Title: Population Genetics
1Population Genetics
2What is Population Genetics
- Population genetics is the study of the
differences in alleles and genotypes within the
gene pool, and how this causes variation changes
from one generation to the next. - Population genetics explains how genetic
mutations lead to speciation.
3Population Genetics
- Population genetics asks what happens when a new
allele or an increased number of an old allele
move into a population. - New allele an individual with black hair enters
the population and breeds with the rest. How
does this change the population? - Old allele a bunch of blonde haired people move
into the population. How does this change the
4Gene Pool
- The collection of all the alleles of all of the
genes found within a freely interbreeding
population is known as the gene pool of the
population. - Each member of the population receives its
alleles from other members of the gene pool (its
parents) and passes them on to other members of
the gene pool (its offspring). - What is an allele?
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15- The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Equation describes
and predicts a balanced equilibrium in the
frequencies of alleles and genotypes within a
freely interbreeding population. - (p² 2pq q² 1)
- For a trait controlled by a pair of alleles (A
and a). - p is defined as the frequency of the dominant
allele - q as the frequency of the recessive allele
- In other words, p equals all of the alleles in
individuals who are homozygous dominant (AA) and
half of the alleles in people who are
heterozygous (Aa) for this trait in a population.
16Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
- The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Equation assumes
the following - A large population size
- No mutation
- No genetic drift
- No natural selection
- No gene flow between populations
- Random mating patterns.
17Hardy Weinberg
- Factors influencing the genetic diversity within
a gene pool include - population size
- Mutation
- genetic drift
- natural selection
- environmental diversity
- migration
- non-random mating patterns.
- Variations are the phenotypic expression of the
different alleles in a population. - Mutations are the genetic changes in alleles that
lead to variations. - Genetic diversity is another way of referring to
the gene pool.
19Speciation Mechanisms
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21Natural Selection
- Natural selection states that those individuals
best adapted to their environment will survive
and reproduce. - The population will then reflect the fittest
individuals within the population.
22Natural Selection Concepts
- Fitness
- Stabilizing selection
- Disruptive selection
- Directional selection
- The theory of natural selection relies on the
concept of fitness. - Fitness is measured by the number of offspring
that an individual has that survive and
reproduce. - The greater the percentage of offspring that you
contribute to the population, the higher your
fitness score and the more the population will
reflect you.
24Stabilizing Selection
- Stabilizing selection favors the norm, the
common, average traits in a population.
25Example of Stabilizing Selection
- Look at the Siberian Husky, a dog bred for
working in the snow. - The Siberian Husky is a medium dog, males
weighing 16-27kg (35-60lbs). - These dogs have strong pectoral and leg muscles,
allowing it to move through dense snow. - The Siberian Husky is well designed for working
in the snow.
26Example of Stabilizing Selection
- If the Siberian Husky had heavier muscles, it
would sink deeper into the snow, so they would
move slower or would sink and get stuck in the
snow. - Yet if the Siberian Husky had lighter muscles, it
would not be strong enough to pull sleds and
equipment, so the dog would have little value as
a working dog. - So stabilizing selection has chosen a norm for
the the size of the Siberian Husky.
27Directional Selection
- Directional selection favors those individuals
who have extreme variations in traits within a
28Directional Selection
- A useful example can be found in the breeding of
the greyhound dog. - Early breeders were interested in dog with the
greatest speed. - They carefully selected from a group of hounds
those who ran the fastest. - From their offspring, the greyhound breeders
again selected those dogs who ran the fastest. - By continuing this selection for those dogs who
ran faster than most of the hound dog population,
they gradually produced a dog who could run up to
64km/h (40mph).
29Disruptive Selection
- Disruptive selection, like directional selection,
favors the extremes traits in a population.
30What is Gene flow
Gene flow is the transfer of genetic material
between different populations of the same
species. Gene flow is a fancy name for
migration. When an organism emigrates from the
rest of the population it takes its genes with
it, decreasing the gene pool and the genetic
diversity of the population. When an organism
immigrates into a population it adds genes to the
population, increasing the genetic diversity.
31Allele Frequency Review
- Example
- Brown hair (B) allele is dominant over blonde
hair (b) allele. - In a normal population with normal allelic
frequencies, what percentage of the population
would have - B allele
- b allele
- Brown hair
- Blonde hair
- Brown hair but carry the blonde hair gene
32Allele Frequency
- B allele50
- b allele50
- Brown hair75
- Blonde hair25
- Heterozygotes (have both the B and b allele)50
of the 75 with brown hair
33How Does Gene Flow Occur
- Gene flow results from the movement of
individuals (migration) or their gametes (sexual
or asexual reproduction).
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35Gene Flow Prevents Speciation
- In other words, if gene flow occurs between
populations, speciation will not occur. - Why?
36Gene Flow and Speciation
- Gene flow connects populations of a species. It
can cause two populations to share genes enabling
them to evolve collectively (as a unit). - Would speciation occur in a population with
constant gene flow?
- Reductions in gene flow may lead to speciation.
- Why?
38Allele Frequencies
- Gene flow may add new alleles to a population or
change the frequencies of alleles already
present. - What does this mean?
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40Allopatric (Geographic) Isolation
- Allopatric isolation means that a population
becomes geographically isolated from the original
population. - In order for speciation to occur a population
must become genetically isolated from the
original population. - The gene pool is reduced because of lack of gene
flow. - An individual with different alleles that might
never have the highest fitness in the larger
population now has the highest fitness in the new
population. - How is Vail High School an example of allopatric
41Sympatric Isolation
- Sympatric isolation occurs when two populations
are not separated by geography but still will not
interbreed. - Generally it is believed that allopatric
(geographical) isolation leads to speciation but
sympatric isolation keeps the two species
separated. - Types of sympatric isolation include
- Temporal
- Behavioral
42Temporal Isolation
- Temporal isolation is a form of sympatric
isolation fertilization because the two different
species reproduce at different times. - The time periods could differ simply by hours, or
by seasons. - If one species reproduces in the spring, while
the other reproduces in the fall, the two species
arent able to breed.
43Behavioral Isolation
- An isolating mechanism in which two species do
not mate because of differences in courtship
behavior. - Therefore the two species do not recognize each
other as possible mates even though they could
physically reproduce.
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45Genetic Drift
- Once populations are geographically isolated into
small populations, small changes in alleles can
greatly change a population.
46Genetic Drift
- In natural populations, however, the genetic
composition of a population's gene pool may
change over time. - Mutation is the primary source of new alleles in
a gene pool, but the other factors act to
increase or decrease the occurrence of alleles. - Genetic drift occurs as the result of random
fluctuations in the transfer of alleles from one
generation to the next, especially in small
populations formed, say, as the result adverse
environmental conditions (the bottleneck effect)
or the geographical separation of a subset of the
population (the founder effect).
- Population bottlenecks occur when a populations
size is reduced for at least one generation. - Because genetic drift acts more quickly to reduce
genetic variation in small populations,
undergoing a bottleneck can reduce a populations
genetic variation by a lot, even if the
bottleneck doesnt last for very many
- Reduced genetic variation means that the
population may not be able to adapt to new
selection pressures, such as climatic change or a
shift in available resources, because the genetic
variation that selection would act on may have
already drifted out of the population.
50Bottleneck Example
- Northern elephant seals have reduced genetic
variation probably because of a population
bottleneck humans inflicted on them in the 1890s.
- Hunting reduced their population size to as few
as 20 individuals at the end of the 19th century. - Their population has since rebounded to over
30,000but their genes still carry the marks of
this bottleneck they have much less genetic
variation than a population of southern elephant
seals that was not so intensely hunted
51Founder Effect
- A founder effect occurs when a new colony is
started by a few members of the original
population. - This small population size means that the colony
may have - reduced genetic variation from the original
population. - a non-random sample of the genes in the original
52Founder Effect Example
- For example, the Afrikaner population of Dutch
settlers in South Africa is descended mainly from
a few colonists. - Today, the Afrikaner population has an unusually
high frequency of the gene that causes
Huntingtons disease, because those original
Dutch colonists just happened to carry that gene
with unusually high frequency. - This effect is easy to recognize in genetic
diseases, but of course, the frequencies of all
sorts of genes are affected by founder events.
- The result of genetic drift tends to be a
reduction in the variation within the population,
and an increase in the divergence between
populations. - Usually this will cause populations to go
extinct. - If two populations of a given species survive and
become genetically distinct enough that they can
no longer interbreed, they are regarded as new
species (a process called speciation).
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- www.eeob.iastate.edu/classes/Biol304/docs/Biol203
0420Genetic20Diversity.pdf - www3.botany.ubc.ca/rieseberglab/plantevol/migratio
nKHJan8.ppt - http//users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyP
ages/E/Evolution.html - http//www.le.ac.uk/ge/genie/vgec/he/population.ht
ml - http//evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/evo101/IIID3