Title: PathtoIndustry Certification
1Path-to-Industry Certification
- Governor Mark Warners
- Education for a Lifetime Initiative
2What is Path to Industry?
- The Path to Industry Certification is a program
that provides an opportunity for high school
seniors who are U.S. citizens and Virginia
residents to earn their high school diploma and
complete tuition-paid technical preparation at
the community college level that leads to a
selected industry certification or state
3What is Industry Certification or State Licensure?
- Industry certification or state licensure is
verification from a recognized industry, trade,
professional association or state agency that a
student has attained a documented level of
achievement based on industry or state standards.
4How Do You Earn Industry Certification or State
- Must enroll in and complete the certification
program as specified by Paul D. Camp Community
College or Tidewater Community College. - Must pass the industry certification exam.
- (The exam is standardized and graded
independently of the school and is
5What Does It Mean to Earn Industry Certification
or State Licensure?
- Prepared technically for a job/career
- Gained greater earning potential
- Increased job opportunities
- Increased advancement in a career path
- Increased self-confidence and self-worth.
6What Industry Certifications or State Licensures
are Available?
- Paul D. Camp Community College
- Tidewater Community College
7How Long Will it Take to Earn Industry
Certification or State Licensure?
- Varies depending on the certification or license.
- Typically, students will begin certification or
licensure immediately after graduation from high
school. - A chart of the courses required for each
certification or license is included in your
packet of materials. - Training must be completed by May of the year
following high school graduation.
8What is the Average Wage of a Person with
- Varies but tends to be higher than the average
wage of a person without industry certification
or licensure. - Virginia VIEW at http//www.vaview.vt.edu/career/i
ndex.cfm - Virginia Employment Commission at
- http//www.vec.state.va.us/vecportal/lbrmkt/occup
.cfm - U.S. Department of Labor at http//stats.bls.gov/o
co/home.htm - http//www.salary.com
9Who is Eligible to Participate?
- No college plans
- On schedule to graduate in June 2005 with a
standard or advanced studies diploma. - Dual enrollment students with no existing
postsecondary education plans. - Career and Technical Education (CTE) completers
who have not received the instruction and/or
skills necessary to successfully complete an
industry certification or state licensure exam. - Lack occupational/technical skills
10How Do I Apply?
- Meet with the counselor from your school whose
name is listed on the agenda to discuss your
eligibility - Complete a career assessment
- Interpret the career assessment results
- Select a certification or licensure path based on
interests, aptitudes and abilities - Sign a Path to Industry Certification Compact
- Complete financial aid forms where applicable
- Complete a college application and registration
11Was this Program Successful Last School Year?
- Four community colleges participated
- Goal was 250 students 224 students participated
- 42 students still actively participating in the
program - taking courses and are pursing degrees on their
own - 35 students have completed training
- Six (6) have passed industry certifications
- Five (5) will retake the exam
- 20 of the students began to pursue degrees
12Who Do I Contact For More Information?
- Kings Fork High School
- 923-5240
- Bruce Baxter, Guidance Counselor
- brubaxter_at_spsk12.net
- Charlene Ferguson, Guidance Director
- chaferguson_at_spsk12.net
13Who Do I Contact For More Information?
- Lakeland High School
- 925-5530
- Esther Harrell, Guidance Director
- estharrell_at_spsk12.net
14Who Do I Contact For More Information?
- Nansemond River High School
- 538-5420
- Paula Payton, Guidance Counselor
- paupayton_at_spsk12.net
15Who Do I See for More Information at the
Community College?
- Paul D. Camp Community College
- Joe Edenfield (Located at the Franklin Campus)
- (757) 569-6744
- jedenfield_at_pc.vccs.edu
- Tidewater Community College
- Diann Holt (Located at the Norfolk Campus)
- (757) 822-1069
- tcholtd_at_tcc.edu