Title: Patient Care: A Model for Measurement of Competence
1Patient CareA Model for Measurement of
- F. Daniel Duffy
- ACGME-ABMS Conference
- November 9, 2006
- Rosemont, IL
2Clinical Microsystem
Leadership/citizenship - Quality Innovation
Patients with needs Acute, Chronic, Prevention
Patients needs met Clinical, Satisfaction,
Treatment Monitoring
Access to Practice
Diagnostic Work-up
Self-Care Support
Teamwork Care Management
Clinical Information Management
Tests Consults Referrals - Rx
3Clinical Microsystem
Leadership/citizenship - Quality Innovation
Patients with needs Acute, Chronic, Prevention
Patients needs met Clinical, Satisfaction,
Treatment Monitoring
Access to Practice
Diagnostic Work-up
Self-Care Support
Teamwork Care Management
Clinical Information Management
Competence in Patient Care
Tests Consults Referrals - Rx
4Clinical Microsystem
Competence in System-Based Practice
Leadership/citizenship - Quality Innovation
Patients with needs Acute, Chronic, Prevention
Patients needs met Clinical, Satisfaction,
Treatment Monitoring
Access to Practice
Diagnostic Work-up
Self-Care Support
Teamwork Care Management
Clinical Information Management
Tests Consults Referrals - Rx
5Clinical Microsystem
Leadership/citizenship - Quality Innovation
Patients with needs Acute, Chronic, Prevention
Patients needs met Clinical, Satisfaction,
Treatment Monitoring
Access to Practice
Diagnostic Work-up
Self-Care Support
Competence in Practice-Based Learning
Teamwork Care Management
Clinical Information Management
Tests Consults Referrals - Rx
6 Tasks in Patient Care
- Prepare
- Diagnose
- Treat
- Support
- Commit to serve patients
- Prioritize scheduled time
- Manage interruptions
- Coordinate work
- Communicate goals and needs
- Negotiate hand-offs
- Assure seamless steps in care
- Plan for care beyond limits
- Use technology
- Clinical skills
- History writing
- Interview
- Data analysis and synthesis
- Physical Examination
- Diagnostic procedures for fluid/tissue
- Use of diagnostic testing consultation network
- Diagnosis
- Differential diagnosis drives management strategy
- Select useful disease (illness) category
- Prognosis
- Probability of altering natural history
- Risk stratify for future events
- Uncertainty
- Establish Goals
- Treatment based on scientific evidence,
- Available resources
- Patient preferences
- Prescribe
- Medications and treatments
- Patient self-care and lifestyle changes
- Operate perform therapeutic procedures
- Follow-up
- To achieve therapeutic goal
- Coordinate care for whole patient
- Relational
- Available
- Trustworthy
- Educational
- Information to provide consensual participation
- Information and skill to execute plan
- Emotional
- Relieve emotional symptoms
- Encourage
- Motivate self-efficacy to engage in therapy
11Involves All Competencies
12Patient Care and Other Competencies
- Professionalism - Self-Monitoring
- Act with appropriate confidence
- Act within limits of competence
- Persist with challenging situations
- Communications
- Respect, compassion, motivation
- Skilled advocacy
- Systems-based practice
- anticipating and arranging for help beyond
13System-Based Practice in Patient Care
- Technology
- Decision support at point of care
- Transfer of information
- Diagnostic testing
- Therapy
- Teamwork
- Network of consultants referrals
- Microsystem team
- Clinical crews
- Self-assessment is a complicated, multifaceted,
multipurpose phenomenon that involves a number of
interacting cognitive processes. - It functions as a monitor, a mentor, and a
motivator through processes such as evaluation,
inference, and prediction.
Eva KM, Regehr G.. Academic Medicine, Vol. 80,
No. 10 / S46 October 2005 Supplement
15Self- Assessment Balances Values
- Sets Self-limitations balances
- Confidence and caution
- Persistence and flexibility
- Experimentation and safety
- independence and collaboration
- Sets learning goals - balances
- Learning enough but not too much
- Starting neither too high nor too low
- Knowing what to tackle and what to abandon
- Reflects on accomplishments - balances
- Satisfaction and incentive
- Self reward without self delusion
16Self-Assessment of Competence
17Stages of Competence
Advanced Beginner
18Development of Competence in Patient Care
19Measures of Patient Care Competence
- Case log of doctors experience (volume)
- Outcome process measures of doctors care
- Expert ratings of observations of doctors
technical competence
20Measures of Patient Care Knowledge
MCQ Clinical Vignette Examination
21Measure of Patient Care Professionalism
Peer Staff survey of experience of doctors
care for specific problem
22Measure of Patient-Centered Care
Patient rating of experience of doctors care
23Measure of System-based Care
Quality, cost, patient and staff satisfaction of
expectation for care outcome measures
24Measure of Competence in Learning and Improving
Patient Care
Peer (staff) Assessment of doctors contribution
to innovation and improvement in quality of care
25Measurement Strategy
26Does the Model Fit All Specialties?
27Intra-operative Decisions
- Make accurate snap decisions
- Turkeys get lost in trivia
- Cant appreciate big picture
- Never in doubt, but frequently wrong
- Treat errors/mistakes as great learning
experience - Have to make mistakes to learn
- New surgeons dont want to take action on
clinical signs - MM
- Normal appendix vs no normal
- No normal have high rate of rupture
- No or low abnormal poor diagnostic accuracy
- Attempt stuff they had no training to do
28Patient Care Measurement Tools
- Patient survey outcomes report
- For diabetes disease specific
- CAHPS general communication SBP
- Peer Survey outcomes report
- PAS overall patient care competence
- Consultant SBP, usefulness
- Expert Observation
- Mini-CEX
- ACLS check list
- Experience log
- ACGME Ortho or plastic surgery
- Procedure log
- Quality of care measures
- PIM Practice Performance reports
29Thank You