Title: Sailing New Zealand
1Sailing New Zealand
- Magalie Laniel
- Gaël Simon
2Kia Ora Gidday !!!
- Welcome to Ao-tea-roa, Land of the Long White
Cloud, commonly know as New Zealand.
3New Zealand in the World
New-Zealand is composed of two main islands
North Island and South Island and of a variety of
minor Island scattered around them in the Pacific
Ocean and in the Tasman Sea
5History Abel Tasman (1603 1659)
- Best known for his voyages of 1642 and 1644 for
the Dutch East India Company
6History Abel Tasman route
7History James Cook (1728- 1779)
"The land on the Sea-Coast is high with steep
cliffs, and back inland are very high
mountains...the face of the Country is of a hilly
surface and appeares to be cloathed with wood and
Verdure" Captain Cook's journal, 8th October
8History Cooks route
The first voyage (1768-1771) is shown in
red, second voyage in green (1772-1775), third
voyage (1776-1779) in blue.
9The Endeavour
The boat cook sailed during his voyages in the
Pacfic Ocean
11New Zealand Geography
- The two island have different geological origins
- The ecosystems and the ressources are thus very
different on each
- This country has the more important shoreline to
surface area ratio in the world
12North Island the volcanic one
- North Island is characterised by strong
geothermal and volcanic activity - It has a tropical climate and flora
13Northern tropical climate
- Fern Tree
- The emblem of New Zealand
14South Island Hills and Alps
- South Island is the tip of the Australian
tectonic plate rising above he pacific one. Its
geography is more similar to the american west
coast or the Alps
15Maori Natives of New Zealand
- Maoris represent 14 of New Zealand population
- Maori also is the countrys second language
- Art
- Wood and Bone carving
- Facial tatoos
17Maori navigation
- Voyaging canoe Waka Hourua
- First oceanic sailing multihulls
- Storage room for food and fresh water
18Maori navigation
19Maori navigation
20Maori Wars
- Canibalism
- Naval warfare
- Haka Dance
21Famous sailors from NZ
- Peter Blake (1994 world sailor of the year )
- Russel Coutts (1995, 2000 and 2003 AC)
- Mike Sanderson (VOR 2005, 2005 WSY)
22Mike Sanderson skipped Mari-Cha IV
- 145 footer carbon fiber ketch
- First monohull to sail more than 500 nm in 24
hours - Beating the worlds sailing records one after
23Mari-Cha IV