Title: thinking italian
1conversations in a new landscape
thinking italian
being australian
2The project Thinking Italian Being Australian
was designed to depict the modern face of the
individuals of Italian heritage who live on the
Sunshine Coast and investigate how they have
embraced Australia and how their
Italian-ness informs their thinking and
supported their success
3Thinking Italian. Being Australian Conversations
in a New Landscape
This project was conceptualised and realised by
the Italian School Committee, Minyama Queensland,
Australia. The committee would like to thank the
participants for giving of their time so
willingly to this cultural project. We also
gratefully acknowledge the generous support of,
the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dott.
Francesco Capecchi Qld Consul Qld NT and
Dott.ssa Anna Maria Alberta Federico, Dirigente
Scolastico of the Italian Consulate. This
project also received funding from RADF
Regional Arts Development Fund Maroochy Shire
4Everything marinates together that is how I
feel about the two places
Anna Maria Bracco Ristoratrice/Restaurant Owner
5You are allowed to live and let live
Alessandra Vitali and Isacco Locarno Cinematografi
a, design grafico e filosofia Film, Graphic
Design and Philosophy
6I classify myself as Australian with a very rich
Italian background , which has influenced my life
Mirella Ceccato Insegnante/Teacher
7It is a really beautiful country and the people
so friendly. Absolutely physical environment
affects the emotion
Maurizio and Francine Fenu Uomo daffari e
gioielliere/Businessman and Jeweller
8I really fell in love with this country for some
reason. Whatever this country has done to me
personally is something unique
Paola Bosio-Bielemeier Insegnante/Teacher
9 Grateful Thanks to all the individuals who
shared their time and stories for this
publication. This project could not have been
possible without the generous co-operation of our
participants, who gave their time and energy to
sharing their experiences for the book. Gianni
Baggeri Lucia Matachioni Anna-Maria and Bruno
Bracco Joe, Rosanna Mia and Ruby Natoli Sonia
Baldissera Paola Bosio-Bielemier Ferdinand and
Giuliano Bielemier Mirella Ceccato Anna and Frank
Testa Francesca Laura Alessandra Vitali Isacco
Locarno Maurizio and Francene Fenu Claudio
Guiletti and Rio Guiletti Dr Franco
Ambrosio Marie Sperenza
10Special Thanks to Mrs Gabriella Matacchioni
Italian School Director Nicole Voevodin-Cash
Creative Project Director Kerri Day
Editor (English) Cinzia Zabellan Editor
(Italian) Roberto Stevanoni Italian
Translation Sharon Green Photographer
Stephen Danzig Digital Editing Alessandra
Vitali Filming Lucia Matacchioni
Project Assistance Nahum Szumer Working
Planet Design Graphic Design Funding
Contributions Italian Consultate
Brisbane Italian School Committee Sunshine
Coast Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF)
Maroochy Shire
11Culture is usually understood to be what defines
place and its meaning to people. But place
equally defines culture
Lucy Lippard, The Lure of the Local New York The
New York Press, 1997, p.11