The Dilemma of Pediatric Cochlear Implants: Parent Perspectives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Dilemma of Pediatric Cochlear Implants: Parent Perspectives


A mother of a 7-year old girl observed: 'I know my child is deaf, but her being ... A mother of an 8-year old implanted in 1996 said, 'There's four deaf children in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Dilemma of Pediatric Cochlear Implants: Parent Perspectives

The Dilemma of PediatricCochlear
ImplantsParent Perspectives
  • John B. Christiansen
  • Irene W. Leigh
  • Gallaudet University
  • Washington, DC

Two recent research projects with the goal of
understanding parent perceptions on a number of
issues, such as
  • How parents discovered their child was deaf and
    some of their reactions to this usually
    unexpected news.
  • What do parents do next?
  • Contact with deaf people pre-implant.
  • Some of the reasons why parents decided to get an
    implant for their child.
  • Perceptions of the relationship with health
    professionals and the cochlear implant center.

  • Perceptions of how their child is doing with the
  • Post-implant interventions Communication and

What is a cochlear implant?
(No Transcript)
What is a cochlear implant (cont)?
  • External parts Microphone, speech processor,
    transmitter, cords.
  • Internal parts Receiver, wire capable of
    electrical stimulation extending into the
  • Components meet above the ear where they are
    magnetically joined.
  • A CI is designed to do the job of the
    non-functioning hair cells in the cochlea and
    stimulate the auditory nerve fibers.

Candidates for a CI
  • Should be 12-18 months or older
  • Should have a severe to profound bilateral
    sensorineural hearing loss (90 decibel loss for
    children 70 decibel loss for adults)
  • Should receive little or no benefit from hearing

Candidates for a CI (cont)
  • Both the childs parents and, when appropriate,
    the child, should be highly motivated to develop
    speaking and listening skills.

Two research projects
  • GRI study (Spring 1999) 12-page questionnaire
    distributed to more than 1,800 parents of
    children with implants around the U.S.
  • Christiansen and Leigh study (Summer and Fall,
    1999) 56 interviews with parents of 62 children
    with implants (and 1 without) in 15 states and

GRI study
  • Subjects selected from the 1997-98 Annual Survey
    of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and Youth
    (and from several other sources).
  • 1,739 implanted children identified (out of
    48,564) not all currently using the implant (c.
    16 not using it) 102 others.
  • Program administrators were asked to forward the
    questionnaire to parents.
  • 439 questionnaires returned directly to GRI (out
    of 1,841 24 response rate).

Christiansen and Leigh study
  • Respondents selected from those returning the GRI
    questionnaire and several other sources.
  • Current (1999) age range 2 - 20 years. Age at
    implantation 15 months - 17 yrs.
  • Typical child about 4 years old at the time of
    the implant and has used the implant for about 4
  • See J. Christiansen and I. Leigh, Cochlear
    Implants in Children Ethics and Choices,
    Gallaudet U. Press, Dec. 2001.

Parent perceptions Some reactions of parents to
diagnosis (C/L study)
  • A huge loss, mad at the world, shocked,
    depressed, frustrated, a tragedy, sad,
    scared for what the future would bring,
    devastated, afraid, confused, a
    nightmare, the worst thing that had ever
    happened, in denial, and feeling the need to

Parent reactions (cont)
  • A mother recalled that, For the first month Ive
    got this new baby, and Im singing to him, Im
    telling him how much I love him, and Im doing
    all this stuff and it was sad to think he might
    not be hearing any of it. Later in the
    interview this mother said I needed to have a
    test done to confirm it for me, and once it was
    confirmed I admit I cried in the parking lot for
    a good half-hour afterwards....

What do parents do? Search- ing for answers (C/L
  • As one parent said The scariest part of it is
    that you dont know what youre supposed to do
    next. And no ones telling you there is no road
  • A mother of a 4-year old girl said I have a
    distant cousin who did a graduate degree at
    Gallaudet. Shes hearing....The first thing she
    said to us was, Dont trust anybody in this
    business. And she was right on the mark.

Searching for answers (cont)
  • Hearing aids, and learning to sign were common
    first steps for many parents.
  • A mother of a 5-year old boy recalls We were
    starving for information. We wanted to learn as
    much as we could. And they the audiologist
    gave us the names of some other people in the
    community who had recently had children diagnosed
    with deafness. And that was probably, for me,
    the most useful thing, other parents.

Searching for answers Initial contact with
health professionals (C/L study)
  • When trying to determine if their child was deaf,
    parents frequently complained about insensitive
    audiologists and, especially, pediatricians.

  • A mother of a 10-year old boy implanted at age 6
    said We suspected that there might have been a
    problem...when our son was maybe 4 or 5 months
    old. We noticed that he was not consistently
    responding to sounds. We were able to vacuum in
    his room when he was asleep, and it wouldnt wake
    him up....So we took him to the pediatrician and
    asked. The pediatrician snapped his fingers in
    front of our sons face and our son blinked.

  • Interviewer (seeking clarification) Snapped his
    fingers behind his head? Mother No, in front
    of his face. Interviewer (somewhat
    incredulous) In front of his face. Mother
    In front of his face....The pediatrician did
    not think there was a problem with our sons
    hearing. And, not wanting to believe that there
    was, we continued on for several more months.

  • overwhelmingly reported that the cochlear
    implant center did not pressure them into getting
    a cochlear implant for their child.

  • According to the father of a 2-year old boy
    implanted at 18 months The implant center
    would give us options and give us literature and
    then say, You make up your own mind.They
    wouldnt give us any real guidance at
    all....Handing my child over to a surgeon was
    probably one of the hardest things I ever had to
    do. And I dont know that they could have
    increased that doubt any more.

  • generally did not jump into the decision to get
    an implant for their child. Many parents went
    through a lot of soul searching before deciding
    to go ahead.
  • Reported a variety of reasons for getting the
    implant, such as safety, the opportunity to learn
    spoken language, and having more options in the

From the GRI study
  • Two main reasons for implantation
  • Ease in development and use of oral spoken
    language 52
  • Childs safety or environmental awareness 25

Reasons(C/L study)
  • A father of a 14-year old boy said It was not
    aplea to get an implant because we were
    desperate to have him speak. Mother If he
    could say I love you, that would be
    wonderful.I wasnt out to torture my child so I
    could have a hearing-speaking child.

Many parents
  • were quite unhappy with the perceived hostility
    from many people in the deaf community, and
    strongly object to anyone telling them what to do
    with their child.

  • A mother of a 7-year old girl implanted in 1996
    said I think it was a week before surgery and I
    got something fromthe deaf community. They sent
    me flyers of people that were against it and they
    kind of had pictures in there of kids that were
    all wrapped up and said that if I did that I
    would be a failure as a motherand that the
    doctor was just a neo-Nazi that was going to cut
    into the brain and make her Frankenstein.
  • But deaf community views have changed in recent

NAD Position paper (2000)
  • The NAD National Association of the Deaf
    recognizes all technological advancements with
    the potential to foster, enhance, and improve the
    quality of life for all deaf and hard of hearing
  • The NAD recognizes the rights of parents to make
    informed choices for their children

Many parents
  • still see their child as deaf after the implant.
  • A mother of a 7-year old girl observed I know
    my child is deaf, but her being deaf does not say
    thats who she is. Shes a child
    first....Deafness is a part of her, its not
    her....The implant doesnt fix the problem.
    The child is still a deaf child cause you take
    the implant off every day.

Recommended interventionsParent perspectives
  • Signing, especially signing with voice, is
    compatible with cochlear implantation. Many
    children with CIs sign after implantation, both
    at home and at school, and many parents feel that
    it is a vital part of their childs communication
    needs (along with speech and listening therapy).
  • Many children with implants are mainstreamed, but
    virtually all of these children continue to
    require services of some type, and some are not
    performing at grade level yet.

From the GRI study
  • Current mode of communication in school About ½
    speech only ½ sign or speech sign.
  • Classmate characteristics 32 only deaf
    classmates 30 only hearing classmates 38 both
    deaf and hearing classmates.

From the GRI study (cont)
  • Some examples of services the child currently
    receives in school (many receive multiple
  • Sign language interpreter 40
  • Teacher aide/assistant in the classroom 37
  • Closed or real-time captioning 24
  • Classroom amplification system 16
  • Oral interpreting 13
  • Note taker 11

From the GRI study (cont)
  • Parental evaluation of childs reading and
    mathematics skills compared to childs hearing
    peer group
  • Reading/reading readiness 59 judged by parents
    to be far behind or slightly behind hearing
  • Math or number handling 37 judged to be far
    behind or slightly behind.

Recommended interventionsParent perspectives
(C/L study)
  • A mother of an 8-year old implanted at age 5
    said I can never see her not being dependent on
    an interpreter. If shes in a big auditorium
    with people, or even if shes sitting in the
    front rowto catch all of it, shes gonna need
    sign language.

Recommended interventionsParent perspectives
  • A mother of an 8-year old implanted in 1996 said,
    Theres four deaf children in her classroom with
    20 hearing kids and what a neat thing that weve
    seen....She can communicate with her peers and
    they can talk to her. Its wonderful. And then
    when the teacher is up front lecturing she has
    the sign language interpreter so she knows
    exactly. You know, she can hear the teacher, but
    not good enough to catch everything.

Persistent parental involvement, especially in
IEPs, is crucial.
  • The mother of a 5-year old son implanted in 1996
    said Were in the middle of a little battle
    now....We want sign language....Socially hes
    lagging a little bit....Maybe he needs some
    social skills support group or some one-on-one
    play therapy. Thats what Im requesting
    now....They want to take away our sign language
    services...they wanted to take away all our

  • Interviewer They think he is doing just fine?
    Mother Right....The recommendation said no
    more direct services. Well call you in six
    months and see how hes doing. And I said,
    Nooooo way. No way. Father After all of
    the work wed done, do we want to see him now
    slide back?...We have both spent time in the
    classroom with him, just watching. And its
    clear that hes not...integrating into the
    classroom yet.

Looking back
  • According to the GRI study, 62 of the parents
    wish they could have gotten their child implanted
  • After the first year with the CI, 54 said they
    were very satisfied with their childs
  • At the present time, 67 said they were very
  • In the C/L study, most parents said the CI either
    met or exceeded their expectations.

  • Respondents in both the GRI study and,
    especially, in the Christiansen and Leigh study,
    are clearly skewed towards satisfied parents of
    CI children.
  • There is a great need to secure parent
    perceptions (as well as perceptions from the
    children themselves) from among those children
    who are not doing very well with the CI, or who
    have stopped using it entirely.
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