Application of Math in Real Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Application of Math in Real Life


... energy E (by 1 thousand ton TNT) =9*1020 g cm2/s2, E by atomic ... If E of the atomic bomb is approximate same as 10 thousand ton TNT, t 0.1, then p1 0.01. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Application of Math in Real Life

Application of Math in Real Life
  • Second Year Intermediate Seminar
  • Tao Hong
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • The Jhons Hopkins University

Model Construction
Model Improvement
  • Using the math as a useful tool, we can better
    understand complicated phenomena in our real
    life. The application of math includes model
    construction, model analysis and model
  • Several examples will be illustrated. Some of
    them are mature, others are immature, needed
    further study

1. Unit Analysis
  • When setting up the model, we first try to find a
    set of variables u, w1, w2, , wn to express
    the phenomena what we are interested in. For
    simplicity, assume that the variable the model
    want to determine is called u, and u can be
    expressed with a function f uf(w1, w2, , wn)
  • If we are only doing the pure math study, this
    function f can be chosen arbitrarily. However in
    reality, each variable has its own physical
    meanings, it has an unique unit. Here we just
    introduce how to take advantage of this
    characteristics in Unit Analysis

  • In classical mechanics, we usually use two kinds
    of basic unit sets CGS g, cm, s and SI kg, m,
    s. And unit of other physical quantities can be
    deduced from the product of these basic units.
    For example, the unit of the velocity is cm.s-1
    or m.s-1, that of the acceleration is cm.s-2
    or m.s-2
  • The change between different unit sets is ,in
    essence, the use of different calibrations during
    the measurement. Although the values will change,
    the phenomena is same. If we change CGS to SI,
    mass should time 10-3, length should time 10-2
    and energymasslength2time-2 should time 10 -7
  • In general, assume that the basic unit is L1, ,
    Lm. The unit of all variables u, w1, ,
    wn are the product of these basic units. For
    instance, if Z is a variable, the unit of Z can
    be expressed
  • for the special case, when all ai0, Z is
    dimensionless. The value of Z is unchanged during
    the change of different unit sets

  • Assume that the units of the variables w1, ...,
    wm are independent to each other, the units of
    wm1, , wn can be written as
  • And
  • We can construct the dimensionless combinations
  • So the original function f can also be expressed

  • Since p,p1,pn-m are all dimensionless and
    w1,wm are all independent, we can arbitrary
    change the scale of wi. It means that for all
    1im, we have
  • So the original function can be written as
  • This is called the p principle.
  • With the help of the application of the unit
    analysis, we will study the evolution of the
    radius of the atomic bomb after explosion.

The Air Shock of Atomic Bomb
  • Mushroom cloud formed by the explosion of atomic
  • (Truckee, June 9, 1962, Airdrop, 210kt)

The process of the explosion of first atomic bomb
within first one second
  • The process of atomic bomb explosion can be
    simplified as such a model that lots of energy
    has been produced at one point. Let the radius of
    the strong shock is R, which increases with the
    time. As we know, R is related to the time t, the
    produced energy E, the around air density ?0 and
    pressure P0. So
  • Let us observe their units
  • Rlength, ttime, Emasslength2tim
  • ?0masslength-3, P0masslength-1time-

  • It is easy to see that t, E and ?0 are
    independent to each other, so totally two
    dimensionless variables can be constructed as
  • According to p principle, we have
  • In CGS g cm s, ?0 1.2510-3 g/cm3, P0106
    g/cms2, the exhausted energy E is a very large
    number, produced energy E (by 1 thousand ton TNT)
    91020 gcm2/s2, E by atomic bomb blast should
    be much greater than that value. If E of the
    atomic bomb is approximate same as 10 thousand
    ton TNT, tF(p1) can be approximately expressed as F(0).
  • On the other hand, F(0) can be determined by
    little powder explosion. Combining this blast
    scaling law with the explosion picture, we can
    deduce E of the atomic bomb. Actually it had been
    known by G. I. Taylor in 1941, four year earlier
    than the explosion of first atomic bomb!!!

2. Fourier Transform
  • If f(x) is a complex function in the zone 0,
    2p, f(x) can be expressed as
  • Here
  • It is called Fourier series. Here we transform
    f(x) to a number array an, also from an we
    can also get the original complex function f(x)

  • If the complex function f(x) is defined in the
    whole real axis and we assume
  • We can define the Fourier Transform (FT) of f(x)
  • In fact, if we also get the inverse
    FT formula,

  • For the multi-variable function, we can also deal
    with one by one. For example, f (x, y) is
    two-variable function, we can first do FT for x
  • Then do FT for y
  • We also have inverse FT formula
  • Above all, if we know the original function f (x,
    y), we can deduce its FT function F(?,?). On the
    other hand, if we know the FT function F(?,?), we
    can also deduce its original function f (x, y)
    while using the inverse FT.

Image Reconstruction of Computer Tomography
  • Today computer tomography has been an important
    tool in medical field. It can be used to find
    some hidden illness which are difficult to be
    determined in the past.

  • In principle, CT technology is the combination of
    physics and math.
  • The absorb coefficient of different tissues in
    human body is different. Assume the absorb
    coefficient is a function f (x, y), the signal
    intensity when X-ray travels along a straight
    line L through the human body to the detector can
    be expressed as

  • If the straight line satisfies the equation
  • Let u is a parameter of straight line, then the
    parameter equation of straight line can be
    expressed as
  • So the signal the detector receives is
  • From the hardware structure of CT, we can
    physically measure the function p(f,v), so our
    task is to deduce the absorb coefficient function

  • We can first do FT for v
  • Next we do a variable transformation
  • Then we can get
  • Actually p(f,?) is FT polar coordinate expression
    of function f (x, y). So using inverse FT, we can
    get the absorb coefficient f (x, y)

3. Math in Road Traffic
  • The above two examples are relatively mature
    examples. Following we will give some immature
    examples, needed a lot for improvement
  • Traffic engineering mainly study the basic
    principles of the traffic system, devise and
    improve traffic network and control system.
    Actually, it has not reach such a satisfactory
    level that we can often encounter traffic jams in
    the road.

  • In one road, a basic function should be the
    relationship between the vehicle density and the
    maximum flux. Vehicle density is defined as the
    average number of cars in unit distance, maximum
    flux is defined as the uplimit of cars through
    one point in unit time. The plot of this function
    in traffic engineering is called basic plot.

Real data on the high way in Canada (each point
stands for the average value within 5 minutes)
  • Right plot is from real measurement result. Here
    every trajectory describes the motion of one car.
    We can clearly see the jam which is caused

Traffic Flow Model
  • The model suggested by Nagel and Schreckenberg
    has been applied to traffic flow using cellular
  • Cellular automata (CA) are models that are
    discrete in space, time and state variables.
  • To describe the state of a street using a CA, the
    street is first divided into cells. Each cell can
    now either be empty or occupied by exactly one
    car. Each vehicle is characterized by its current
    velocity v which can take the value of
    v0,1,2,vmax. Here vmax corresponds to a speed
    limit and is the same for all cars. A typical
    configuration of the road is shown in the
    following figure.
  • Now one need to specify rules that define the
    temporal evolution of a given state. It consists
    of 4 steps that have to applied at the same time
    to all cars

  • Step 1 acceleration
  • All cars that have not already reached the
    maximal velocity vmax accelerate by one unit v?
    v1. It describes the desire of the drivers to
    drive as far as possible (or allowed)
  • Step 2 safety distance
  • If a car has d empty cells in front of n
    and is its velocity v (after step1) larger then
    d, then it reduces the velocity to d v? min d,
    v. It encodes the interaction between the cars.
    Here interactions only occur to avoid accidents
  • Step 3 randomization
  • With probability p, the velocity is reduced
    by one unit (if v after step 2) v? v-1. It
    corresponds to many complex effects that play an
    important role in real traffic.
  • Step 4 driving
  • After steps 1-3 the new velocity vn for
    each car n has been determined forward by vn,
    cells xn? xnvn. All cars move according to
    their new velocity

One example Assume vmax2, p1/3
  • Status at time t
  • Acceleration
  • Safety distance
  • Randomization
  • Driving

  • Both of the plots are simulated by computer while
    applying the rules we discussed above
  • The left is the plot to describe spontaneous
    jams, the right is the basic plot. However there
    is no abrupt jump in the basic plot

  • If we modify this model, change the first
    acceleration step to such a rule (Slow-to-Start)
    for the standing car only one empty cell ahead,
    it will accelerate as possibility q, others keep
    same. Now the simulation plot can fit well the
    real data.
  • Even after correction the model can qualitatively
    describe the traffic, it can not fit the real
    data quantitatively.

4. Wealth, Bias Good Tendency Increase and Pareto
  • Now we discuss economic problems. From
    economists point, wealth increase is a typical
    bias good tendency increase model.
  • Assume there n people, ith people has ki wealth.
    Is the total wealth. The
    basic rules are set as following
  • 1. When the wealth increase one, the probability
    to be given to new people is 1-q the probability
    to the previous people is q. Here for simplicity,
    when the wealth increase 1, there will be a new
    people joining into the model.
  • 2. The probability that the increase wealth to be
    given to certain people is proportional to his
    (her) current wealth ki

  • Let p (k, i, s) is the probability that ith
    people has the wealth k when the total wealth
    increase s.
  • Initial condition
  • Boundary condition
  • It tell us that the probability that (ns)th
    people has one wealth is 1-q

  • The evolution equation of P (k , i, s) is
  • When the total wealth increase s, the number of
    people who have wealth are (1-q)sn. So the
    wealth stable density distribution is
  • From this equation, we can learn

  • Its deduced equation is
  • If k is changing continuously, the above equation
    can also be written as
  • The solution to this 1st order differential
    equation is
  • This density distribution is called Pareto

5. The fluctuation of stock price and Ising spin
  • The purpose of financial math is to make a
    finance market model to predict the intendancy of
    some finance problem
  • In 1900, Bachelier first use random change to
    make the model. He thought the price of up and
    down is caused by many independent random
    factors. According to the middle limit theorem,
    the distribution of price fluctuation should obey
    Gauss distribution. The famous Black-Scholes
    formula is based on this model
  • In 1953, Kendall first noticed that Gauss
    distribution did not fit well with the real
    financial data. For real financial data, the
    price fluctuation obeys Pareto distribution

(No Transcript)
  • For simplicity, assume we have one product, n
    people. We consider the Ising chain, a string of
    n neighbor spin sites. In each site, there is one
    spin direction, up (s1) or down (s-1).
  • Here direction of the spin stands for the
    transaction tendency. s1 for buying, s-1 for
    selling. We randomly choose two neighboring cells
    i, i1, the market price is determined as

  • If sisi11, si-1 and si2 are same as si (si1)
  • If sisi1-1, si-1 and si2 are chosen randomly
  • These two rules are called United we Stand,
    Divided we Act Randomly. People buy or sell
    product due to others action. They are called
    noise trader. If in whole market all of people
    are noise trader, there are two equilibrium
    parallel magnetic states. Actually these two
    states do not exist.

  • In reality, there are others called
    fundamentalist. They are rational traders, know
    the demand and provision of the market. If
    provisiondemand, he buy, and vice versa.
  • Let xt defined as the difference between
    provision and demand
  • The trade rule for fundamentalist is
  • If xt 0, the probability to sell is xt .
  • Since the attendance of fundamentalist, there
    is no stable state in the market, it is always
    changing. The computer simulation for this simple
    asset pricing model is got as

  • Left are Monte Carlo simulation results. Right
    are real the exchange ratio between US dollar and
    German Marks (Aug.9,1900 Aug 20, 1999)
  • The curve of price fluctuation
  • The distribution curve of price fluctuation

  • The core of application of math
  • Model construction, how to use the math
    language to
  • describe the phenomena
  • Unfortunately, the phenomena we observe in
  • are usually complicated, at least in surface.
    There are four
  • directions needed improvement
  • Many-body problem
  • Uncertainty
  • Multiscales
  • Computation
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