Title: Contracted Services
1Contracted Services
- After completing chapter 17, the reader will be
able to - Understand basic principles to follow when
arranging any contracted service for a meeting. - Evaluate a security supplier for a meeting or
exposition. - Determine the advantages and disadvantages of
using temporary personnel for a meeting. - Understand how to obtain a supplier of meeting
- The common objective that both meeting managers
and exhibitors share is the desire to be certain
that attendees return home with pleasurable
memories of an exciting, professional, efficient
meeting or exposition. To accomplish this, their
use of auxiliary services has assumed critical
4Types of Service
- Security and safety
- Temporary personnel
- Office furniture and equipment
- Florists
- Photographers
5Security and Safety
- Security planning should begin between the
security staff and the planner on an early site
inspection trip. - Security needs vary for each meeting. Check the
security staff in both the meeting and hotel
facilities to see if there is a need for
additional security personnel.
6Exhibit Security
- Exhibit security needs
- have increased
- with the growth of trade shows.
- Issuing badges to participants is another good
security measure. - Can be simple
- More complex with photos encoded with identifying
information. - Distribute maps to all staff, exhibitors and
auxiliary services providers, in advance and
8Temporary Personnel
- To reduce staff travel costs, organizations and
exhibitors benefit by hiring local personnel to
handle a number of on-site responsibilities.
9Traditional Needs for Personnel
- Registration personnel, typists and cashiers
- Ticket sellers
- Information and message center clerks
- Registration card file clerks
- Badge checkers and meeting room monitors
- (continued)
10Traditional Needs for Personnel
- Receptionists
- Exhibitor product demonstrators
- Poll-takers and evaluation form distributors
- Computer-trained personnel
11Meeting Related Personnel Requirements
- Identify the specific responsibilities within
each area for which local personnel will be
hired. - Determine what skills are required.
- Write a job description of each post that needs
to be filled. - Develop a schedule of required dates and hours
for each post, and add time for orientation.
12Exhibitor Personnel Requirements
- Local individuals employed by exhibitors to staff
booths may need to have the ability to absorb and
understand company goals and product lines in a
relatively short span of time.
13Office Furniture and Equipment
- Desk versus draped tables
- Copying machine versus trips to copy center
- Business machines
- Include delivery and pickup, discount and be
specific to the needs. - Provide 24 hr. emergency service.
14Office Furniture
- If the meeting includes an exposition
- The service contractor can be helpful in
recommending an office furniture rental company. - The contractor is normally called upon to deliver
the equipment from whomever it may be rented,
and - Developed information as to dependability of
suppliers and quality of their equipment.
- Exhibit managers and meeting managers may work
with designer/decorators, also known as
interiorscapers, to provide the meeting décor
required to make a visual impact and create a
16Florists - The Proposal
- Contact florists as soon as you have finalized
the theme or the look you are trying to
achieve. Give them enough time to create a
proposal that will provide the best visual value
for the money.
17Florists Proposal
- Should contain
- Cost to the organization and to the exhibitor for
foliage, flowering plants, cut flowers and
containers. As a basis for comparison, identify
several specific items, such as a six-inch pot of
azaleas or a seven-foot palm, and compare prices. - (continued)
18Florists Proposal
- Availability of company staff on-site to take
late orders and to freshen and replace floral
arrangements when necessary. - Any discount offered to exhibitors if specific
orders are placed in advance. - Name, address, and telephone number of the
meeting managers the company has serviced
previously. - Any applicable discounts for the organization.
19The Best Proposal
- In the next overheads are listed additional tips
provided to secure the best proposal.
- In addition to the usual use by the media and
meeting sponsor of photographs of special events
and dignitaries, a number of organizations use a
photographic record as an aid in planning setups
and decorations for future meetings.