Title: Visual searching on the web
1Visual searching on the web
- Web searching
- www.Grokker.com
- www.Kartoo.com
- www.Quintura.com
- Database searching
- www.Oskope.com amazon, eBay, and more
- www.Like.com shopping
2Grokker.com is the free web version. Map view is
similar to the Ebsco functions, with added
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6Quintura allows you to eliminate search terms by
clicking on red X
7oSkope is a visual browser that lets you search
and organize items from different web services
like Amazon, Ebay, YouTube or Flickr in an
intuitive way.
8Grid view, mouseover a photo to see details, with
additional links
9Stacks view
10Pile view
11List view
12Graph view, sorted by price and salesrank
13Like.com is for onlinevisual shopping
14You can highlight a part of the image you like,
and find similar shapes and colors. For example,
find dresses with a similar bodice.
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16Visual News
- www.reverbiage.com/tags NPR
- www.marumushi.com/apps/newsmap/
- www.labs.digg.com/
- www.searchmapr.com/
- www.roomformilk.com/
- www.buzztracker.org/
- www.newsisfree.com/newsmap/
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18Marumushi.comUS top news
19Marumushi.com Canada top news
20Digg labs arc
21Digg labs bigspy
22Digg labs stack
23Digg labs swarm
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28Visual searches - photos
- http//ideeinc.com/introvideo/
- Video overview demonstrating how to use the site
- http//labs.ideeinc.com/
- http//labs.ideeinc.com/multicolour/ colors
- http//labs.ideeinc.com/visual/random525098
visual search photos - http//labs.ideeinc.com/upload/ upload photo and
find similar
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32Want to learn more?
- Bouman, K., Jenks-Brown, A., Tran, T., Vose, D.
(2007). Visualize your catalog. (cover story).
Library Journal, 132, 10-11. - Gonsalves, A. (2005). Groxis search moves to web.
InformationWeek, (1039), 51-51. - Miller, R. (2006). Groxis, inc. EContent, 29(10),
39-40. - Plosker, G. R. (2006). The time has come for
visual search. Online, 30(4), 45-47. - Power, D. (2006). Image search steps in where
words fail. WWD Women's Wear Daily, 192(98),
9-9. - Rogers, M. (2006). EBSCO partners with groxis for
visual database searching. Library Journal,
131(5), 23-24. - Tenopir, C. (2006). Visualizing search. Library
Journal, 131(8), 33-33. - Wildstrom, S. H. (2003). A picture is worth 1,000
charts. Business week, (3816), 20-20. - Hooberman,L., et al. (2003). The potential of
visual navigation. BBC R D White Paper.
Online http//www.bbc.co.uk/rd/pubs/whp/whp075.s