Title: Greenville County is Putting Inspiration in the Classroom
1Greenville County is Putting Inspiration in the
- Integrating Inspiration Educational Edition
Software in our SC Curriculum Standards
Toni Norris, Instructional Coach, The School
District of Greenville County
2What is Inspiration?
- INSPIRATION is a visual learning tool that,
provides students a way to develop and organize
ideas. - INSPIRATION provides teachers a tool to meet the
needs of visual learners using a variety of
visual thinking techniques. - INSPIRATION provides teachers and students a way
to create, graphic organizers, timelines, and
concept maps easily on the computer and use them
projected on a screen or TV. - INSPIRATION can also be used on the overhead
projector as a transparency, or as an activity
sheet used at student desks. - .
3- Inspiration is a user friendly software package
designed for integration in all subject areas
- Concept Mapping
- Webbing
- Planning
- Graphical Organizing
- Brainstorming
- Teacher Planning
4Why Should I Use Inspiration?
5Organize Ideas for Learning
6Concept Mapping
- Builds relationships between ideas
- Two or more concepts are linked by words that
describe their relationship. -
- Can take new information and link it to prior
7What is a Concept Map?
8Concept Map
- Visual map that structures information into
major topics and supporting details. (Main
Idea/Topics and Sub Topics) - Helps students learn to organize and prioritize
concepts and information - Very useful for analyzing stories and
characterization - Webs helpful when teaching the economic, or
political policies of a ruler
10Webbing with Inspiration
11Character Web from Catcher in the Rye
12 Inspiration Diagram View
13Inspiration, Moving to Outline View
Endangered Species Stack I.Food
Chain II.General Information about your
species III.Habitat IV.Picture of Species V.
Bibliography Card VI. Take Action About your
species VII.The Future of your Species VIII.
Miscellaneous Thoughts A.The Story of your
Species B. Each Bubble shown is a card in this
HyperStudio project. Click on a bubble and
then the upper right red square to see
suggestions for what should go on the card.
Click Here
- Clarify objectives and define the work
- Idea mapping
- Pre-writing phase helps students to clarify their
thoughts and create clear concise writing. - Idea mapping before a project helps students
visualize the steps and the required information
necessary to complete the assignment.
15Book Report Directions
16Research Project
17Teacher Planning
- Organizing
- Prioritizing
- Communicating
- Thematic Units
- Long Range Plans
- Open House
- Technology Planning
18PTA Open House
19Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan
20Student Planning Template
21Inspiration for Pre-Writing
Click Here
22Inspiration Writing Circular Stories
23Graphical Organizer
- Cause and effect diagrams
- Identify main characters, setting, problem, and
solution to a story - Timelines
- Sequence of events
- Genealogy
- Branches of government
24Forms of Water
Outline View
25Civil War Timeline
26What Are the Benefits to Teachers and Students?
27Addition Math Web
- Generate fresh ideas
- Develop thoughts
- Discover themes, patterns, and solutions
- Fast exercise in word and idea association
utilizing keywords, symbols, colors and graphics
to form nonlinear networks of potential ideas and
30Inspiration Provides Templates
- In the software
- On the website
Templates in Inspiration
32Causes of the French Revolution
Templates in Inspiration
Outline View
33Templates in Inspiration
34Templates Made in Inspiration
Click Here
Click Here
35 Inspiration Meets the Standards
Lessons written by teachers to meet curriculum
36Science Standards
Click Here
37Language Arts Standards
38Inspiration Great Ideas for the Classroom
Classroom Ideas Using Inspiration For Teachers by
Subjects Include Language Arts, Science, and
Social Studies, K-12
39Greenville County Provides Inspiration Training
to Teachers
- Classes offered to teachers, free of charge
- Six contact hours, typically from 400-700, two
days - Licensed copy of Inspiration given to
participating teachers -
40While participating in the class.
- Teachers will each complete a concept map using
the templates. - Teachers will each complete a concept map from
scratch in outline and diagram view. - Teachers will create lessons incorporating
Inspiration and share them with the class. - Teachers will go to the Inspiration Website to
find subject specific examples, locate additional
templates, and other resources.
41Visit the Inspiration Website
- Free trial software
- Resources for using Inspiration in the curriculum
- Lesson plans
- http//www.inspiration.com
- Primary Grades
- Special Education
43Handouts and Materials can be located at
www.greenville.k12.sc.us/league Click on
Instructional Coach
Thank You