Title: Adjoint Method and MultipleFrequency Reconstruction
1Adjoint Method and Multiple-Frequency
- Qianqian Fang
- Thayer School of Engineering
- Dartmouth College
- Hanover, NH 03755
- Thanks to Paul Meaney, Keith Paulsen, Margaret
Fanning, Dun Li, Sarah Pendergrass, Timothy
- Generalized Dual-mesh Scheme
- Adjoint formulation for dual-mesh
- Graphical interpretations
- Formulations
- Comparisons with old method
- Multiple-Frequency Reconstruction Algorithm
- Description of dispersive medium
- How it works (animation)
- General form for dispersive media
- Time-Domain Reconstruction Algorithm
- Results
- Conclusions and prospects
3Dual-mesh - Math Form
- Definition Independent discretization for state
space and parameter space and the mapping rules
between the two sets of base functions. - Rf is called forward space, discretized by basis
- Rr is called reconstruction space, discretized by
basis Mostly, we have - Single-mesh/Sub-mesh schemes are special cases of
4Dual-mesh cond.
- Field values are defined on forward mesh
- Properties defined on reconstruction mesh
- So that
- Field on recon. mesh need to interpolate from
forward mesh - Properties on forward mesh need to interpolate
from recon mesh - Mapping
2D FDTD forward mesh 2D order-2 recon. mesh
2D FEM forward mesh 2D order-1 recon. mesh
6Jacobian Matrix
Provide the first order derivative information
Sensitive Coefficient
7(No Transcript)
Denoted as perturbation source
J1 E2 J2 E1
Reciprocal Media
Field generated by Js
Strength of auxiliary source, can be 1
Field generated by Jr
Very sparse matrix Geometry related only
Replace matrix inversion with matrix
10Computational Cost
- Computational cost for Sensitive Equ. Method
- For each iteration
- Solving the AXb for (NsNsNc) times, where
- Ns Source number
- Nc Parameter node number
- Computational cost for Adjoin method
- For each iteration
- Solving the AXb for (NsNr) times, where
- Ns Source number
- Nr Receiver number
- When using Tranceiver module, only Ns times
forward solving is needed. - Which is 1/(Nc1) of the time using by sensitive
equation method
11Multiple Frequency Reconstruction Algorithm
- Ill-posedness of the inversion problem due to
insufficient data input and linear dependence of
the data.- rank deficient matrix - Instability and Local minima
- Method improve the condition of the matrix
- More antenna under single frequency(SFMS)
- Fixed antenna , more frequencies
12Advantages of MF vs. SFMS
- More sources receiver will increase the
expenses of building DAQ system. - Under single frequency illumination, the
increasing number of source will not always bring
proportional increasing in stability.(???) - Single frequency reconstruction is hard to
reconstruct large/high-contrast object due to the
similarity of the info.(???) - In multi-frequency Recon. lower frequency
stabilize the convergence and provide information
at different scales, supply more linearly
independent measurements. - Need Eigen-analysis to prove
- Computational Considerations TD solver
- Hardware Considerations TD system
13Modeling of Dispersive Medium
1-1 mapping
14Reconstruction Demo.
Background (Init. Guess)
Real Curve
Key Frequencies
Recon. Frequencies
15Key Questions?
- How to calculate the change with multiple
reconstruction frequencies for each step? - How to determine the Change at key frequencies
from the Changes at reconstruction frequencies? - Answers see back
16Single Frequency Real Form
Pre-scaled Real Form of Gauss-Newton Formula
Need to supply extra information to make
unknowns same for both frequencies
17Combined System
Then replace into
To get the change at each Key Frequencies
18General Form for MFRA
- Non-dispersive medium simulation large cylinder
with inclusion - D7.5cm, contrast 16/15 for real/imag
- Use 300M/600M/900M
- Non of the previous single frequency(900M) recon
20Single Freq. Recon at 900M
Error plot
21Lower Contrast Example
- A low contrast Example 12
22Dispersive Medium Simulation
Lower end
larger object
23Phantom Data Recon.
Saline Background/Agar Phantom with inclusion
Single Frequency Recon at 900M
Using 500/700/900 Non-dispersive version
24Time/Memory Issues
-- Forward 124X124 2D forward mesh --
Reconstruction 281 2D parameter nodes
- For simulations and recon. of phantom data, MFRA
shows stable, robust, and achieve better images. - Shows the abilities of reconstructing large-high
contrast object. - Good for current wide-band measurement system
- General form, fit for even complex dispersive
26Still need works
- How to qualify the improvement of the
ill-posedness of inversion (cond. number is not
always good) - Whats the best number for transmitter/receiver
under single frequency? and under multiple
frequencies? - How to select frequencies? How they interact with
each other? - How to weight a multi-freq equation?
- Is it possible to build TD measurement system?
(use microwave/electrical/optical signals). what
are the difficulties need to accounted?