impact statements from Residence
Hall Governments and campus student governance
groups Walk Dont Ride, Do It in the Dark
campaigns collaboration with campus
transportation units Facebook groups curricular
change projects utilize campus media to carry
message career services center programming and
,counseling graduation pledges or FYE pledges
(currently Graduation Pledge) that are
implemented throughout the undergraduate
experience alumni activities speaker and film
series service and service learning experiences.
31Some statistics on activities
- 250 sustainability coordinators/offices/
committees -
- 275 campus sustainability assessments
- 300 LEED (green) Buildings
- Greatly increased student activism 271
campuses for Campus Climate Challenge
32Where Do We Go From Here?
- Professional Development for campus staff
- Upper administration support memo from all VPs
empowering all staff and faculty to help
implement sustainability - Presidential support Tailloire Declaration,
AACC resolution - Incentive building via budget use the savings
to fund the next projects - Faculty and Staff - Identifying influencers and
asking for help - Framing - Connect diversity, global learning,
international ed, service learning, economic
development, student life and environmental
learning constituencies
33Professional Development Strategies
- Internally focus on Education for Sustainable
Development in higher education staff and faculty - Externally reach out to professionals (get on
the advisory committees and accreditation
committees) - Keep asking, What are your next steps in making
education for and practice of sustainability a
major goal of your institution?
34Possibilities for Next Steps
- Explicitly recognize and include ESD in the next
round of mission definition and strategic
planning (e.g. Illinois Weslyan, Lane CC, attend
SCUP workshop) - Encourage your strategic planners, purchasing
agent, facilities director, student life
coordinators, faculty and students to join the
national online learning communities dedicated to
education for sustainable development. (go to
www.aashe.org and click on Email lists) - Include sustainable development core competencies
in the next revision of General Education outcome
requirements, first year experience, orientation
(examples at www.ncseonline.org/EFS/DebraRowe.pdf
, www.aashe.org and http//www.myacpa.org/task-for
ce/sustainability/ )
35Possibilities for Next StepsCommit to
- Build and renovate facilities using socially and
environmentally responsible practices (e.g. LEED
and Energy Star) - Purchase socially and environmentally responsible
products (e.g. no sweatshop products in the
bookstore) (e.g. national initiative from NACS) - Infuse sustainability throughout the disciplines
via staff development offerings and faculty
engagement strategies (e.g. Broward CC and Emory) - Develop college-community partnerships for
sustainable development and using those
partnerships for service learning opportunities
for students (e.g. Grand Rapids CC and
36Possibilities for Next StepsCommit to
- Engage in the Campus Climate Challenge to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions http//www.campusclimate
challenge.org/ - Help to create economic policies that support
stronger economies via the building of healthier
ecosystems and social systems (e.g.
http//www.paconsortium.state.pa.us/ - Utilize the media to publicize the positive steps
your institution takes to both teach and model
sustainable development.
37Embracing Education for Sustainable Development
- Improved teaching and learning
- Students prepared for citizenship and career
- Attraction of students, faculty and funding
- Save and other resources for the institution
and society - Improve the institutions reputation
- Cooperation and satisfaction across institution
- Help improve town/gown relationships
- Fulfill moral and social responsibility
- Improve strategic positioning
- The U.S. public is not educated enough about
sustainability issues and solutions. - We need sustainability literacy and engagement
for ALL. This is no longer optional for a viable
future. - Some exciting developments, too many to report,
but much more needs to be done. - We can assist you. Share what you do with ACPA
and we will share with others via www.heasc.net - Let our enthusiasm show!
- Dr. Debra Rowe
- dgrowe_at_oaklandcc.edu
- President U.S. Partnership for Education for
Sustainable Development Co-chair Higher
Education Associations Sustainability Consortium
Senior Fellow University Leaders for a
Sustainable Future Professor, Alternate
Energies and Behavioral Sciences Oakland
Community College.
40For More Information
- Kathleen Kerr
- kkerr_at_udel.edu
- Kathleen Gardner
- kagardn_at_siue.edu
- Jeanne Steffes
- jsteffes_at_syr.edu