Title: Language Arts Jeopardy
1Language Arts Jeopardy
Created by
Tracey Minauro
Forms of Poetry
Childrens Literature
3Grammar Answer for 100
4Writing Answer for 100
5Forms of Poetry Answer for 100
- What is a Five Senses Poem?
6Childrens Literature Answer for 100
7Potpourri Answer for 100
8Grammar Answer for 200
- What is an explanation point?
9Writing Answer for 200
- What are the stages of writing?
10Forms of Poetry Answer for 200
11Childrens Literature Answer for 200
- What is Hogwarts School of
- Witchcraft and Wizardry?
12Potpourri Answer for 200
13Grammar Answer for 300
14Writing Answer for 300
15Forms of Poetry Answer for 300
16Childrens Literature Answer for 300
17Potpourri Answer for 300
18Grammar Answer for 400
- What is a compound sentence?
19Writing Answer for 400
20Forms of Poetry Answer for 400
21Childrens Literature Answer for 400
- What is the Magic Tree House series?
22Potpourri Answer for 400
23Grammar Answer for 500
- What is can run very fast?
24Writing Answer for 500
25Forms of Poetry Answer for 500
26Childrens Literature Answer for 500
27Potpourri Answer for 500
28Grammar for 100
- Words that describe a noun or
29Writing for 100
- The beginning of an essay that
catches a readers interest and
identifies the main idea.
30Forms of Poetry for 100
- A poem that uses your senses to describe the
color of a subject, what it tastes like, sounds
like, smells like, looks like and how it makes
you feel.
31Childrens Literature for 100
- Wilbur, Charlotte and Fern are the main
characters of this book.
32Potpourri for 100
- A type of source used to check spelling and
find definitions.
33Grammar for 200
- This is used at the end of a sentence that
expresses strong feeling.
34Writing for 200
- Brainstorming, prewriting, drafting,
editing and publishing are all identified as
the five_______.
35Forms of Poetry for 200
- This type of poem has two lines that rhyme
and are about the same length. -
36Childrens Literature for 200
- This school of magic is the main setting of
the Harry Potter series of novels.
37Potpourri for 200
- A type of book or story with imaginary
characters and events.
38Grammar for 300
- Is, are, am, was, and where are all
examples of_________.
39Writing for 300
- When starting a new paragraph within a paper,
you should always______.
40Forms of Poetry for 300
- Words that are arranged in a shape that show
the idea of the poem.
41Childrens Literature for 300
- This author wrote popular childrens books such
as Freckle Juice, Tales of the Fourth Grade
Nothing and Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great.
42Potpourri for 300
- A word that has the same or similar meaning as
another word (big, large).
43Grammar for 400
- This is formed when two sentences are joined
together by a conjunction.
44Writing for 400
- The middle structure of a paper that give
supporting details to the main idea within the
45Forms of Poetry for 400
- A short poem that is 5 lines long lines 1, 2,
and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 rhyme.
46Childrens Literature for 400
- Jack and Annie, who are the main characters
of this book series, take readers on many
adventures such as visiting different periods of
time and places around the world.
47Potpourri for 400
- This is added to the end of a word to give the
word a different meaning (careful).
48Grammar for 500
- Identify the complete predicate in the
following sentence - Our dog can run very fast.
49Writing for 500
- This should be used to organize the details of
a paper before writing the rough draft.
50Forms of Poetry for 500
- A Japanese form of poetry that has a three
line pattern five syllables in the first line,
seven syllables in the second line and five
syllables in the third.
51Childrens Literature for 500
- This famous authors birthday is celebrated in
many schools during the month of March.
52Potpourri for 500
- An alphabetical listing of all the important
topics that is located in the back of a book.
53 References
- Internet School Library Media Center. (n.d.).
Forms of poetry for children. Retrieved May 9,
2006 from ISLMC website - http//falcon.jmu.edu/ramseyil/poeform.
htm - Kemper, D., Meyer, V., Sebranek, P. (1996).
Writers Inc. A student handbook for writing and
learning. Wilmington, MA Write Source. - Renz, H. (2005, May). Five Senses Poem.
Retrieved May 9, 2006 from - http//www.redmond.k12.or.us/patrick/renz/pdf/po
etry/5senses.pdf - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (n.d.). List
of childrens literature authors. Retrieved May
9, 2006, from Wikipedias website - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_childrens_