Title: e-Safety%20in%20Schools%20Internet%20Safety%20Training
1e-Safety in SchoolsInternet Safety Training
2e-Safety in Schools
Rebecca Chapman rebecca.chapman_at_kent.gov.uk Aliso
n Gaunt alison.gaunt_at_kent.gov.uk
3e-Safety in Schools
Aims Objectives 1. Training in Internet Safety
to be able to train pupils staff at your
school 2. Explore understand web based
technologies and some of the risks associated
with these technologies 3. Planning School
implementation of ThinkUKnow
4e-Safety in Schools
ThinkUKnow Internet Safety training Developed by
the Child Exploitation Online Protection
Centre www. ceop.gov.uk
5e-Safety in Schools
Training Tips 1. Deliver training in pairs (if
possible) 2. Use a flipchart to note down
websites that the students might mention 3.
Ensure you have all of the necessary equipment
for the session - Computer - Training Pack
(CD-ROM Script) - Projector - Whiteboard or
Screen - Speakers - Questionnaires Feedback
6e-Safety in Schools
Any Questions?
7e-Safety in Schools
Tour of Technology MSN - http//www.msn.com/ Task
1. Identify the risks 2. Look at the content.
Is it inappropriate? 3. How could you manage the
8e-Safety in Schools
- Tour of Technology
- Myspace - http//www.Myspace.com/
- Bebo - http//www.bebo.com/
- Piczo - http//www.piczo.com/
- Google (Chat room search) - http//www.google.co.u
k/ - Inappropriate Content - http//www.martinlutherkin
g.org/ - Skype - http//www.skype.com/
9e-Safety in Schools
Tour of Technology Task 1. Identify the risks 2.
Look at the content. Is it inappropriate? Can you
tell? 3. How could you manage the risks? 4. Share
10e-Safety in Schools
- Next Steps
- How can you implement the ThinkUKnow training in
your school? - PSHE Lessons
- e-Safety focus days
- Assembly time
- Peer mentoring schemes
11e-Safety in Schools
Useful Resources
- http//www.clusterweb.org.uk?esafety
12e-Safety in Schools
Evaluation Please fill out the evaluation in your
pack and send to CEOP to receive your individual
trainer number.
13e-Safety in Schools
Any Questions?