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Emily Dickinson


Armand, Barton Levi St. Emily Dickinson and Her Culture: The Soul's Society. ... 'Emily Dickinson. ... 'Dickinson, Emily.'http://mchip00.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson
  • American Literature
  • Cecilia H.C. Liu
  • 12/27/2004

  • 448 Interpretation
  • 449 Interpretation
  • 465 Interpretation
  • 501 Interpretation
  • 712 Interpretation
  • 754 Interpretation
  • 986 Interpretation
  • 1078 Interpretation
  • 1624 Interpretation
  • References

  • This is a piece of poem that puts emphasis upon
    the poets construction of a poem, which the word
    distillation in the second line of the first
    stanza came from the sense of distillation of
    alcohol and perfume.
  • This particular stanza suggests that the meanings
    and images the poet puts on the page would fill
    up the room, as immense as Attar. The first
    line of the second stanza, the phrase, familiar
    species, suggest the sense of ordinary meanings
    in the poem, the surface meaning of the poem.
  • Finally, Dickinson portrays in the last stanza in
    the second line with the word Robbing, which
    suggests that when we read poets poetry, we
    would be stealing something from him. However,
    Dickinson suggests in the following lines that
    designates that this act would not bring harm to
    the poet at all rather, it would become a
    fortune through time for the poet, which
    designates the sense of the fame and poems of the
    poet living on.

  • A poem about death
  • The pattern of the poem follows many of
    Dickinson's typical formal patterns--the ABCB
    rhyme scheme, the rhythmic use of the dash to
    interrupt the flow--but has a more regular meter,
    so that the first and third lines in each stanza
    are iambic tetrameter, while the second and
    fourth lines are iambic trimeter, creating a
    four-three-four-three stress pattern in each

  • This piece of poem describes two dead persons
    talking to each other in the tomb, which the
    speaker of the poem, the persona, takes truth
    and beauty as the ideal image. In the first
    line of the second stanza, Dickinson used the
    word failed as the synonym of die.
  • Therefore, she suggests that the speaker has died
    for beauty and truth, but not because he has
    failed his life all along. The first two stanza
    of the poem reflects the last line of John Keats
    Ode on a Grecian Urn, Truth is beauty. Beauty is
  • The last stanza of the poem suggests that the
    inscriptions on the tomb have become invisible
    due to the weather, and that names could refer
    to different persons. In addition, dashes in this
    poem represent a sort of different bridge to
    different ideas, which serves the function of a
    conjunction or transition. What is more, what is
    interesting to note in this poem is that it was
    Truth who asks questions, which had been quoted
    by Beauty.

  • This piece of poem focuses on the idea of ecstasy
    or vision
  • This poem captures the last thoughts and
    sensations of a person on her death bed.
    Surrounded by mourners who are bracing themselves
    for her death, the narrator's focus as she dies
    is on the most mundane of living creatures a
    buzzing fly. The final ebb of consciousness is
    depicted as a loss of light and sight "And then
    the Windows failed--and then / I could not see to

  • The poem itself is about ecstasy or vision
  • The opening pronouncement of the first line is
    made all the more emphatic and unequivocal by the
    period that closes it off , while dashes are
    rarely used by Dickinson in this poem.
  • In addition, music is the metaphor that
    clarifies and verifies the reality of an
    invisible species that stands beyond

  • narcoticsorthodox enthusiasm
  • The passages of the poem wittily sum up the
    history of Christian belief in afterlife, and
    talks about the present age's shallow struggling
    for faith as well as introducing the inability of
    current frenzies of orthodox enthusiasm to
    satisfy the urge and irrepressible need for
    authentic faith.
  • Dickinson addresses the question not only of
    belief versus disbelief, but also of authentic
    versus inauthentic belief in her time.

  • This piece of poem involves with many images that
    have been personified.
  • First, the poem describes how the speaker of the
    poem is having a date with Death, and that
    Immortality in the poem is described as the
    maiden or courtship that goes along with the
    speaker to protect or take care of her.
  • Dickinson used the method of flashback method of
    the poem to suggest what had happened before the
    speakers death, in the third to fifth stanza of
    the poem. Furthermore, in the fourth stanza,
    Dickinson used the word He, which this word here
    is as well personified, as time, suggesting
    that the time of the speaker is up, and the
    speaker of the poem is actually chilled by the

  • What is also interesting in the poem is that,
    Death in the poem is represented as a patriarchal
    man in the society, for he gets to make the
    decision, and provide everything for the family,
    the possibility of which the speaker does not run
    away or could have run away from Death when he
    attempts to seize her day on earth.
  • Previously repressed and forbidden erotic drives
    were contained and made permissible by a
    displacement to a safely unobtainable love
    object. The aggression and hostility stimulated
    by Dickinsons frustrated needs of love has also
    found their way into the poems. Some of this
    hostility expressed in her obsession with death
    and in her agoraphobia had made her a prisoner in
    her father's house for the last fifteen years of
    her life.

  • This is basically a poem about entrapment
  • The themes of the poem evolve around the fusion
    of sexuality and destructiveness as well as the
    poet's acceptance of masculine components of her
  • The term, My life had stood" suggest that the
    speakers vitality had laid unused, with her
    potential lay dormant.
  • The term, "a Loaded Gun" suggested the speaker
    had all within her of what she needed for
    effective action and expression, but this same
    term could also suggest something sexual --
    phallic -- and destructive, a dormant, repressed
    potential for aggression.

  •  The term, "In Corners, suggest that these
    abilities were stagnating, or hidden away.
  • In addition, the poem also imply in "Till a day/
    The Owner passed that the owner has an
    unfamiliar aspect of her own divided self that
    suddenly came to her awareness, which had become
    accessible to consciousness.)
  • In the poem, the speaker suggest that her former
    incomplete personality was overwhelmed, while the
    new sectors of her personality is masculinized.
    When Emily Dickinson has emerged herself into a
    poet, it could have only been her identification
    with her active father and her brother that came
    to the fore, and not with her passive and
    inadequate mother.

  • "And now We roam in Sovereign Woods" In
    addition, Dickinson embarks on the idea of what
    she fancies as characteristically masculine
    adventures. The active, aggressive, aspect of my
    masculinized personality is now in full command
    of its emotional energy.
  • The term, "The Sovereign Woods" may suggest the
    domain of poetry , or of love.
  • "And now we Hunt the Doe" It seems appropriate
    for the male to hunt the female deer, the Doe.
    The object of aggression is conspicuously female.
    But the doe is also an erotic object. The doe may
    represent poetry, beauty. The doe is swift,
    delicate elusive, wild, hypersensitive.)

  • In this poem, the gun and mountain do suggest
    sexual symbols, since the discharging gun could
    represent as a masculine orgasm the echo from
    the mountainsbreast likea responsive orgasm
    from the female symbol.
  • In this poem, the yellow eye is the explosive
    flash at the end of the barrel of the gun and the
    thumb is the bullet, and this suggest that
    anything which impedes the free creative
    expression of my erotic and aggressive impulses
    must brave the threat of the speakers
    destructive wrath.
  • Finally, the last few lines of the poem were the
    most powerful one, suggesting that the speaker
    does have her own will and power to control, and
    not have her physical life extinguished.

  • It is a poem that evolves the theme of nature,
    written in 1865.
  • A year later, it was published anonymously under
    the title of The Snake in a journal called the
    Springfield Republican. The natural world is
    portrayed vividly throughout Dickinsons work,
    and this poem closely examines one of natures
    most infamous creaturesthe snake.

  • In addition, this piece of poem portrays a sense
    of riddle within, which begins with a description
    of the shock of encountering a snake, while the
    poem goes on to illustrate how snakes can be
    deceptivesimilar to the idea portrayed in the
    garden of Eden.

  • This piece of poem, like 712, is also a poem
    about death
  • industries suggests a period of time
  • Contrast?bustle v. solemn
  • The speaker suggests that we have to let go sad
    feelings and not look backThe sweeping up the
    heart and putting love away we shall not want
    to use again until eternity

  • Like the previous, this poem is also a
    description of about death, which describes the
    cold, unfeeling attitude of nature.
  • The choice of diction in the first stanza is
    especially effective in portraying the unfeeling
    randomness of nature. For instance, happy
    suggest a sense of innocence and life in the

  • In addition, behead suggests violence and
  • Dickinson demonstrates the randomness of nature
    and reminds the reader that nature has no real
  • Dickinsons choice of diction in the second
    stanza also portrays the indifference of nature
    and God.
  • The sun proceeds unmoved portrays the sense to
    show that nature has no concern for life or
    anything else.
  • The phrase, an approving God, portrays the
    sense of something ironic, that even God Himself
    is indifferent to the suffering in nature.

  • Armand, Barton Levi St. Emily Dickinson and Her
    Culture The Souls Society. New York Cambridge
    UP, 1984. 39-77.
  • Frisch, Karen. Childhood Diseases in the
    Victorian Age. http//www.ancestry.com/learn/libr
  • American Trascendentalism An On-line Travel
    Guide. http//www.shepherd.edu/transweb/amherst.h
  • Emily Dickinson. http//womenshistory.about.com/

References 2
  • Reuben, Paul. PAL Perspectives in American
    LiteratureA Research and Reference Guide - An
    Ongoing Project http//www.csustan.edu/english/reu
  • Dickinson, Emily.http//mchip00.med.nyu.edu/lit-
  • Emily Dickinson. http//jade.ccccd.edu/Andrade/W
  • A Narrow Fellow in the Grass Introduction.
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