Title: IT Executive Summit
1IT Executive Summit Roundtable on
Maximizing ITs Value to the Business We
dnesday, August 22, 2007 The JW Marriott, San
Francisco San Francisco, California
2Summit Focus this Morning
- Maximizing ITs Value to the Business
- - Business-Centric, IT Portfolio Management
3Format for This Morning
- Challenges and Objectives for the morning
- Introduce our agenda and speakers
- Introduce yourselves
- Mid-morning break
- Roundtable discussion with open participation
- Closing thoughts take aways from participants
- Draw for Bose SoundDock
- Adjourn by Noon
4Enter your business card for a chance to win
Bose SoundDock Digital Music System for Apple
iPod Bose proprietary acoustic design rich,
full sound from a relatively small enclosure.
Docking cradle holds and automatically charges
your iPod, iPod photo, iPod mini or iPod nano
whether its playing or not. Infrared remote
control controls the system and basic iPod
functions from across the room. (Apple iPod
not included)
800am - 830am Registration and Networking
Breakfast 830am - 845am Introduction and
Overview Ron Milton, Executive Vice President,
Computerworld 845am - 915am Splitting Demand
from Supply in IT David Mark, Director, McKinsey
and Company and Diogo Rau, Senior Consultant,
McKinsey and Company 915am - 945am Balancing
Supply and Demand to Maximize the Business
Value Larry Kading, IT Portfolio Management
Specialist, Compuware 945am -
1000am Refreshment and Networking Break
1000am - 1030am Managing IT Supply and Demand
at Autobytel John Petrone, Senior Vice President
and Chief Technology Officer, Autobytel,
Incorporated 1030am Noon Moderated Roundtable
Discussion Moderator Ron Milton, Executive Vice
President, Computerworld Noon Program Concludes
6- Some Challenges to Consider/Identify With
- Business demand always exceeding IT supply?
- Criteria to decide what IT projects should be
taken on? - Which IT projects strategically enable business
objectives? - How to protect scarce IT resources from lesser
projects? - How to enable a more effective understanding of
the costs and tradeoffs with consuming IT
services? - How to split resources into demand and supply
groups? - Quality of service delivery?
7- Show of Hands
- How many people feel that their
- organization is managing the
- business-driven demand in your
- organization effectively?
8Our Objectives This Morning
- How
- Maximizing ITs Value to Business
- A portfolio management approach
- Organize for balancing supply and demand in IT
- Align IT portfolios with business objectives
- Can Achieve Results of
- IT providing innovative solutions to business
challenges - Evolve IT from a supporting role to
- IT helping to define the business
800am - 830am Registration and Networking
Breakfast 830am - 845am Introduction and
Overview Ron Milton, Executive Vice President,
Computerworld 845am - 915am Splitting Demand
from Supply in IT David Mark, Director, McKinsey
and Company and Diogo Rau, Senior Consultant,
McKinsey and Company 915am - 945am Balancing
Supply and Demand to Maximize the Business
Value Larry Kading, IT Portfolio Management
Specialist, Compuware 945am -
1000am Refreshment and Networking Break
1000am - 1030am Managing IT Supply and Demand
at Autobytel John Petrone, Senior Vice President
and Chief Technology Officer, Autobytel,
Incorporated 1030am Noon Moderated Roundtable
Discussion Moderator Ron Milton, Executive Vice
President, Computerworld Noon Program Concludes