Evidence of ESD at Cottingham Croxby Primary School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evidence of ESD at Cottingham Croxby Primary School


... 3/ 4, Years 5/ 6 and Girls) Netball. Judo. Short Tennis. Tag Rugby ... We based our project in Key Stage 1 and took the themes of Scotland and Katie Morag. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evidence of ESD at Cottingham Croxby Primary School

Evidence of ESD at Cottingham Croxby Primary
  • The evidence in this presentation has been
    divided into five sections
  • Caring for ourselves
  • Caring for others
  • Caring for the planet
  • Caring for future generations
  • Creative Contexts
  • We have linked the evidence in this presentation
    to the self evaluation questions in the
    sustainable schools evaluation.

Our school motto is CARE as can be seen from this
display that is in our School hall. This was
produced in 2004 by an artistic parent who has
supported the school on a voluntary basis for a
number of years.
Healthy School Award (1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,
  • After consultation with our Local Authority, we
    signed up to the Healthy School Award last year.
    Working towards this award has benefited our
    school in many ways. A whole school approach has
    been essential in order to work successfully to
    meet the standards. Our steering committee is
    made up of a cross section of staff, ensuring
    broad representation across the whole school, and
    the governing body has played a lead role in
    every step of our development.

Fruit Tuck Shop (1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.1,
4.5, F1)
  • The idea of having a Healthy Tuck Shop was raised
    through our Healthy School steering committee.
    After consultation with pupils, parents, staff
    and governors, it became clear that this was a
    very popular idea. The Tuck Shop is run by pupils
    with excellent support and assistance from our
    school cook. It runs before school and during
    morning break. A stamp card system was also
    introduced to encourage children to use the Tuck

Fruit Activity Day February 2006 (1.1, 4.1, F1)
  • We held a Fruit Activity Day prior to the launch
    of our Fruit Tuck Shop. The aim of the day was to
    educate children about the benefits of eating
    fruit and to encourage them to increase their
    daily intake. Pupils came to school dressed in
    fruit colours to make a fruit rainbow. Activities
    took place throughout the school for the full day
    as the photographs on the following 9 slides

  • Year 2 linked their work to an African story.
    They played African musical instruments and
    tasted exotic fruits.

Year 3 / 4
  • Had great fun making and eating fruit kebabs.

The Healthy Schools Co-ordinator from the
authority was very impressed with the work that
we were doing at Croxby and invited our Healthy
Schools Co-ordinator to give a presentation to
other schools at a Healthy Schools Support Day.
The presentation included our Fruit Activity day,
our Tuck Shop and our Healthy Eating Award Card
Scheme. A number of schools got in touch with us
after the presentation and have shared our
resources to help them with their Healthy School
Drinking Water (F1)
  • All pupils are encouraged to bring a bottle of
    water to school each day. They are encouraged to
    sip water regularly throughout the day. We have
    several drinking fountains throughout the school
    including an outside drinking fountain that
    children can use at breaks and lunchtimes and can
    re-fill their bottles from. Children are
    encouraged to take their bottles home each night
    to be cleaned.

Design a Healthy Meal Competition (4.1)
  • The Local Authority ran a competition where
    children were invited to design a healthy meal.
    The winning entries were published in a recipe
    book which was sold to raise money for the
    Tsunami appeal. One of our Year 2 pupils was
    successful in producing a winning entry. This was
    celebrated in school by putting his meal on the
    menu. After helping to prepare and serve his dish
    he enjoyed a sit down lunch with his Mum, our
    Head and our Deputy.

Healthy Eating Awards and Competitions (4.1)
  • As part of our Healthy School Award work our
    school cook introduced a weekly healthy eating
    award. Each week she chooses a child who has
    stood out during lunchtime for either choosing
    healthy options, eating all of their dinner or
    trying new things.
  • Last year we ran a series of weekly competitions
    where children were invited to design a healthy
    dessert containing fruit. The winning entries
    were cooked at lunchtime and served to pupils.
    The families of the winning children were invited
    into school to dine with us.
  • Every child in school has a Healthy Eating Stamp
    card which they can collect stamps and stickers
    in for eating healthily. As well as gaining
    stamps from the Fruit Tuck Shop and for eating
    the free fruit pupils are also given stickers by
    the lunchtime staff if they have a healthy packed
    lunch or school dinner. When a child completes
    their card they get a certificate and a voucher
    for a free piece of fruit and a free carton of
    juice from the Tuck Shop.

Sporting Clubs (5.2)
Children are encouraged to develop a healthy
lifestyle through the many sporting opportunities
that we provide, details of which can be seen on
the next slide.
Sporting Clubs (5.2)
  • Children are given opportunities to develop their
    sporting ability and establish good lifetime
    habits through regular exercise. Our school
    organises a comprehensive programme both within
    lesson time and during out of school clubs and
    coaching sessions.
  • Out of School Hours Sports Clubs 2005-6
  • Cross Country Running
  • Football (Years 3/ 4, Years 5/ 6 and Girls)
  • Netball
  • Judo
  • Short Tennis
  • Tag Rugby
  • Team Sports (KS1)
  • Yoga
  • Our school has also forged links with the
    following clubs and individuals
  • KS1 Ball Skills Danny OKeath
  • Football Mr Edmondson (parent)
  • Miss Brady (parent)
  • Judo Daniel Kissenisky
  • Netball Karen Bates
  • (Sports coaches into schools)

Huff and Puff
  • The Huff and Puff lunchtime playground initiative
    was implemented in September 2006. The scheme
    involves pupils taking responsibility and
    ownership of their own playground and sporting
    equipment. Each class has their own pupil play
    leaders who take pupils identity rubber bands and
    swap them (library card style) with an item from
    Huff and Puff e.g. an ankle skip. The bands are
    returned when the equipment is returned.
  • Why is it good for our school?
  • Improves health-related fitness
  • Promotes responsibility and ownership of
  • Pupils take on role of play leaders
  • Focuses on the development of basic skill levels

Activate (F8)
  • Activate by Val Sabin was introduced into
    school in September 2006 as part of our Healthy
    School Award.
  • Our school participates in four Activate
    programmes, Activate 5, 7, 9 and 11. Each
    contains a programme of differentiated,
    repetitive activities with music, embedded in a
    progressive and developmental scheme.
  • Each programme is arranged into sessions to be
    used for approximately 10 minutes first thing in
    the morning, after registration, and for
    approximately 5 minutes after lunch before
    afternoon lessons begin.
  • Briefly, the Activate programmes-
  • Help children to establish good lifetime habits
    for the regular exercise element in a healthy
  • Develop balance and co-ordination on both sides
    of the body.
  • Increase stamina and fitness.
  • Help children to become stronger, more agile and
  • Help children have full neurological development,
    particularly benefiting dyslexic and dyspraxic

Year 2 Healthy Day 2005 (4.1)
  • Year 2 had a healthy day as a culmination of
    their learning about Keeping ourselves healthy.

We had a talk about health from the school nurse.
We designed and made healthy fruit smoothies.
We had a visit from a local ambulance and
Dental Health Visitor, Mrs Noon
As part of our topic on Healthy Eating Years 3
and 4 had a very informative talk from Mrs. Noon,
a Dental Health Worker. The children were
involved in lots of hands on activities and
role play.
Visits from Outside Agencies (4.1)
  • Throughout the year we have visits from a number
    of outside agencies who give talks to our
    children about looking after themselves. Some
    examples include
  • Drug Awareness - Captain Kipper
  • Electrical Safety (YEDL)
  • Fire Safety
  • Pedestrian Skills Training (F4)
  • Cycling Proficiency
  • School Nurse (Headlice Talk to Year 3 / 4)
  • In addition staff have received specific
    training to deal with potential incidents
    relating to food allergies and ongoing medical
    conditions such as diabetes, asthma and
    anaphylactic shock.

School Rules (2.1)
  • Children in every year group play an active part
    in formulating a set of rules that will enable
    them to feel happy and safe at school.

Supporting Children in Need
  • Each year children bring in their 1p and 2p
    coins and cover two large Pudsey bears in coins.
    We also sell Pudsey cookies or Pudsey buns at
    playtime. The children help to count the money
    raised. All money raised is sent to Children in

Disney Day for Comic Relief 2005
Each year we support Comic/Sport relief by having
a non uniform day. Last year we had a Disney Day
where the children (and some staff) dressed up as
Disney characters. Various competitions were run
on the day and lots of money raised. We finished
the day with an assembly where we reflected on
the reasons behind the day.
Tsunami CD (F10)
  • After the Tsunami we were approached by a parent
    who had had links with the music industry. She
    had written a song which was recorded in a local
    studio using a group of our pupils. The money
    raised through sales of the CD went specifically
    to the Louise Wilgrass fund to re-build a school
    in Thailand.

KS2 children helping KS1
The older children at Croxby have always enjoyed
taking an active part in caring for our younger
pupils. For example, our Year 5 / 6 pupils assist
the lunchtime staff and teaching staff with
playground duties in the Reception playground.
Other instances include older pupils sharing
bonfire safety posters with the younger children.
Curriculum mapping (1.1, 2.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1)
During ongoing revision of our curriculum
provision, we have addressed ESD considerations
in our long, medium and short term learning
opportunities. We are evolving a more
integrated, theme based approach, with
overarching learning goals and wherever possible
a global/environmental strand. Examples in KS2
include a topic on India, Somewhere in the World,
Life on Earth, the Make it Real Game and Build
a Better World.
Indian Cookery Year 3 / 4 January 2005
The aims of the Year 3/4 Healthy Eating topic
were to understand that we need to eat a varied
and balanced diet and to explore and extend this
concept to include food from different cultures.
A visitor demonstrated how to cook healthy
Indian vegetarian food. Lots of tasting took
Mexico day Year 2 2005
Year 2 had a Mexico Day as a culmination of their
work looking at the Mexican village of Tocuaro
We dressed up in traditional Mexican clothes.
We played traditional Mexican games.
We designed and made traditional Mexican masks.
Katie Morag Day Year 2 2004
Year 2 had been comparing our locality with a
Scottish island home. At the end of this work
they held a Katie Morag Day.
We designed our own tartan.
We had a fancy dress competition.
We made shortbread and porridge.
We also did some Scottish dancing.
Y 5 6 Debate about new road (2.1, F9)
In 2002, a proposed development around the
school included a main road on land adjoining the
field. We looked at the plans and then devised a
presentation to Year 5. We tried to understand
the arguments both for and against the road and
children had to represent a different opinion or
group and put their case to the audience. It was
a lively debate!
Road Safety Team Year 6 pupils (2.1, 4.2, 4.5,
  • For the last three years we have appointed a team
    of Junior Road Safety Officers from Year 6. This
    is an initiative that was suggested by the Local
    Authority and one which we were happy to
    undertake as it encourages responsibility and
    helps pupils develop various skills for the
    future. Pupils are given a job application to
    fill out and hand in by a certain deadline. The
    successful applicants then take responsibility
    for maintaining a display board in school and for
    running competitions and activities related to
    road safety.

Friendship Bench (4.4)
  • Two of our Year 6 pupils came back to visit us
    during their first year at High School. During
    the Summer holidays they had decided to raise
    money through the Community Lifestyle Project to
    buy a bench for our playground. A plaque was also
    made identifying it as a Friendship Bench. The
    boys explained in an assembly that the bench
    provided somewhere for pupils to sit if they felt
    sad at playtime. They asked children to look out
    for people who may be sitting on the bench and to
    go and chat to them and offer help in such cases.
    Staff were touched that these ex-pupils had used
    such initiative and thoughtfulness to provide
    such a nice gift for our school.

Anti-Bullying week (2.1)
  • In November 2005, we took part in the National
    Anti-Bullying Week. The slogan of the week was
    Together we can beat bullying. Every class in
    school participated in Anti-Bullying activities
    throughout the week while assemblies also focused
    on this theme. Children purchased blue wristbands
    in support of Anti-Bullying. We ran a competition
    for children to design posters promoting
    Anti-Bullying and finished the week off with a
    day called Blue Friday where all children and
    staff came to school dressed in blue to show that
    we were united in our support of Anti-Bullying.
    We will be taking part in Anti-Bullying Week in
    November 2006 and have already started work on
    plans for this week, the main one being the
    launch of an Anti-Bullying Policy produced by our

Harvest Festival (5.2)
  • At this years Harvest Festival, children gave
    produce to people in the local area. We even
    grew some of the produce ourselves!
  • Father Day came in to speak to the children and
    enjoyed a cup of tea with some of our
    grandparents, served by Year 6.
  • Year 5/6 made bread in their RE lesson and we put
    the bread in our produce display.

Science Club Year 3 (5.2)
Year 3 Science Club
Successful completion of A.S.E. Award scheme
award scheme - exploring materials.
A.S.E. Bronze level Exploring Healthy Me
Exploring the school environment
Science Year 6
  • Year 6 children created scientific investigations
    to explore the insulation properties of different

Year 3 4 Science Habitats helping plants grow
well. (3.1)
  • An important part of this topic is for children
    to learn about what plants need to grow well and
    why it is important that they do so. These slides
    illustrate part of their work.
  • Year 3 / 4 children also learnt about the
    importance of protecting habitats. They had
    opportunities to think about the effect on plants
    and animals in changing environments.

Visits that have helped children to develop an
appreciation of their local environment and an
understanding of the need to respect it. (3.1)
  • Reception children went for a walk in the local
    environment and produced art work and literacy
    work about the things they saw.

Year 3 / 4 visited their local memorial garden as
part of their RE work on pilgrimages.
Year 5 / 6 walked into Cottingham as part of
their study on Cottingham in the Victorian times.
Gardening Club The Gardening Gang (1.1, 3.1,
4.4, 4.5, 5.2, F7)
  • Running the Gardening Club has been a very
    rewarding experience. Being an enthusiastic
    gardener myself I wanted to give the children an
    opportunity to discover the benefits too.
    Additionally, Im keen to teach children about
    recycling, so learning how to make a variety of
    composts will hopefully give them a skill theyll
    use throughout their lives.
  • Growing vegetables, shrubs and flowers has
    given children ownership of the school garden
    they really are proud of their efforts which is
    great for their self-esteem. They have delighted
    in seeing their seeds sprout, grow into vegetable
    plants and flowers, harvest them and finally
    enjoy eating them at the leavers barbeque or in
    their school lunches.
  • Also, during 2005, the children designed their
    own garden and entered The Great Vegetable
    Challenge, a national school garden competition.
    They were delighted when they won seeds and a
    super certificate. Furthermore, the garden has
    since been put to good use during science
  • Membership of the club gives children a first
    hand experience of gardening, an opportunity that
    many children do not get at home. Eileen Kilby

Gardening Club 2005/2006 (1.1, 3.1, 5.2)
Planting the musical flower bed with summer
bedding plants
Christmas flower arranging
Our first gardening club members
Planting our first tree 2005
Gardening Club 2004 (1.1, 3.1, 5.2, F7)
The picture on the right shows the club planting
up cress for school dinners. In addition, one
activity they particularly enjoyed involved
planting autumn pansies and spring bulbs. One of
our local residents enjoys making our wooden tubs
(shown bottom right). The clubs efforts really
help to improve the school environment and give
the children a true sense of belonging.
Miniature Garden Competition (1.1, 3.1, 5.2)
Each year the club have a Miniature Garden
competition. The children love this activity.
Also, it encourages them to think about the
layout of a garden where to position
greenhouses, compost bins etc.
Gardening Club Making our Wormery (1.1, 3.1,
5.2, F5)
Wildlife Club April 2006 (1.1, 3.1, 4.4, 4.5,
5.2, F7)
The Wildlife Club tends the wildlife area. We
have made feeders, put up boxes and have bought
items to attract all forms of wildlife to the
area. We were granted 150 by the PTFA with which
we purchased items on line from the RSPB. We have
contributed information to the BBC Spring watch
programme and hope to produce some information
boards for children to use to identify creatures
they may see in the area.
Links with our local community. Helping to
improve our Local area.
  • The Local Authority teamed up with the Parish
    Council to run a competition. The Parish Council
    wanted children to design a poster to put up in
    shops around Cottingham to encourage people to
    dispose of litter in the correct way. One of our
    pupils won the competition, his prize was 200
    for the school and an X Box and games for

Links with our local community. Helping to
improve our Local area. (2.1, 5.3)
  • The Parish Council wanted to put more Litter
    bins in the local area. Our School Council went
    on a litter walk around the estate that backs on
    to our school and decided where they thought the
    best place would be for a new bin. The views of
    our pupils were taken into consideration when
    positioning the new bin.

Year 5 visit to Flamborough
  • In Year 5 (2003) we undertook a study of the
    Yorkshire coastline including the area around
    Flamborough and Bridlington.

Recycling paper and plastic (1.1, 4.5, F5)
  • There are several paper recycling bins throughout
    school including one in each classroom. The
    School Council introduced the paper recycling
    bins in classrooms and are responsible for
    checking them on a daily basis to ensure that
    they are being used correctly. They decide which
    paper could be re-used in the classroom and put
    this in the scrap paper store. The remainder goes
    in the blue recycling bins that are collected by
    East Riding Council. Staff are also encouraged
    to recycle plastic bottles by using the recycling
    bin that is provided in the staffroom.

Re-cycling through composting (1.1, 3.1, 4.5, F5)
  • Children are encouraged to dispose of fruit
    scraps in the special bins provided. The bins
    were designed and painted by two pupils. The
    contents are put in the compost bin. The compost
    is used by our school gardening club. Our kitchen
    staff save any fruit scraps, vegetable peelings,
    egg shells etc to add to our compost. A small
    amount of shredded paper is also used for the
    compost. Used tea bags are collected from the
    staffroom are also added.

Re-cycling print cartridges
  • A company called Office Solutions provide us
    with some of our ink cartridges. We take part in
    their recycling service where they collect our
    cartridges and take them for recycling. Our
    account is then credited by a small amount as a
    way of encouraging us to use their recycling

We have moved from paper to electronic processes
in the following areas
  • Our ICT assessments are now done electronically
    using a Tablet PC
  • When working in the ICT Suite, children usually
    save their work in their own online folder rather
    than printing it out.
  • CPD course lists are viewed on the East Riding
    website rather than being printed out for staff.
  • TS1 Computerised pupil tracking and target
    setting mechanism.
  • Staff complete and access planning
  • Staff share resources by saving them into shared
    folders on the network where staff can access
    them. This saves printing paper copies off to
    pass on to each other. Staff can also access
    resources through weblinks on our school website.
  • Every class is equipped with an Interactive
    Whiteboard. This has reduced the number of
    resources that need photocopying.

We have moved from paper to electronic processes
in the following areas
  • School Office
  • All personnel forms and the majority of payroll
    forms are now submitted electronically
  • A weekly transfer of pupil data is completed via
    a secure website
  • All schools now transfer pupils admissions and
    leaver details via a secure website
  • Admissions to Primary and Secondary schools can
    now be completed on-line
  • All newsletters are placed onto the schools
    website for easy access for parents
  • The majority of consultation documents for staff
    to observe are placed on the staff shared area of
    the network

Walk to School Week October 2005 (2.4, 4.2, F4)
  • Children were encouraged to walk to school in one
    specific week. Those who travel longer distances
    by car, were encouraged to park a distance from
    school and travel the final part of their journey
    on foot. For each day that a child walked to
    school, they were able to write their name on a
    leaf and add it to our Greener Traffic Tree.
    The environmental issues behind this initiative
    were discussed with children throughout the week.
  • We are currently adding the final elements to our
    school travel plan. The documentation and parent
    questionnaires are available to view in the
    Heads office.

PSHCE (2.2, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.3)
  • Our school uses The Primary PSHCE Curriculum
    that has been developed by the East Riding School
    Improvement Service PSHCE Primary Group. We
    are using the most up to date version of this
    document which includes more substantial work on
    Citizenship and identifies a coherent SRE
    programme throughout Foundation, KS1 and KS2. The
    curriculum has been written by experienced
    practising teachers for teachers. The document is
    cross referenced to the DfES PSHCE framework and
    SCAA objectives for drug education, and QCA units
    of work. As a school we are evolving a more
    integrated, theme based approach to our teaching
    and learning and elements of PSHCE are often
    encompassed within this planning. However, we
    have kept PSHCE as a stand alone subject that has
    a timetabled weekly slot for each class in which
    they follow the Primary PSHCE Planning. This
    demonstrates the great importance that we place
    on this subject at Croxby. We feel that it is
    vital to follow a comprehensive PSHCE programme
    in order to prepare our children for the ever
    more complex world in which they live.

PSHCE (2.2, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.3)
  • As PSHCE Co-ordinator I have attended several
    CPD courses over the last 2 years which have
    enabled me to raise the profile of this subject
    and improve, even further, its provision at
    Croxby. I have run INSET for staff on PSHCE
    planning and have improved the monitoring of this
    subject by collecting in half-termly planning
    grids at the start of each half-term and examples
    of work at the end of each half-term. I have
    given presentations to governors on 2 occasions
    to keep them updated with the PSHCE work that is
    taking place in school, particularly in relation
    to our Healthy School Award and I have
    successfully completed the DfES Certification in
    PSHE. This has built my confidence and skills as
    PSHCE Co-ordinator and has enabled me to raise
    the profile of this subject and better support
    staff in its delivery. After completing recent
    training on the new QCA guidance for assessment
    in PSHCE I will be running an INSET session later
    this term on this subject. As a whole staff, we
    will look at all of the assessment options and
    put more formal assessment procedures in place
    that we feel will work for us.

Time Capsule 2000 (4.4)
  • As part of the Millennium celebrations, we buried
    a plastic box into which we placed work,
    information, illustrations and photographs to
    show future generations what life was like at
    Croxby in the year 2000.

A similar activity was carried out in 2006 when
the Parish Council provided every local School
with a Time Capsule to bury and a tree to plant.
Croxby Factor 2005. Helping future generations by
encouraging pupils to explore their talents and
skills in order to maximise their life chances.
Croxby Factor 2006. Croxby Factor has now become
an annual event. We have seen massive benefits to
pupils in terms of raising their confidence and
self esteem. (1.1)
Extended Visits (3.1)
  • Extended visits at Croxby began in the late 1970s
    and have been an unbroken tradition for Y6 to
    this day. They have provided many opportunities
    for social development and awareness. Places
    visited have included Cloughton, Bamburgh, North
    Wales and more recently Robinwood.

Year 6 Robinwood visit (1.1, 3.1)
The annual Year 6 residential visit to the
Robinwood Activity Centre provides children with
the opportunity to experience a range of outdoor
and indoor adventurous activities, including
archery, bouldering, canoeing, caving, climbing,
abseiling and orienteering. Through completing a
Moorland Challenge the children learn about the
countryside and how it can be looked after and
preserved. The trip gives the children the
opportunity to develop teamwork skills and
problem-solving skills and encourages them to
approach new experiences with confidence (the
centres philosophy is to challenge yourself).
The activities experienced often form the basis
of future interests and success.
Links with our Local community (2.1, 2.4, 4.4, F9)
  • Our Community Police Officer came to visit us to
  • Certificates to the children who successfully
  • the Lifestyle Award.
  • We have a very active PTFA who organise many
  • fundraising events throughout the year, the two
  • ones being the Summer Fair and the Christmas
    Fair, which
  • attract many people from our local community.
  • We produce a School Calendar each year which
  • sponsorship from local businesses we are
    currently negotiating
  • with local businesses for sponsorship of our
    school website.
  • We have developed excellent links with our local
    Sainsburys at
  • Jacksons store, who have involved us in their
    Active Kids scheme
  • Which has enabled us to benefit from a range of
    sporting equipment.
  • They have donated raffle prizes to us and been
    involved in our
  • sports day.

CROXBY SCHOOL COUNCIL (1.1, 2.1, 4.4, 4.5, 5.3,
  • Our School Council was established three years
    ago. Children who wish to be involved complete an
    application form which they then read to their
    classmates. Representatives from each class are
    then duly and democratically elected. The
    Reception children join the Council after one
    term in school.
  • Being on the School Council helps to prepare our
    pupils for their role as citizens of the future.
    Their main role is to identify their fellow
    pupils needs and expectations, which they then
    bring to the council meetings for discussion and
  • One of the first changes the Council made was to
    the toilets. The children requested for their
    toilets to have locks on the doors, air
    fresheners supplied and to be painted. A whole
    school vote took place to decide the colours and
    our caretaker undertook this work.

The Council represented their fellow pupils at
the opening of the memorial bench for our
Lollipop lady who sadly passed away.
CROXBY SCHOOL COUNCIL (1.1, 2.1, 4.4, 4.5, 5.3,
  • Another major request was for playtimes to be
    improved with three successive Councils working
    on this task. The improvements that we have seen
    include Huff and Puff where play equipment is
    available to children, games have been painted on
    the playground.
  • Following the completion of a new playground
    area we are now in a position to plan and develop
    a range of adventurous climbing equipment and
    games. The School Council will play a major part
    in the design of these activities. Major support
    will be received from the PTFA and local
    businesses. The work will take place during this
    academic year. We are currently working on the
    idea of children submitting their own
    video/Powerpoint presentation to secure funding
    for this equipment from a local bank.
  • Our School Council were instrumental in setting
    up our Healthy Tuck Shop. They collected data
    from all pupils to establish interest levels in
    this venture and in the initial stages they ran
    the Tuck shop. The Council are currently
    involved in producing an Anti-Bullying Policy
    that will be finalised in time to be launched
    during Anti-Bullying week in November.

Meeting our Chair of Governors
Creative Contexts (1.1, 3.1, 5.4, F7)
  • In 2001 the local authority began its creative
    arts initiative entitled Creative Contexts.
  • Its primary aim was to use the arts as a vehicle
    to enhance teaching and learning in schools and
    in doing so, to raise childrens attainment.
  • The authority asked schools to make a bid for a
    sum of money which they could use to finance
    their initiative.
  • At our school we felt that we would be able to
    achieve even more from our projects if more money
    was invested and therefore over the years the
    school has added a considerable amount of money
    to the fund.
  • From 2001 to 2005 we made successful bids to be a
    part of the Creative Contexts projects and the
    next few slides will detail some of the themes in
    which we have been involved.

Creative Contexts Katie Morag R/Y1/Y2 2001
We made a successful bid to be part of the
countys first Creative Contexts arts project. We
based our project in Key Stage 1 and took the
themes of Scotland and Katie Morag.
Musician Bob Pegg came to help us make music for
our Katie Morag production.
We used cardboard to sculpt characters from the
Katie Morag stories with sculptor Philip Cox.
The PTFA arranged a Scottish Ceilidh for the
children and their parents.
The children visited an exhibition of Philip
Coxs work at Beverley Art Gallery.
A Scottish piper came to play for us.
In Year 5 / 6 we chose the topic of Africa and
studied its geography, art, music and culture.
Creative contexts- Snuff Mill Lane Y 5 / 6
  • We took several walks onto Snuff Mill Lane to
    take photographs of and sketch scenes, plants,
    grasses and trees. A landscape artist then came
    in to demonstrate techniques and work with
    children on landscape paintings.

Australian Aboriginal Culture
The children that took part in this project are
now our current Year 6.
Creative Contexts Music R/Y1 April 2004
Children in Reception and Year 1 made their own
musical instruments with reclaimed materials.
They made a Musical Installation for the
outside play area.
Creative Contexts Mosaic R/Y1 2004
Reception and Year 1 children designed and made a
mosaic for the outside play area. The theme for
the mosaic was the four seasons.
As a progression from our Creative Contexts work
we had our first whole school Arts week in 2006.
All children took part and work was linked to all
other areas of the curriculum. The work was
displayed as an art gallery in the school hall.
The whole school had an opportunity to go and
look at it and families were invited in to view
our work too. This is to become an annual event.
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