Title: Capital Area Manufacturing Council CAMC
1Capital Area Manufacturing Council (CAMC)
- A Regional Skill Alliance (RSA) focused on
manufacturing - Robert C. Sherer
- Executive Director
2Summary of Presentation
- Background/History of RSA
- Key Activities of the Council
- Lessons Learned
- Successes
- Interest in a manufacturing networking group
coalesced in spring of 2004 - MMA, Michigan Works!, Community College and
Chamber of Commerce in the lead - Earlier efforts not sustained
- Chamber of Commerce and others
- By-laws of the Capital Area Manufacturing Council
adopted in spring of 2004 - 15-20 partners/companies active at various levels
- Applied for RSA grant funding in initial round of
grants - RSA started October 2004 - 88,000 one-year grant
4Manufacturing in the Capital Area
- 21,000 jobs
- 6,000 at GM
- Another 6,000 approximately in auto-related
suppliers - 400 companies in manufacturing
- Employment peaked in 1979 at 44,000 jobs
- GM at 20,000 jobs
- Manufacturing 25 of jobs in 1970 now less than
10 - Broke a 10-year employment slide in manufacturing
in 2006 with a modest employment gain
5Initial Activities of the RSAGrant Application
- Foster networking
- Promote M-TEC
- Address foundation skills concerns
- Develop a web site to support the RSA
6Major Activities
- Membership Meetings
- Electronic networking
- Special Topic Seminars
- Wage/Compensation Survey
- Training Grants
- Plant Tours
- Iron Horse Rodeo
- Special offers such as free back safety programs
and discount pricing for training at LCC
- Housed at Capital Area Michigan Works!
- Explored 501(c)3
- Functions like a trade association and networking
organization - Use M-TEC facilities as much as possible
- Meetings
- Tours
- Slate of Officers
- Executive Board
8Electronic Networking I
- Peer-to-Peer Consulting/Advice
- Best software to integrate time-keeping and job
costing - Tornado evacuation plans
- How best to communicate with onsite contractors
in an emergency - Anyone use online employee performance appraisal
systems? - How do you compensate on-call maintenance
mechanics - I need a metallurgist
9Electronic Networking II
- Business Opportunities
- Company needs 6,000 pieces of titanium milled
monthly - MSU engineering professor needs fabrication work
for patent pending device Thermal Transient
Anemometer - City of Lansing contacted by Korean company
wanting a manufacturing partner in the local area - Ann Arbor-based medical instruments manufacturer
needs special injection-molded part
Also, involve manufacturers with other
activities in the region
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12Ongoing Support of RSA
- Supported by dues, donations and in-kind support
from partners and members - Raising about 60,000 - 65,000 a year
- Supports about a .75 FTE operation
- About 70 companies are members
- Michigan Works and Lansing Community College
provide additional support - Need to reach 80,000 a year
13Training Grants
- WIA Incumbent Worker Funds
- Several unsuccessful grant applications
- EDJT, Presidents High-Growth Job Training
Initiative, Community-Based Job Training
14Incumbent Worker Training
- Training and WorkKeys Support for Manufacturing
RSA - About 100,000 - 150,000 available a year for
manufacturing - Trained 1500 employees (thru 6/30/07)
- Profiled 16 positions in 12 companies (first two
years) - Assessed 700 jobseekers (first two years)
15Lessons Learned
- Workforce development as sole focus not enough to
sustain RSA/group - Networking activities stronger than anticipated
- Depth, scope, quality surprising
- Basic skills more difficult to address than
anticipated despite concerns about them - Reached plateau on membership quickly
- Contact lists / e-mail lists a constant challenge
- Fund-raising a full-time job
- Focused on membership for primary revenue so far
- Scope and depth of networking surprising
- Challenge to conduct at the proper level
- Number of WorkKeys job profiles and assessments
- Training through Incumbent Worker Grants
- Indentify / Address CNC/welder skill shortages
- Engage manufactures with M-TEC
- Involve manufacturers in community
- Have a local organization that speaks for
17Contact Information
- Robert C. Sherer, Executive Director
- Capital Area Manufacturing Council
- 2110 S. Cedar Street
- Lansing, MI 48910
- 517-492-5588
- 517-487-0113 (fax)
- bsherer_at_camw.net
- www.camconline.org