Title: Motivation, decision making
1Motivation, decision making segmentation of
holiday tourists
- Tourism Market Market Communication
- 29. 9. 2008 /AT
- Motivation
- push pull
- affiliation differentiation
- Maslow travel career
- Types of market segmentation
- criteria for segmentation
- geographic, sociodemographic, psychographic,
behavioural, combinations - discussion
3Push Pull factors (Weaver Lawton)
- Push
- Economic
- Social
- Demographic
- Technological
- Political
- Also psychological factors and interests
- Pull
- Geographical proximity to markets
- Accessibility to markets
- Availability of attractions
- Cultural links
- Availability of services
- Affordability
- Peace, stability safety
- Positive market image
- Pro-tourism policies
4Reasons for taking a vacation, Lawton Weaver
2006 p.189
5Understanding motivation
- motivation as the driving force behind all
actions (Pearce 2007 p.50) - motivations or underlying reasons for travel
are covert in that they reflect the individuals
private needs and wants (Gee et al. in Pearce
2007 p.51)
6Motivational Dynamics(Arnould et al. p.266)
7Self- actualization Ego Social Safety
Security Physiological
Maslows need hierarchy Arnould et al. p.270
8Pearces travel-needs model in Goeldner
Ritchie 2006 p.257
Fulfilment needs
Self-esteem/development needs
Other directed
Relationship needs
Other directed
Safety/security needs
Other directed
Externally oriented
Internally oriented
9(Weaver Lawton 2006, p.172)
10Criteria for effective segmentation (Weaver
Lawton pp.175-176)
- Measurability
- Size
- Homogeneity
- Accessibility
- Compatibility
- Actionability
- Durability
- Relevance
11Four important segmentation types(Moscardo et
al. 2001)
12Geographical segmentation
- continents, countries, regions, rural vs. urban
place - geographical unit consumption culture
- today used in combination with other factors
- Eg VDK develop new geographical markets Japan,
China, South Korea --- Scandinavian Tourist Board
13Socio-demographic segmentation
- gender /- traditional gender perspective
- sexual orientation the pink dollar
- age family life cycle
- education, profession, income
- religion, race, ethnicity
14Psychographic segmentation
- Lifestyle
- combinations of motivation, personality type,
attitudes and perceptions - Personality types Plog (p.186)
- allocentric midcentric psychocentric
- popular but unclear methodological/empirical
15Behavioural segmentation
- Number of destinations visited
- single vs. multiple destination holidays
- Single vs. repeat visitors
- Type of transportation, accommodation, activity
- eg. bus tourists, camping tourists, seasand
16Combining segmentation methods (Poon, 1993)
17WoCos segmentation method
- Discuss WoCos segmentation strategy what types
do they use pros/cons of these? - Discuss alternative segmentation strategies for
18WoCos segmentation method
- Explorer
- 31,6 years, prim. highly educated, men from
distant markets, travel alone / w. friends - visit trendy places, party, pursue interests,
contact w. locals, not traditional attractions - Culturist
- 41,3 years, highly education, men women, travel
w. partner, many nationalities though not so many
from DK, S, N - to learn about the city arts and everyday
culture - Shopper
- 35 years, prim. Scandinavian women, travel w.
partner/family/group - shopping, visit cafes/restaurants, traditional
attractions, learning not important - Cosiness-seeker (Hyggeren)
- 38,1 years, 1/3 from DK, travel w. family
- relax, be together w. family surroundings not
so important, visit few traditional attractions
(WoCo 2005)
19Further readings
- Arnould E., Price L., Zinkhan G. (2004)
Consumers. 2nd ed. New York MCGraw Hill. - Cohen E. (1972) Towards a Sociology of
International Tourism. Social Research 39,
pp.164-182 - Moscardo G, Pearce P., Morrison A. (2001).
Evaluation Different Bases for Market
Segmentation A Comparison of Geographic Origin
versus Activity Participation for Generating
Tourist Market Segments. Journal of Travel and
Tourism Marketing, 10, 1, pp.29-49 - Pearce P. (2007). Tourist Behaviour. Themes and
Conceptual Schemes. Clevedon Channel Four,
chpt.3 - Plog S (2002) The Power of Psychographics and
the Concept of Venturesomeness. Journal of Travel
Research, 40, pp.244-251. - Poon A. (1993) Tourism, Technology and
Competitive Strategies. Wallingford CAB