Title: FLUXNET: Integrating Global Flux Measurements
1FLUXNET Integrating Global Flux Measurements
- Dick Olson, Bob Cook,
- Susan Holladay, Les Hook
- January 2001
- NASA EOS Validation Program
2FLUXNET Overview
- Data being collected
- carbon, water vapor, and energy fluxes using
eddy-correlation (Net Ecosystem Exchange - NEE) - site ancillary data
- Data Access
- ORNL DAAC and registered in Mercury
- MODIS products to be validated
- MOD-17 - 8d PSN/GPP (Gross Primary Productivity)
- MOD-17 - ANPP (Annual Net Primary Productivity)
3FLUXNET Overview - cont.
- Scaling to MODIS pixels
- towers sample 1 km2 area
- scaling being addressed by the BigFoot project
- Experience in obtaining MODIS data
- need to reproject to relate to field studies
- Plans to communicate results Real-Time
Validation Exercise - telecons including Instrument Team scientists
- post flux, model, and MODIS data on Web page
- synthesis papers, workshops planned
4FLUXNET Community
- Data Component
- Dick Olson, ORNL DAAC
- Science Component
- Dennis Baldocchi, UC-Berkley
- Lianhong Gu, UC-Berkley (post-doc)
- Eva Falge, U Bayreuth (previous post-doc)
- EOS Validation Collaborator
- Steve Running, University of Montana
- Regional Network Representatives
- AmeriFlux, CarboEuroFlux, AsiaFlux, OzNet
Data Users
Global Network
Non-network sites
Regional Networks
Asia - Japan
Tower Sites
Architecture of Global / Regional Flux Networks
6FLUXNET Validation Objectives
- Compile flux data (NEE)
- gap-filled data for core test sites with flux
towers - compile site characteristics
- post selected MODIS products
- Support Real-Time Validation exercise
- host telecons to plan validation
- post flux, model, and MODIS data
- Quantify controls on flux patterns
- provide scientific information to validate or
improve underlying model/MODIS algorithms
7Recent ResultsQuantifying Flux Patterns
- Variances across hour-to-year time scales
- Annual carbon fluxes by plant functional type
- Controls on net CO2 exchange
- light, temperature, humidity deficits and water
use, as a function of climate and functional type
- length of growing season - temperate broadleaved
forests - cloud cover
- landscape heterogeneity
- stand age on CO2 and water vapor flux densities
8FLUXNET Highlights
- 3 Regional Networks (AmeriFlux, CARBOEUROPE,
AsiaFlux) - 148 towers registered
- 62 active towers (submitted data or start year
defined) - 306 years of observations for active towers
- 103 site-years of data submitted to FLUXNET
- 11 years of record at a tower (Harvard)
- 12 sites with gap-filled, aggregated data
available - 21 site-years of gap-filled, aggregated data
available - 3700 ancillary data records (climate,
vegetation, LAI, NPP, etc) - 260 parameters in data dictionary
- 300 Flux scientists on FLUXNET email server
- 3000 Flux related bibliographic citations
9Gap-Filled Flux data registered in Mercury
10Flux Web Site http//daac.ornl.gov/FLUXNET/data.h
11FLUXNET core variables
- Net Ecosystem Exchange from eddy correlation, CO2
flux (NEE) - Sensible heat from eddy correlation, H
- Latent heat from eddy correlation, LE
- Net radiation, R(net)
- Photosynthetic Active Radiation, PAR
- Air temperature, T(air)
- Precipitation, PPT
- Relative humidity, RH
- Wind speed direction
- Vapor Pressure Deficit, VDP
- Soil temperature, T(soil)
- Carbon dioxide concentration, CO2
- Soil heat flux, G(soil heat)
1233 sites (EUROFLUX - 14, AmeriFlux - 19) 89
site-years (average of 2.7 years/site)
13Synthesis Publications
- Overview paper, submitted
- Temporal Dynamics and interannual variability of
Carbon Dioxide Fluxes - Source-Sink Controls of CO2 Canopy structure and
physiological capacity - 1998 Case Study, Spatial Coherence of Fluxes in
North America during an El Nino year - Canopy scale responses to drought
- Canopy Scale Responses of NEE, GPP and Reco to
Environment - Using the FLUXNET spectrum of canopy structure
and topography to examine energy balance closure - Examining Energy Exchange Relationships with
14AmeriFlux Sites in Synthesis
- Atqasuk
- Blodgett
- Bondville
- Barrow
- Duke Forest -
- Howland -
- Happy Valley -
- Harvard Forest
- Little Washita
- Metolius -
- Manaus
- Niwot Ridge
- BOREAS Old Aspen
- BOREAS Old Black Spruce
- Ponca City -
- Shilder -
- Sky Oaks - Old Stand
- Sky Oaks - Young Stand
- Upad -
- Walker Branch
- Willow Creek
- Wisconsin Tall Tower
- Wind River Crane
- Core Sites highlighted in yellow
- Ustar correction, - no correction
15(No Transcript)
16Real-Time Validation
- Micromet data flowing to AmeriFlux (CDIAC)
- 15 sites sending data to AmeriFlux
- 6 model groups signed up
- Univ. of Montana extracting MODIS LAI, fPAR, and
NPP products for 11x11 km cutouts - Univ. of Montana and FLUXNET developing model
driver data being posted by AmeriFlux - Flux, model, and MODIS results to be posted on
AmeriFlux and FLUXNET Web pages - FLUXNET hosting telecons of flux scientists and
modelers to review 2000 and plan for 2001
17Participating AmeriFlux Sites
- Park Falls - deciduous forest
- Willow Creek - deciduous forest
- U. Mich. Bio. Stn - deciduous forest
- Morgan Monroe - deciduous forest
- Blodgett - conifer forest
- Ponca - cropland
- Shidler - grassland
- Barrow - tundra
- Harvard - deciduous forest
- Howland - deciduous forest
- Walker Branch - deciduous forest
- Duke - conifer forest
- Sky Oaks - chaparal Core Sites
high- - Le Selva - tropical forest lighted in
18Participating Modeling Groups
- Biome-BGC - Running Nemani, UMT
- provided model initialization data for all sites
- PNET or OptiCal - Aber et al., UNH
- CENTURY - Parton et al., CSU
- GTEC - King and Post, ORNL
- CASA - Field et al., Stanford
- GLO-PEM or CEVAS - Prince Chao, UMD
19Plans for 2001
- Update FLUXNET database
- Support Real-Time Validation
- periodic telecons
- post flux, model, and MODIS data
- plan for formal flux-model-MODIS intercomparison
- Issues
- minimize lag in acquiring flux data
- more robust gap-filling, night-time corrections
- conversion of NEE to NPP (estimates of soil
respiration flux)
20Number of Flux Towers
21Key site characteristics (NPP, LAI, fPAR,
phenology, climate, hydrology, etc.) compiled
from literature, reports, Web sites, and PIs, as
well as selected remote imagery also documented
methods, processing, uncertainty, and source.
22Core Test Sites and Networks