Title: Oak Pointe Kindergarten Handbook
1Oak Pointe Kindergarten Handbook
Birthdays and Treats -Birthdays are wonderful!!
Simple treats may be sent to school (or brought
by you) on your childs birthday. Sending a
birthday treat is optional. Birthday treats are
appreciated but certainly not expected. If your
childs birthday falls in June, July, or August
when school is not in session, your teacher will
send an optional date to celebrate his/her big
day. We will provide birthday crowns for the
birthday children. We ask that parents not send
in anything made with peanuts or peanut oil.
There are several children with allergies. (Also,
a latex-free community)
Read Rest Time -Our class will rest for
about 15-20 minutes each day. Your child is not
required to go to sleep, but must rest, and relax
quietly during this time. Rest time will be
decreased gradually throughout the year as
needed. Please send a bath towel to be kept at
school for your child to rest on. (no beach
towels, bath sheets, or blankets) We will send
the towels home every other Friday to be washed.
Terrific Kid Your child will be recognized as
our Terrific Kid one week this school year.
When it is your childs turn, you will receive a
detailed note about this event. We ask that
parents send in pictures to share with the class
as we celebrate your TERRIFIC KID! Your child
will be our special classroom helper . You are
welcome to send in treats at lunch to celebrate
this special occasion.
We are the Pioneers
Oak Pointe - We're building the Future
2- Welcome to Kindergarten!
- Dear Parent,
- We are thrilled to be teaching your child in
kindergarten this school year. This will be an
exciting year for us all. We have been preparing
for your childs arrival for weeks. We have
outlined our kindergarten program in detail in
this handbook. If you have any questions feel
free to call your childs kindergarten teacher
and leave a message. We will get back to you in
a timely manner. You can also email your childs
teacher or write a short note and send it in with
your child. We look forward to getting to know
you and your child this school year! - Sincerely,
- The Kindergarten Team
Units of Study
September Welcome to School October Seasonal
Changes November USA December Celebrations
Around the World January Winter /
Polar Animals February Jobs - Then and
Now March Plants April Earth May
Animals June Kindergarten Celebration
Attendance - A successful school experience is
the responsibility of the children, the parent,
and the school. Your child's progress, both
academically and socially, is influenced to a
great extent by daily participation. Regular
attendance without tardiness is a key. Last bells
rings at 755am.
- Absences and Allergies -
- If your child is absent from school, please send
in a written notice of excuse or a doctors
excuse. If your child is sick, district policy
states that they may not return to school until
their temperature is normal for 24 hours. Please
make your childs teacher aware of any allergies
your child may have. - Conferences -
- Conferences are held at prescheduled times of
the year, but we can conference at your request
or ours at any time. Teachers are available
before school, after school most days, and during
our related arts times. - Related Arts Recess
- Students will have physical education, art,
Spanish, media center, computer lab, and music
classes each week. Kindergarten is a busy place
that sometimes can get messy! Dress your child so
they are ready for action! Tennis shoes must be
worn for P.E.. Please encourage your child to
wear closed-toe shoes. (No flip-flops, crocs,
etc.) When cold weather comes, we will still be
going outside to play unless the temperature is
too cold.
Media Center Kindergarteners check out a
library book each week during their visit to the
media center. We will be checking out one book
at a time. Remembering to bring their book back
on Library Day is an important task and
responsibility. If a book is lost, let us know
and we can find out your replacement cost.
Morning Room The Morning Room is a kindergarten
classroom that students will wait in each morning
until they are dismissed to their classroom. The
Morning Room will be indicated by a sign and will
change every two weeks. Students will be
dismissed to their rooms at 750am. There will
be a teacher on duty each week. Teachers will
explain and practice the morning room procedures
with the students.
Discipline Each kindergarten teacher has her
own discipline policy. She will discuss her
policy with you via a letter and/or Open House.
Behavior and Discipline -We believe in having
high expectations of the children to follow
classroom rules and to help them understand the
reasons behind rules. We want all of the
children to have the opportunity to learn and for
no student to keep another student from being
able to learn. We strive to provide a safe and
comfortable learning environment for the children
in which we work and live as a community in our
- Kindergarten Supply List
- (12) Glue Stick .28oz (Elmer)
- (2) Tissue 160 Count
- (1) Ziploc Gallon Size 20 count
- (1) Ziploc Quart Size
- (3) Crayola Crayons 16 count
- (1) 8.5 X 11 ream of copy paper
- (1) 12 count colored pencils (Crayola)
- (1) 8 count markers/washable (Crayola)
- (2) 8 count markers/fine washable (Crayola)
- (2) 12 count 2 pencils
- (1) Multi-colored Expo Markers 4/pk
- Disinfectant Cleaning Wipes
- (1) Pink Erasers 3/pk
Meet the Staff - Principal Jim Stephens Asst.
Principal Cassandra Paschal Administrative
Asst. TBA Secretary Marilyn Smith Cafeteria
Manager Laura Shirley Nurse Linh
Truong Guidance Counselor Jennifer Metts Art
Wanda Floyd Media Specialist Angela Bardin PE
Brian Mencil, Kevin Kunkle, Jovan
Brdarski Music Nancy Frick, Ashleigh
Morse Spanish Cederia Campbell Computer Merry
Please print your childs name with a PERMANENT
MARKER on ALL clothing, book bags, and lunch
- Kindergarten Curriculum
- Our Kindergarten Day includes the following
subject areas Language Arts, Math, Social
Studies, and Science. These areas will be part of
a daily Center Time experience. - Snacks Snacks will be provided daily.
Transportation If you plan to change the
way your child goes home, you must send a written
note or contact the office. Do not rely on your
child to tell us this information, because
children often become confused and relay
information incorrectly. If no written note or
phone call is received, your child will be sent
home by his/her usual method of transportation.
School Work - Please look in your childs red
folder each day. We send all school news by way
of your child in your childs RED FOLDER. These
folders will come home daily and are to be sent
back each day. Please send all notes, money and
other important things you want us to find in
your childs folder. Be positive and value the
work your child has done at school. Your child
will be required to do some very EASY language
arts and math homework that will be due on
Fridays. The homework will correlate with our
units of study. You and your child will read a
story each night. We ask that you write the name
of the book in your childs BEAR LOG and initial
that you read with your child. Thank you so much
for encouraging the reader inside your child!
BEAR Logs will start at the teachers discretion.
Possible Field Trips Kindergarten will take a
few field trips this school year. Possible field
trips include a trip to a farm, a trip to the
ballet, and a trip to the zoo or the circus.
6Lunch- Every student will receive an application
for free or reduced lunch. Please return this
form as soon as possible, If you feel like your
child is eligible. Please let your childs
teacher know if you need a form. The lunch
prices are as followsFull priced lunch -
2.00 Reduced lunch - 0.40 milk -
0.50 Adult- 3.00 Breakfast Full price -
1.00 Reduced 0.30 Adult-
1.80 We have a computerized lunch account
system. Each child is assigned a number and has
his/her own individual account. You may deposit
money in your child's account by sending a check
to school. We will deliver it to the cafeteria
for you. When your child's lunch account balance
is low, the cafeteria will send a notice
home. Parents are encouraged to have lunch with
their child. However please remember no outside
food allowed (ie McDonalds, Sonic, Pizza Hut,
etc.) Also please do not send any type of soft
- On occasion it will be necessary for your child
to bring money to school. Always send money in a
sealed envelope inside the red folder with the
following information written on it - 1. Your childs first and last name.2. The
amount of money. 3. The purpose for the money
(book money, party money, etc).4. Teacher name.
With over 20 children to keep track of, and
several reasons to collect money, this helps us
out tremendously and reduces the likelihood of
errors. Also, if the envelope is left on the bus
or dropped in the hallway, this information will
help the money be returned to our classroom.
Book Orders - Your child will be bringing home a
form to order books about once a month. If you
wish to order, simply fill out the form and send
the correct amount of money with a check made out
to the book company in an envelope. No cash
please. These orders are provided as a convenient
way for parents to buy quality books for their
child at a low price. As an added bonus, for
every dollar that is spent on books, I earn bonus
points which are used to purchase books for
classroom use. This is a win-win situation
because you get quality literature at a low price
and you are helping to provide quality literature
for the classroom. Of course, you are never under
any obligation to order.