- Safety Concerns, OSHA Regulations, Usage
Procedures Maintenance
2Construction site fires are most commonly caused
- Careless smoking
- Poor housekeeping
- Sloppy maintenance on electrical tools
- Portable heating
- Lack of adequate fire watch
- Faulty wiring
Estimated 4,800 construction site fires annually
causing 35 million in property
damage Fire incidents at construction
sites tend to increase as the workday progresses
4- All four elements above must be present for fire
to exist. The concept of fire prevention is based
upon keeping these four elements separate.
5Parts of a Fire Extinguisher
6How to Operate a Fire Extinguisher
NOTE It is important to remember to aim at the
BASE of the fire and not at the flames. Spraying
the flames is ineffective and could potentially
spread the fire even further.
Fire Extinguisher classifications specify type,
what they can be used to extinguish, method of
operation, range and maintenance requirements.
8Water Foam Fire Extinguishers
- Extinguishes fire by taking away heat and oxygen
- Water extinguishers are for Class A fires only.
If used on B or C fires, flammable liquid could
be spread and could also increase shock hazard - Foam extinguishers can be used on A and B fires
9Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers
- Can be used for Class B and C fires, however are
usually ineffective on Class A fires - Extinguishes by taking away oxygen and removes
heat with a very cold discharge
10Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers
- Extinguishes by interrupting the chemical
reaction needed for fire to be present - Creates a barrier between the oxygen and the fuel
- Multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguisher is
the most widely used today because it is
effective on Class A, B C fires
11Additional Types
- Wet Chemical- Class K (usually used in commercial
kitchens) - Halogenated or Clean Agent- BC Fires
- Dry Powder- For Class D or combustible metal
fires only
12Inspection Tips
- Is the fire extinguisher in the correct location?
- Is it visible and accessible?
- Does the gauge or pressure indicator show the
correct pressure? - According to code, must be maintained annually
- Inspect (quick check) every 30 days
13OSHA Regulations
Subpart F- Fire Protection Prevention Section
1926.150 (c)
Use Table F-1 Fire Extinguishers Data as a guide
when selecting the appropriate extinguisher
needed for specific applications
14Location Requirements
- Travel distance to the nearest fire extinguisher
shall never exceed 100 feet - At least one 2-A fire extinguisher shall be
provided for each floor - In multistory buildings, at least one fire
extinguisher shall be located adjacent to the
15Overview of Fire Extinguishers
- Fire protection prevention is highly important
due to the numerous fires that occur on
construction sites every year - ONLY use the designated type of fire extinguisher
depending on the fire hazard classification (A,
B, C) - Aim at the fuel of the fire, not at the flames
- Reference OSHA Subpart F, Section 1926.150(c) for