Nanotechnology Applications in Dairy Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nanotechnology Applications in Dairy Technology


CM of skim milk reconstituted from powder had an average diameter of 181 nm, ... self-assemble to form micrometre-long tubes with a diameter of only 20 nm. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Nanotechnology Applications in Dairy Technology

Nanotechnology Applications in Dairy Technology
Asli Emine ÖZEN 506062501
  • The term nanotechnology was first introduced
    by a Japanese engineer, Norio Taniguchi.
  • The term originally implied a new technology that
    went beyond controlling materials and engineering
    on the micrometer scale, which had dominated the
    twentieth century.

  • According to the National Nanotechnology
  • Nanotechnology is the understanding and control
    of matter at dimensions of roughly 1 to 100
    nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel
    applications. Encompassing nanoscale science,
    engineering and technology, nanotechnology
    involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and
    manipulating matter at this length scale.

(No Transcript)
Nanotechnology in the Food Industry
  • Food nanotechnology is a new approach for novel
    developments of food science and engineering.
  • The nanoscale control over food molecules may
    lead to the modification of many macroscale
    characteristics, such as the texture, taste and
    other sensory attributes.

More than 400 companies around the world today
are interested in nanotechnology research and
development and this number is expected to
increase to more than 1000 within the next 10
years. In terms of numbers, the USA leads,
followed by Japan, China, and the EU.
Nanofood market
  • Because of the complexity of modern
    multi-component food systems, food materials
    physical properties, such as phase behaviors,
    mechanical properties, and intermolecular
    interactions between food components at different
    length scales (nano-, micro-, and macro-scales)
    must be understood.

  • The definition of nanofood is that nanotechnology
    techniques or tools are used during cultivation,
    production, processing, or packaging of the food.
    It does not mean atomically modified food or food
    produced by nanomachines.
  • Nanotechnologists are more optimistic about the
    potential to change the existing system of food
    processing and to ensure the safety of food
    products, creating a healthy food culture.
  • They are also hopeful of enhancing the
    nutritional quality of food through selected
    additives and improvements to the way the body
    digests and absorbs food.

Food Packaging
  • Developing smart packaging to optimise product
    shelf-life has been the goal of many companies.
  • Nanotechnology can provide solutions for some
    problems in packaging sytems, for example
  • modifying the permeation behaviour,
  • increasing barrier properties (mechanical,
    thermal, chemical, and microbial),
  • improving mechanical properties,
  • heat-resistance properties,
  • developing active antimicrobic and antifungal
  • sensing as well as signalling microbiological and
    biochemical changes.

Food Processing
  • In addition to packaging, nanotechnology is
    already making an impact on the development of
    functional or interactive foods, which respond to
    the bodys requirements and can deliver nutrients
    more efficiently.
  • A key element in this sector is the development
    of nanocapsules that can be incorporated into
    food to deliver nutrients.
  • Other developments in food processing include the
    addition of nanoparticles to existing foods to
    enable increased absorption of nutrients.

  • The development of techniques to characterize
    food materials at the nanoscale is important and
  • Recently, two powerful techniques,
  • atomic force microscopy,
  • quartz crystal microbalance
  • have been applied to investigate nanostructures

Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
  • Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful tool
    for probing intermolecular interactions because
    it can resolve forces with piconewton sensitivity
    and has a spatial resolution of nanometer.
  • These features enable AFM to produce nanometer to
    micron scale images of topography, adhesion,
    friction, and compliance, and thus make AFM an
    essential characterization technique for fields
    from materials science to food science

Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)
  • Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) is based upon
    the piezoelectric effect. QCM is well established
    as a very sensitive mass-measuring device in both
    gas and liquid phases.
  • In QCM, an AC voltage is pulsed across an AT-cut
    piezoelectric quartz crystal, causing it to
    oscillate in shear mode at its resonant
  • The resonance frequency of the QCM electrode
    decreases linearly with the increase in the mass
    of the electrode due to the adsorption of some
    compounds, and the sensitivity of QCM is at the
    nanogram level.

Nanotechnological application in milk proteins
Casein micelle as a natural nano-capsular
vehicle for nutraceuticalsSemo E., Kesselman
E., Danino D., Livney Y. D. (2006)
  • The structure of CM is important for
  • their biological activity,
  • for their stability in milk and during
  • for the good digestibility of the nutrients
    comprising the micelles.
  • The micelles are very stable to processing, and
    retain their basic structural identity through
    most of these processes.

  • In this study vitamin D2 in calcium and phosphate
    utilization make it a prime candidate for
    enrichment of CM. Adsorption of vitamin D2, onto
    hydrophobic zones of the caseins, which tend to
    be found in the core of the micelle, would
    facilitate the enrichment of low-fat and fat free
    dairy and other food products with vitamin D2,
    while coagulation minimizing the effect of its
    incorporation on the functional behavior of the
    system during processing.

  • Casein micelles (CM) are in effect nano-capsules
    created by nature to deliver nutrients, such as
    calcium, phosphate and protein, to the neonate.
  • A novel approach is to harness CM, for
    nano-encapsulation and stabilization of
    hydrophobic nutraceutical substances for
    enrichment of non-fat or low-fat food products.
  • Such nano-capsules may be incorporated in dairy
    products without modifying their sensory

Particla size measurement
  • The CM without vitamin D2 had average diameters
    of 147 nm with vitamin D2 156 nm
  • Size distribution in both cases ranged from about
    30 to 530 nm.
  • CM of skim milk reconstituted from powder had an
    average diameter of 181 nm, which is slightly
    larger, but their size distribution was not much
  • The normal size range of CM in milk is 50500 nm,
    and the average is 150 nm.

Applying UV light
  • It is seen that at the concentrations of the
    caseinate and vitamin D2 was present in the CM
    suspension, caseinate, being a protein with
    aromatic side groups and double bonds, absorbs
    significantly more UV light than does vitamin D2.
  • These data support the conclusion drawn for the
    protective effect that CM have over vitamin D2 in
    and around them.

  • CM were shown to serve as potential nano-vehicles
    for added nutraceuticals such as the fat-soluble
    vitamin D2 as a model for hydrophobic bioactive
  • This study, therefore, demonstrated that CM can
    be used for nano-encapsulation of hydrophobic
    nutraceutical substances for potential enrichment
    of low- or non-fat food products.

Unique milk protein based nanotubes Food and
nanotechnology meet J.F. Graveland-Bikkera, and
C.G. de Kruifa (2006)
  • Partial hydrolysis of the milk protein
    a-lactalbumin by a protease from Bacillus
    licheniformis results in building blocks, which
    self-assemble into nanometer-sized tubular
    structures at appropriate conditions.
  • These nanostructures promise various
    applications in food, nanomedicine and
    nanotechnology. Important aspects for application
    of a-lactalbumin nanotubes are the formation
    conditions and nanotube stability.
  • This paper reviews the stability and possible
    applications of a-lactalbumin nanotubes.

  • The a-lactalbumin nanotube is unique in the sense
    that it is the only food protein nanotube.
  • It is the only artificial nanotube made of almost
    complete proteins.

  • Nanotubes made of a-lactalbumin are formed by
    self-assembly of the partially hydrolysed
    molecule. Hydrolysis is needed to make the
    a-lactalbumin prone to self-assembly.
  • At neutral pH and in presence of an appropriate
    cation, these protein self-assemble to form
    micrometre-long tubes with a diameter of only 20

  • Only at specific conditions tubular structures
    are obtained by self-assembly of the hydrolysis
    products of a-lactalbumin.
  • The minimum concentration to form nanotubes of
    a-lactalbumin is 20 g/l
  • The presence of a suitable ion. Various di- and
    trivalent ions like Ca2, Mn2, Zn 2, Cu2 and
    Al 3
  • In addition to the specific type of ion that
    should be used, nanotubes can only be formed
    within a rather narrow ion concentration window.
  • a-lactalbumin nanotubes can be formed at molar
    ion/ a-lactalbumin ratio between 1 and 3.

  • Stability of the a-lactalbumin nanotubes under a
    variety of conditions in an important issue.
  • The a-lactalbumin nanotubes could withstand some
    important treatments in industrial manufacturing
    processes and applications.

  • They withstand conditions similar to a
    pasteurisation step (40 s-72?C).
  • The nanotubes also withstood a freeze-drying

Potential applications of a-lactalbumin nanotubes
in food and pharma
  • New ingredients will be made by using
    nanostructured materials.
  • The a-lactalbumin nanotubes certainly do have a
    number of characteristics, which makes them
    suitable for nanotechnological applications.
  • In particular, these characteristics are their
    high aspect ratio, their relative stiffness,
    their nanometre-sized cavity and the ability of
    controlled degradation.

  • Using the a-lactalbumin nanotubes would provide
    an alternative thickener, with a high protein
    density, in addition, a-lactalbumin has some
    important functional properties.

  • The gels made of a-lactalbumin nanotubes are
    strong gels, compared to other protein gels at
    equal concentrations.
  • Therefore, the nanotubes could serve as a
    gelation agent. Besides the fact that the gel is
    strong, it has some additional properties.
  • The gel formation is reversible, which can be a
    desirable characteristic for a particular
  • The gel is transparent, which can be a desired
    characteristic as well.
  • Because the a-lactalbumin nanotubes can be
    disassembled in a controllable way, for example
    by changing the pH to acidic values, the gel
    structure can easily be broken down by the same
  • All these properties of the gel, provides a novel
    gelation agent with novel functional properties.

  • The most special feature of the a-lactalbumin
    nanotube is perhaps its cavity. The a-lactalbumin
    nanotubes could well serve as vehicles for drugs
    or other encapsulated molecules, such as for
    example vitamins and enzymes, or protect or mask
    encapsulated compounds.
  • Some examples on the nanoscale are lipid based
    capsules or liposomes, virus protein cages or
  • The features of the a-lactalbumin nanotube make
    it an interesting potential encapsulating agent,
    like the 8-nm cavity and the controlled

  • Because a-lactalbumin is a milk protein, it will
    be fairly easy to apply the nanotubes in foods or
    pharmaceutics. In general, protein hydrolysis
    increases the digestibility of protein.
    Furthermore, a-lactalbumin has important

  • CM can be used for nano-encapsulation of
    hydrophobic nutraceutical substances for
    potential enrichment of low- or non-fat food
  • The a-lactalbumin nanotubes show that it is
    possible to create interesting nanostructures
    based on food proteins.

  • Nanotechnology should be helped to design of more
    complex macroscopic structures using
    nanometerscale building blocks.
  • Although the practical application of such
    technology is far into the future, it is expected
    that this could allow a more efficient and
    sustainable food production process to be
    developed where less raw materials are consumed
    and food of a higher nutritional quality is

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